last blog entry for 2007 before i step into 2008 at ziwan's house later. this entry is wayyyy lagging because i wanted to start this probably a few hours ago.
was chatting happily online with a couple of friends. today is an unusually happy night. =) i'm happy everytime my friends laugh. hahaha! because it makes me laugh too. silly yes, i know.
anyway, i saw nehneh's nick. and i decided to ask her about her 2 days since we seldom speak online. she called, had a long chat.
just right before she hung up, mr fate called. zzz.
chatted even longer. he was drunk and was waiting to puke and called me while he wanted to puke. he said talking to me can make him feel better. okkkkk.
contents of conversation. too jumbled i cannot even discern myself. so tired.
another _____?
when will the game end?
so my hp batt went flat halfway. had to search for my charger then sms him to tell him i did not hang up on him. meanwhile, nehneh called minutes after i plugged in the charger.
i'm glad she's happier now. =)
don't worry, best friends rock onnnn. hahahah!
brain cancer from all that chatting. never been so busy in such a long time. lol
i'll be missing two gatherings with two groups on nye to countdown. such a pity. sorry to 4dynamic. =( seriously miss everyone like fuck. i think people will forget about me soon. HAIZ.
sorry to tummy buddy for missing out on labyrinth. lol. i'll miss the alcohol too i guess.
will be spending with ocip peeps. =)
anyways, called back to mr fate after nehneh's call to make sure he's not dead somewhere in the chalet.
yes, he owes me a treat. after i return his. grrr. next sat/sun is a date! lol. rmb, dates are not dates.
meeting on next friday too with gene, haoz and bishi and i dunno who else.
went jogging today. i figured it's a pretty good start for a new year right? HAHAH.
i think i need to change phone soon. but i have no idea what i want exactly.
new year resolutions:
shall jot them down in my notebook tml.
my resolutions seem more like wishes always.
things that don't seem to be correct.
need to clear my mind.
everytime i thought i've disengaged, i find myself lodged between webs of uncertainty.
questions and doubts. what does this mean? what does that mean?
maybe i'm reading too much into things. but i cannot help myself.
because i cannot deny the occasional attraction.
even after it was finished, i cannot deny it.
do you feel what i feel?
i don't want to start the new year this way.
please, guide me.
be careful what you wish for.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
job search online.
so, i decided to make full use of online time and surf for part-time jobs before i email or call the prospectives in the morning.
HAHAHAHA. i'm gonna die ok.
was chatting to gene meanwhile (he's offline now) and he burst out laughing when he read it. that idiot. still can make fun of me. i bet his brain is fried lor.
1) Home Ad Typist
WTF IS THIS????? i fulfill all the requirements lor. wth. shall just call cos' i'm damn curious.
WTFWTFWTF?????!?!? gene guffawed at home (i can imagine) when i told him that. and he still had to cheek to say that it sounded like FREE LANCE PARTY VAMPS. zzzz. HA HA HA.
okkkkk. they stated that the pay is attractive and hourly based. they needed people to pull out weeds from gardens. sounds like abit of fun for a one-time stint. HAHAHAH.
nowwww, this one, gene happily encouraged me to go for it because...GUESS FOR YOURSELF. tskkk!!! motives! stupid white ass. HAHAH. don't worry, if i get the job, i'll make sure i find happiness for you ok! -grins-
oh wells, of course there are a good deal of job opportunities. gonna continue scouting. PLEASE EMPLOY MEEEEEE! i've been good!
HAHAHAHA. i'm gonna die ok.
was chatting to gene meanwhile (he's offline now) and he burst out laughing when he read it. that idiot. still can make fun of me. i bet his brain is fried lor.
1) Home Ad Typist
WTF IS THIS????? i fulfill all the requirements lor. wth. shall just call cos' i'm damn curious.
WTFWTFWTF?????!?!? gene guffawed at home (i can imagine) when i told him that. and he still had to cheek to say that it sounded like FREE LANCE PARTY VAMPS. zzzz. HA HA HA.
okkkkk. they stated that the pay is attractive and hourly based. they needed people to pull out weeds from gardens. sounds like abit of fun for a one-time stint. HAHAHAH.
nowwww, this one, gene happily encouraged me to go for it because...GUESS FOR YOURSELF. tskkk!!! motives! stupid white ass. HAHAH. don't worry, if i get the job, i'll make sure i find happiness for you ok! -grins-
oh wells, of course there are a good deal of job opportunities. gonna continue scouting. PLEASE EMPLOY MEEEEEE! i've been good!
