those who have good lobangs please tell me. i'm tired of teaching, although i met a few of my students today, and it was very heartwarming indeed.
met the 3 of them in orchard after lessons. I WAS THE EARLIEST OMGOMGGG. hahaha.
ate at heerens; the popular wanton mee stall. omggg. it's lovely. the fried dumplings! damn long since i ate back in sajc.
then was desert time at esplanade max brenner! hahaha. died from sinful chocolate overdose.
they are both damn high from the choco intoxication.
I SWEAR THIS IS THE BEST DRINK EVER. i mean, it beats whiskey hands down! starbursts immediately! we had it "extra thick" with special order to the waitress. LOL. sibei zai......i experienced orgasm straight away. -swoons-
more picture taking. ahh! the flame is hypnotising. HAHAHA.
haoz is deliriously happy lah. buey tahan. HAHAHA bottom left picture is classic. I LIKEEEE. and yes, they are gay.
they were taking us, so we retaliated by taking them! it was uber huge headshots lah. BUT ZIHAO WENT TO DELETE ALL. grrr.
headed to esplanade rooftop for more picc taking. the wind was fabulous. and bishi had on her smelly scarf. that smelled like sweat and i refused to sniff, but the 2 guys kept sniffing it. gross. HAHAHAHAHA.
they are happy people.
series of shots again. we are superheros!
taking turnsss.
top left: yes we are doing "robot dance". LOLOL. dman wtfff.
top right: haoz got rejected by gene for making out session.
bottom left: haoz got permission.
bottom right: groping gene's butt!
haoz and his "3 layers of fats".
gene and haoz and their matching crumplers.
my outcast. okkk. that's all for now. shagged.
anyway, as i was typing this, some small lizard dropped from the ceiling onto my left shoulder. ZZZ. i thought it was a fly cos' it's damn dark now and i'm damn groggy. so i merely flicked my tee to get the "fly" off. WTFKNNCCB.
a lizard dropped onto a floor and scampered off. knn i'm traumatised but too tired to even scream. HAHAHA. forget it. don't let me see it again.
sighh. cannot believe i'm leaving so soon. might drop another entry before i leave. i'll msg or call other people to my discretion. lol. i've not yet even started packing. and i'm due to fly off in...about 48 hours time. zzzz. so much to do. arghhs. aching all over.
just recalled yesterday i helped this trio of angmohs guide their way to hawparvilla. took the same bus home as they did mahs. lol. language barrier mans. but they were kind enough to say bye and wave thanks.
byebye. time to sleep.
and i'm determined to slim down. i hate my reflection. i'm sick. indigestion mans. i hate this feeling. i should stop eating altogether.
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