wednesday, thursday and friday were hockey chalet days. went there later cos' of tuition. wanyi was really nice to send me to boon lay mrt station in her cute van while we chatted about random things. she's so agreeable(this sounds so mansfield park classic style) that i really enjoyed her company. -smiles-
and from there samsam was nicer to pick me up and send me to pasir ris mrt station without a single complain. tsktsk. i'm blessed indeed. -grins- and so, chatted somemore. happy ah~

met them there and headed for suppperrrr!! geez. the backseat was FREAKING squashed can. my butt took like 1/4 of ONE seat. there were THREE seats, and yarn and fangz occupied like TWO of them, while paula and i had to take turns getting comfy on our pathetic ONE seat. tsktsk. but it was damn hilarious lah.

well, it's FATS-SOLUBLE afterall. HAHAHAHA.

so everything became a blur. even forgot that i slpt under turk's butt that night. gross.

but all was good by 2pm. puked uncountable times. i think the toilet bowl is my best friend. it's fucking funny to recall the crazy times during chalet. can't stop laughing. TOV. clogged sinks. ex-pukes. vomit blanket. pole dance. so much. can't be bothered to write everything.
i'll post more pics in the next entry plus more updates on happenings recently. blogger is not responding to my uploads somehow.
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