thursday to friday morning.
how classic; it's 2am and i am blogging. my life is screwed and i have screwed up sleeping cycles which make me screwed up too.
read my book as usual. then went for tuition.
yesterday i had pains from cramps. today, i woke up with a sprained neck. zzz.
yes i don't have peaceful sleeps. but anyhoos, i received sweet msges before i turned in, which made up for everything. =) thank you for the protection. haha!
decided to give the ocip outing a miss since i'll be seeing them on nye. was tired and a sprained neck did not guarantee me any fun. had a tortured 1 hour 45 mins with the kids. zzz.
i lost my resolve to search for a job tml. GODDAMMIT. i hate myself sometimes.
to make up for it, i've decided to go for a morning jog right after i wake up. or afternoon jog. i've neglected exercising. but now that i'm feeling fat, bloated and gorging like a stupid cow, i need that extra exercise i can get. before all that cellulite and fats come plaguing me.
dammit being a girl is such a chore.
i don't have clothes to wear. and i'm gonna squat somewhere to sell stuff i bought but ended up NOT wearing or clothes i wore a few times. i wonder who will buy. i should prolly set up a bazaar in my condo. HAHAHAH.
i want a new camera which is slim enough for travelling and taking pictures when inspiration hits me. i want a psp whereby i can watch videos and listen to countless songs instead of a lousy mp3. i want.....
maybe he's right, i'm like a little girl wishing for so many things.
i'm nothing without work.
i feel stagnated yet again. i feel like i've stopped growing up.
what will be the sign?
who will show me the sign?
the road map.
read my book as usual. then went for tuition.
yesterday i had pains from cramps. today, i woke up with a sprained neck. zzz.
yes i don't have peaceful sleeps. but anyhoos, i received sweet msges before i turned in, which made up for everything. =) thank you for the protection. haha!
decided to give the ocip outing a miss since i'll be seeing them on nye. was tired and a sprained neck did not guarantee me any fun. had a tortured 1 hour 45 mins with the kids. zzz.
i lost my resolve to search for a job tml. GODDAMMIT. i hate myself sometimes.
to make up for it, i've decided to go for a morning jog right after i wake up. or afternoon jog. i've neglected exercising. but now that i'm feeling fat, bloated and gorging like a stupid cow, i need that extra exercise i can get. before all that cellulite and fats come plaguing me.
dammit being a girl is such a chore.
i don't have clothes to wear. and i'm gonna squat somewhere to sell stuff i bought but ended up NOT wearing or clothes i wore a few times. i wonder who will buy. i should prolly set up a bazaar in my condo. HAHAHAH.
i want a new camera which is slim enough for travelling and taking pictures when inspiration hits me. i want a psp whereby i can watch videos and listen to countless songs instead of a lousy mp3. i want.....
maybe he's right, i'm like a little girl wishing for so many things.
i'm nothing without work.
i feel stagnated yet again. i feel like i've stopped growing up.
what will be the sign?
who will show me the sign?
the road map.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
died from pain.
woke up today; first pangs of cramps. great. popped the pill, still suffering from extreme pain right now. zzzz. usually it isn't that awful. wonder why. grrr. glad i stayed home for the day. i'm gonna give birth anytime.
played a little computer games. read my book. watched tv.
it's tuition again tomorrow, and i'm still considering if i should just quit the damn job. tired of their nonsense already. oh well, i will scout for jobs on friday. I WILL. i must move my ass. grrr. thinking about all the juggling of studies and work is stressing me out, but i guess i need to move on from where i am now. stagnated and tired of what i am doing. at least not under that screwed up system and bosses.
yea, i know waitressing is gonna be tiring like fuck. but at least, it'll be a learning experience for me? hmmm. and yes, settling for lesser pay. sigh. at least i'm sure it'll make me lose weight with all that physical strength. LOLOL. yayness.
went to town with nehneh yesterday for xmas because she wanted to shop and walk around. since i had nothing better to do, and she was nice enough to ask me out on a date to give me sparks, i couldn't reject right? lol.
her treat for dinner at mogumogu restaurant. it is basically a self-service concept place; inspiration drawn from japan and their much hyped self-service machines.
in case any of you were wondering, it is located right outside far east, just beside subway.

