slept on the stupid plane which had great leg space because we were sitting next to the emergency exit. HAHAHAHA. the sacrifice eh? =D beside me was a bear-sized man who appeared as a comfy pillow in my sleep-deprived state. dozed off a couple of times which resulted in twisted neck. grrr.
arrived at hk! look at the busy streets! geeee. the air is dusty. and it wasn't cold at all. disappointed.
in case you were wondering, we were checking the map to navigate. zzz. i hate this part mans. luckily mtr made things so much easier. BUT their train subways are damn freaking bloody long. it never seems to end cannnnn. walk until i peng. hahaha.
lazy to pose lah.
gonna take the mtr!
arrived at nu ren jie aka women's market. another huge disappointment. nothing exciting. gee.
aren't the streets cluttered and messy? my sis was in a extreme culture shock. i was coping WELL, but still masking my disgust. i guess i miss singapore's streets in a way. and i expected it to be chilly--which was another false hope. =(
walked to temple street. yes first day we walked EVERYWHERE from mtr station to another. never take train at all. i tell you, my toes went numb.
now i've taken pics at the REAL paris effiel and the FAKE one. HAHAHAH. ohwells.
i'm so rich i have this car. and it's parked in a shopping center =(
avenue of stars! man the wind was very strong. look at my messy hair! =(
fringe-less me looks terrible. so i had to cover my stupid high forehead.
it's cecilia cheung! her palms are so fleshy and small! lol. good life mans.
aiii, monz's favourite aaron kwok. lol.
avenue of stars.
trying to be bruce lee, but uber paiseh because a bunch of people were crowding around the statue. zzz. my pose is half-hearted. HAHAHA.
i hiked the entire walkway to look for him! my love. wheeee. such lovely electrifying eyes. please if you break up with carina lau come find me. HAHAHAH.
i'm a director!
listen hard.
whee my little toy car!
hahah retarded and my idea. =D
ain't the scenery breath-taking? sighhh...
i think i'm in love with the night lights. reminds me of vegas.
outside our hotel at knowloon.
right outside the backdoor of the hotel. tired faces and legs.
view from hotel.
in hong kong island. near the building built and owned by the richest man in hk. zzzz.
i wanna marry him.
walking to the peak to take the tram!
see! flying fringe again. zzz.
reached!!! yayyy. conquered the slopes.
buying tickets.
the tram!
going to hogwarts? lol.
yes my big fat face and the track!
our tram coming down for us!
the lowest station. as we head upwards, the buildings become PERPENDICULAR to our tram. zzzz. bizzare.
still going up...
reached the top. sky terrace.
it's the disney train to disneyland next!
cute handles eh? we didn't enter since we went to the one in U.S already. and the appearance of the hk one didn't look very appealing anyway. magic worn off after studying sociology. HAHAHA.
to the famous temple early in the morning. it was already crammed with people!
abs! i saw u in hk!
coached to guang zhou where i dozed abit again. taxi-ed to the hotel. omggg THEIR TAXI IS DAMN CHEAP OKKKK. met with mama and went to yumcha yums.
at the hairdresser. sis and i opted for trim, so ours were very efficiently completed. rotted around waiting for mama and papa to get their dyeing done, then wash then haircut. lol. so i paced about taking pictures. and then i went to sit around. restless went out for a breather. and ermm, yea my hairdresser and washer came out to chat to me. =D details private to myself. hehe.
love my bomber. first thing i own with leopard print though. HAHAHAH.
the angels!
at rbt restaurant. great food, great ambience, and it's almost 24hrs!
pics don't do the food justice, but i was delirious from the spread(our table was always the fullest everywhere we went) and didn't take much pics. lol.
ok enough.
spent my morning sleeping. precious sleep. then was noon at acer service center repairing my computer. the queue was damn long. acer sucks i think. lousy pok keep spoiling. =((( had to wait 2 hours after getting queue number to get your turn at the counter. sighhh.
my powerboard fried itself. sibei zai. nothing to say.
i'm gonna grab a cooling pad at popular tml. shopping for xmas presents with nehneh. gee. died. gonna go off. blogging is tiring plus all that pictures.
and i dreamt of ____. wtf. of all people. dulan. WHY????
intrusion i say.
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