i saw this on sim portal while i was checking all the long-due msges while i was gone from singapore. i came upon this notice, which i thought was really...idiotically...________<--fill in the blanks yourself.
i seriously have no idea who they were trying to target, but apparently someone in sim/ub is feeling victimized over internet flaming. wah lau why got so scandalous and jing bao things i have no idea about. lol. anyways, quite retarded lah, although i know they are trying to protect the victim. good try.
whee the cooling pad aka balcony for my computer is working fine.
met roy around 12 plus because he was slightly late. rotted at sans bookshop looking through lameshit self-help books which i am tempted to buy and read because i wanna know how they function. lol. which i didn't. he arrived, and we ate budget because of broke-ness at LJS.
then was nua-ing and chitchat. then went for a walk while chatting AGAIN. then nua at starbucks. him with his fruit juice. me with sinful hazelnut hot chocolate. nothing beats max brenners still.
remember that picture of the bubble tea i took in guang zhou RBT restaurant in my recent previous post? that tea was named lavender bubble tea. i tell you, the fact that i love lavender is one thing. the fact that i can SMELL and TASTE lavender is another thing. intoxicating. loves. and i can never find it anywhere else. minus like tealeaves lavender lah.
ok sidetracked. zzz.
roy went for his slingers game at indoor because he had free tickets from friends. i met abs around 6plus close to 7pm for her xmas shopping. nehneh and her nehs arrived later. and she wenta grab her meal at starbucks(again zzz) before walking rather aimlessly around gathering abs stuff. then to candy empire for mz.
HAHAHAH. gift exchanged. ehhh, i suddenly feel that mine is most practical. LOL LAH. ok fine, abs i think ur pen is cute. zzz. nipples seh. love it thanks! -ULTRA BIG HUG- rise from your "bottom" soon ok!!!
mz and her voodoo. zzz. later karma then u know.
nehneh and the fortune bottle. OK LAH. i will use it. BUT LATE THAT TIME I WUN. hahahaha.
love all of it. whee!!!
home by bus. had to take bus-ful of prcs, i think. because they alighted at nus hostel bus stop. and they were carrying pillows, hugeass pails, hangers and detergent packets in "giant" plastic bags. and singaporeans students usually are more "glam" and don't carry these bags like their prized possessions. i had around 10 of them surrounding my seat. damn.
dozed abit. damn tired. gonna try stay away from vivo for a while. grrr.
managed to read a few pages of my book which i bought like..........2 semesters ago. ULTRA ZZZ. fuck lah. i shall stay home to complete it before tuition tml. boohoo. new class; let's hope it's tolerable and good to teach. EARN MONEY JIELIN!!!!

dear santa, i've been good this year and did decently well for my exams. please drop this snowflake diamond studs from the sky FOR ME. tiff & co. thank you. love, jielin.
why did you mention me in your conversation?
there was no reason to.
and you had it all wrong.
i wonder why you said that.
but it's all in the past. who cares?
the answers will return to me one day.
abbas is dating me for xmas! HAHAHA. okkkk, because both of us are free. and you know our dates aren't DATES. damn i love my buddies.
and ocip actually had a dinner today. grrr. but APPARENTLY MSG WASN'T PASSED TO ME. if it's lx then nvm, not her fault. but if it's YOU, then YOU die.
grrrrrr. so pissed. nvm, will have our new yr's eve and countdown at zw's house with ocip peeps! so eggciting!!!! omgg.
ok, that's the update for now! tataaa.
note to self: you're back. but i'm sure you aren't what i want now.
note to self again: my silent cries for _____ have been answered. thankful.
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