note where the two women are standing. yes, i caught the poor girl in a damn awkward expression. anyways, those two machines behind them are the machines where you tap conveniently via touch-screen for your orders. you pay using cash NOTES(i'm not sure if they accept coins) or EZ-LINK. coolness? foresee the future of your meals? lol.

in any case, a receipt like this is churned out. then you go to your seats and wait. fret not, because the seats are huge enough for friends' gatherings. trust me. the orders are processed in the kitchen. and if the place ain't very busy, you go to the counter to collect your meals in less than 5 minutes. tada!

our limited edition meals. these sets come in only 20 sets per day. and you can choose for them to be "gift wrapped" or not, depending if you want to spend extra $4 to pay for that piece of colourful cloth many of us often see japanese wrap their lunchboxes with. it's kinda like a traditional symbol or something.

look at the attention they pay to details. this set by nehneh was called "chicky-chick". the chick was made from egg and egg york. its eyes were sesame seeds and the mouth a tiny bit of carrot.

my very spice-powdered er...teddy? hahaha. i forgot to take pictures of it before i poured all that chilli powder on its face. sorry lah. it's actually chicken cutlet, rice with floss and carrots. yums. i miss the taste of floss!!!

taken earlier in the day when the skies were still blue. already very crowded. orchard closed down some part of the road with all the "hua che" on display with lights. errrr, not very nice, but good effort to attract all the tourists lah huh. give them credit. alot B_____ and F______ also lor. dulan. got this B______ bua my right arm damn hard then gave me that CHEEKORPEK smile. dulan times million times. i just diao him back.
there was even this show on makeshift stage AND audiences seemingly enthralled by the performances. zzz. BUT HOW COME ON STAGE THE SINGER WAS SINGING SOME CHEENAPOK UN-CHRISTMASSY SONG????!?!?
and i thought it's the season for carols and all that?

took this while nehneh was trying on clothes in the fitting room. boreddd.

that's neh and her abused scars from sex exploits. TSKKK. she is more hiong than abs in the SM department mans. HAHAHAHAHA.
anyway, on a side note, nehneh said she has a horny face and her dua nehs attract guys to want to have sex with her.

last pic of the day while we were walking around aimlessly. took pictures with decorations. but those were taken by a china woman and an unknown china man. all pictures shot were cmi. SO NOT POSTED. grrr.

nua-ing around made my brain this small. died.
gave up on BLINK, picked up memoirs of a geisha again to re-read. enticed by the vivid description by the author. i think i'm one of the few people who still BUY books to read. zzz.
ok i'm gonna die from pain. byebye.
played a little computer games. read my book. watched tv.
it's tuition again tomorrow, and i'm still considering if i should just quit the damn job. tired of their nonsense already. oh well, i will scout for jobs on friday. I WILL. i must move my ass. grrr. thinking about all the juggling of studies and work is stressing me out, but i guess i need to move on from where i am now. stagnated and tired of what i am doing. at least not under that screwed up system and bosses.
yea, i know waitressing is gonna be tiring like fuck. but at least, it'll be a learning experience for me? hmmm. and yes, settling for lesser pay. sigh. at least i'm sure it'll make me lose weight with all that physical strength. LOLOL. yayness.
went to town with nehneh yesterday for xmas because she wanted to shop and walk around. since i had nothing better to do, and she was nice enough to ask me out on a date to give me sparks, i couldn't reject right? lol.
her treat for dinner at mogumogu restaurant. it is basically a self-service concept place; inspiration drawn from japan and their much hyped self-service machines.
in case any of you were wondering, it is located right outside far east, just beside subway.
note where the two women are standing. yes, i caught the poor girl in a damn awkward expression. anyways, those two machines behind them are the machines where you tap conveniently via touch-screen for your orders. you pay using cash NOTES(i'm not sure if they accept coins) or EZ-LINK. coolness? foresee the future of your meals? lol.
in any case, a receipt like this is churned out. then you go to your seats and wait. fret not, because the seats are huge enough for friends' gatherings. trust me. the orders are processed in the kitchen. and if the place ain't very busy, you go to the counter to collect your meals in less than 5 minutes. tada!
our limited edition meals. these sets come in only 20 sets per day. and you can choose for them to be "gift wrapped" or not, depending if you want to spend extra $4 to pay for that piece of colourful cloth many of us often see japanese wrap their lunchboxes with. it's kinda like a traditional symbol or something.
look at the attention they pay to details. this set by nehneh was called "chicky-chick". the chick was made from egg and egg york. its eyes were sesame seeds and the mouth a tiny bit of carrot.
my very spice-powdered er...teddy? hahaha. i forgot to take pictures of it before i poured all that chilli powder on its face. sorry lah. it's actually chicken cutlet, rice with floss and carrots. yums. i miss the taste of floss!!!
taken earlier in the day when the skies were still blue. already very crowded. orchard closed down some part of the road with all the "hua che" on display with lights. errrr, not very nice, but good effort to attract all the tourists lah huh. give them credit. alot B_____ and F______ also lor. dulan. got this B______ bua my right arm damn hard then gave me that CHEEKORPEK smile. dulan times million times. i just diao him back.
there was even this show on makeshift stage AND audiences seemingly enthralled by the performances. zzz. BUT HOW COME ON STAGE THE SINGER WAS SINGING SOME CHEENAPOK UN-CHRISTMASSY SONG????!?!?
and i thought it's the season for carols and all that?
took this while nehneh was trying on clothes in the fitting room. boreddd.
that's neh and her abused scars from sex exploits. TSKKK. she is more hiong than abs in the SM department mans. HAHAHAHAHA.
anyway, on a side note, nehneh said she has a horny face and her dua nehs attract guys to want to have sex with her.
last pic of the day while we were walking around aimlessly. took pictures with decorations. but those were taken by a china woman and an unknown china man. all pictures shot were cmi. SO NOT POSTED. grrr.

