friday, tutored. met fatbear after work to go over to his place to eat dinner. watched another 2 episodes of AI JIU ZHAI YI QI!!!
i know fatbear will back to differ, but yea, i can't help it.
-up down eyebrows-
on the way to tuition. was waiting for bus...about 10 minutes already. then my papa called me on my handphone. and he told me to come back to the carpark to wait for him cos' he'll be driving over to my tutee's neighbourhood to get some stuff done.
so, another free ride! i've been getting a couple free rides from him recently. save alot of my bus fares!!! damn broke now please.
so, i'm back at the carpark. waiting for papa to come downstairs. another number this time. my pink sneakers!
ya, i was damn bored ok.
at fatbear's. after dinner and washing my hands, i decided to leave behind some imprint on his tee shirt HAHAHAHAHAH.
ya, i know i'm damn childish, but it's only moments of such behavior lor. most of the time i'm not like that. sigh.
my last day of work at VE. Hboss and Pboss asked me to stay. and LF wanted me to stay cos' he says he'll miss me working with him on saturday nights.
but fatbear insists that i quit. so HAI, quit, i did. lol. no point getting into a fight because of this topic.
that's LF by the way. i'll definitely miss the privilege of renting free dvds and vcds. i'll miss talking to some of the regulars there. i'll miss knowing every single thing there is to know. i'll miss browsing through films and finding out what's my favourite few. i'll miss the people there, even if i meet annoying people. i'll miss the bosses and LF and those whom i've worked with.
this place has taught me many things about life, about people and about myself.
but it's come to a point, after 1 year stint, that i don't feel that i'm learning anything at all. i know everything there is to be known for a part-timer like me, and even more. i learn too quickly and i get tired easily. i'm doing MORE than what i'm getting paid. i'm doing what my bosses should be doing. but oh well, i'm happy the way it is now.
so byebye, i'll miss VE, but i'm looking forward to what is coming to me. (:
sunday, headed over to EXPO at changi for the robinson's sale. huge shits. but didn't see anything so cheap i wanted to buy. bought a few tidbits and they weren't like dirt cheap or anything. i think the sale has been overrated. tsk!
browsed around for so long. time flew by. had a mini tiff with fatbear. all's well. SIGH. back on the car on the way back to his place.
his mini eyes. my very tired me.
he changed and we headed out again. fatbear's friend's birthday celebration. KL. ate at sushi tei at takashimaya. the food was alright. i think the ambience was a little too noisy and cluttered to feel comfortable enough. the place was bustling with activity as usual.
i ate sashima! ya, i mean i NEVER eat raw fish, but well, the sashimi tasted really not bad afterall. so, i approve of it now. =X
i feel so fat. ate too much.
after many undecided minds and a million minutes of discussions later, AND changing locations twice, we finally arrived at some pub to chill out. played games and drank beer. SIGH. i hate beer.
gonna go gym this week again to burn it off and unclog arteries. have to settle mcneil's persuasive speech and begin on commemorative if possible.
time is flying too quickly for me to think and evaluate my path. it's gonna be finals soon, and...i'm out of school and alone to fend for myself.
i cannot say this weekend is the best, because frankly, i don't feel that happy. there are so many things i want to talk about, to write about, but this blog is perhaps not the best outlet.
i wonder, if i keep thinking positive and waiting for the dreams to come to me,
am i deluding myself?
or am i welcoming the parallel thoughts to my life?
i don't know what makes me happy anymore.
i'm sorry for being a sourpot.
thank you fatbear for being there for me. we must work hard together.
now i know what it means...when people say "ignorance is bliss".
it is possible that phrase holds true.