yesterday sushi dinner with sis she commented that my mole above my right side of the lip is growing bigger.
o.O -stun tio-
win already lor. sooner or later i going to become some moley woman.
HAHAHAHA. ok fine.
i insist it is MEI REN ZHI ok!!!
anyone who dares say otherwise....i kick you to china! (accompany meow study chinese there)
monz and i under the xmas tree at vivo...long long ago.
ok. so im screwed. i feel screwed. let's hope i survive this sem. i feel like there's something waiting to pounce on me..out of nowhere. you know...like walking under this bunch of trees in the woods and knowing that some idiotic bird will come shit on you...just that you dunno when.
i slept till 1pm plus today. i'm like the SUPER SLEEPER.
someone boliao called me around 6plus in the MORNING. ARE YOU THAT PERSON?
wtf. home number, and i don't have that number also. so it has to be someone damn bo liao lah. anyway, i didn't call back. so if it's you, whoever you are, call me back at a EARTHY time. thanks.
i've got my tailored jacket from mama. woots. expensive seh. but well, investment ya? i'm going sleek rugged. it's ironic i know, and it's totally contradicting, but possible. HEHE.
but i need more...girly blouses. (don't smack me)
i better start omphing for a ride to tuition tml after school. my omphs take pretty long to come true mans. damn tiring lah.
it all ends tonight. i'm falling in love with that song.
now now, don't you all come staring at my face to see my mei ren zhi ok. :)
i'm outta here.
darkness has turned to light, and everything has ended tonight.
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