nua-ing around made my brain this small. died.
gave up on BLINK, picked up memoirs of a geisha again to re-read. enticed by the vivid description by the author. i think i'm one of the few people who still BUY books to read. zzz.
ok i'm gonna die from pain. byebye.
Monday, December 24, 2007
tis' the season to be jolly.
or cut yourself.

it's pretty deep and large. got it when i was opening the cupboard overhead. slashed my right arm; the back of it. got blood and loads of scraped off skin. just before i went to bathe somemore. dulan.
best part is that it's too long for any plaster to fit. i needed to get tissue and fold, then fasten on with plaster. zzzz.

on a lighter note, this computer is amazing. i want!!!!! all wireless, no more wires tangling everywhere! gimme gimmeeee. necpowermate!
took this at hk hotel after my bath just before i sleep. i thought i looked extraordinarily unlike my usual look. HAHAHA.

had a gathering at gene's house yesterday. he shifted to woodlandssss!!! so far!
oh mans. anyway the food was spectacular. omg. turkey and salad and all. even when i dun eat pasta, the spagetti enticed me with its sauce. yums. although the log cake wasnt like orgasmic, but the main course made up for everything. I HAD TWO SERVINGS OF POTATO SALAD!!!! -beams.
went home tired after nua-ing there and watching 2 dvds and laming around. had gift exchange too!
developed a headache halfway home. head started pounding when i finally went to bed. woke up in the middle of the night because of a sharp piercing pain through my head. fell back asleep from fatigue.
nua-ed at home todayyy. didn't do anything. should be meeting nehneh tml for a little walking around and nua-ing. last week of rotting before starting work at relc. boohoo. money moneyyyy. I WANT MONEYYY.
don't make me do it.
it's really just that easy.
it's pretty deep and large. got it when i was opening the cupboard overhead. slashed my right arm; the back of it. got blood and loads of scraped off skin. just before i went to bathe somemore. dulan.
best part is that it's too long for any plaster to fit. i needed to get tissue and fold, then fasten on with plaster. zzzz.

on a lighter note, this computer is amazing. i want!!!!! all wireless, no more wires tangling everywhere! gimme gimmeeee. necpowermate!
took this at hk hotel after my bath just before i sleep. i thought i looked extraordinarily unlike my usual look. HAHAHA.

