somehow it's just so difficult once i have that spare time.
i don't want to think.
christmas is almost here.
the flashing blinking lights.
pretty and sparkling decorations.
i wish singapore would snow.
then it would coincide with my heart.
it's hard to tell how i feel sometimes.
warm and cool.
hot and cold.
steaming and freezing.
it's much better not to feel.
heard some good news today at the centre.
heh. =)
apparently that cute p1 kid i've been teaching wants me to teach him again next yr.
and both the parents and him wants that!
finally im of some good use.
principal and vice are happy about that. lol. they say the students like me.
which is of cos' good news.
i guess i should be glad i have a job.
oh well, meow, i think i should be getting that sweater soon! =D
and yes, i love you. but you must love me too.
i've got my blackies. finally wenta get a bottle of basecoat cos' that bottle of black nail polish is collecting dust at home. got my sista to help me with it! woots! FOC. can save $8. phew.
now my hands have higher aesthestic value.
ate dinner with my parents after tuitioning half the day away. hmmmm.
didn't get to meet the ocip peeps. =(
i hope there'll be another outing soon man.
more more meet ups with more more people i miss badly!
it's exercise, tan and shopping with monz tml! I CANNOT WAIT I SWEAR.
it's been agesssss since i saw her.
geez, even if she's my curse.
give me snow.
give me love.
give me the night.
give me stars.
give me moon river.
give me lavender.
fairytale in paris.
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