had a gathering at gene's house yesterday. he shifted to woodlandssss!!! so far!
oh mans. anyway the food was spectacular. omg. turkey and salad and all. even when i dun eat pasta, the spagetti enticed me with its sauce. yums. although the log cake wasnt like orgasmic, but the main course made up for everything. I HAD TWO SERVINGS OF POTATO SALAD!!!! -beams.
went home tired after nua-ing there and watching 2 dvds and laming around. had gift exchange too!
developed a headache halfway home. head started pounding when i finally went to bed. woke up in the middle of the night because of a sharp piercing pain through my head. fell back asleep from fatigue.
nua-ed at home todayyy. didn't do anything. should be meeting nehneh tml for a little walking around and nua-ing. last week of rotting before starting work at relc. boohoo. money moneyyyy. I WANT MONEYYY.
don't make me do it.
it's really just that easy.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
areas between black and white.
hate ambiguity at times.
yes, i can play along; but what for?
i think i think too much. LOL.
maybe i'm the sort whereby i cannot take it when people become too nice to me.
i really wanna know what's running through your mind.
and i feel so wrong doing this. i'm sorry. i tried to curb.
met monz darling today for dinner and walking around nua-ing and laughing like crazy bitches. LOL. she was late and i was early AGAIN!!! congrats to jielin.
ate at new york new york which burst as usual to the seams. i wonder why it's forever so crowded. ate until super full. zzz.
how come i eat one meal per day already then always feel like uberduper full? i need to shit more.
didn't buy anything, because i am seriously running low on funds. guess what? MY BOSS LOST MY PAY CHEQUE. i'm gonna live on grass for this month and the next if they don't hurry up. so irritated. i think by next week i'm tempted to drag people pei me go interview for waitressing at this pub restaurant i saw.
nua-ed around. caught up while she pestered me as to who mr fate was. zzz. LOL. everything seems going on fine with edwin and her, which i'm glad, frankly. although it may signify my very confirmed singlehood. WHEN WILL THE CURSE BREAK? so dulan. i tried my best. =(
stoned at the suntec fountain of wealth. took pictures with the xmas tree and pretty lights. LOL we kept debating who to ask to help us take pictures. in the end we asked one china man with his family. LOL. he asked monz "ni men cong na li lai?". pidiaoooo. he was amazed that she could speak proper chinese after knowing we were singaporeans. i guess it's weird that singaporeans take pictures at fountain of wealth lah har. LOL.
i'm gonna wait for her to send those pictures.
yesterday night suffered from insomia. my sis and bf argued over phone again. like millionth and one time. zzzz. couldn't sleep. pestered E. but he zonked out. decided to pester yk, whom i must really thank for accompanying me till the whee hours. lol.
finally managed to sleep at 5am because i was too tired. woke up at 9am to get ready for tuition. zzz. shagged. now i'm trying to make myself damn tired so i won't have insomia tonight. i don't wanna pester yk every night. sigh, he might get irritated.
the fortune teller bottle seems to be pretty accurate so far.
gonna meet quite a number of peopl tml because of gene's house warming cum xmas eve ever party at his new nest. LOL. woodlands??!?!?!? wtff why move so far =((((
oh wells, let's hope everything would be fun.
i officially declare i don't have enough clothes to wear.
and i officially declare i'm fat and ugly yet again.
why start something when you know it's not gonna have a good ending?
i'll never understand myself.
yes, i can play along; but what for?
i think i think too much. LOL.
maybe i'm the sort whereby i cannot take it when people become too nice to me.
i really wanna know what's running through your mind.
and i feel so wrong doing this. i'm sorry. i tried to curb.
met monz darling today for dinner and walking around nua-ing and laughing like crazy bitches. LOL. she was late and i was early AGAIN!!! congrats to jielin.
ate at new york new york which burst as usual to the seams. i wonder why it's forever so crowded. ate until super full. zzz.
how come i eat one meal per day already then always feel like uberduper full? i need to shit more.
didn't buy anything, because i am seriously running low on funds. guess what? MY BOSS LOST MY PAY CHEQUE. i'm gonna live on grass for this month and the next if they don't hurry up. so irritated. i think by next week i'm tempted to drag people pei me go interview for waitressing at this pub restaurant i saw.
nua-ed around. caught up while she pestered me as to who mr fate was. zzz. LOL. everything seems going on fine with edwin and her, which i'm glad, frankly. although it may signify my very confirmed singlehood. WHEN WILL THE CURSE BREAK? so dulan. i tried my best. =(
stoned at the suntec fountain of wealth. took pictures with the xmas tree and pretty lights. LOL we kept debating who to ask to help us take pictures. in the end we asked one china man with his family. LOL. he asked monz "ni men cong na li lai?". pidiaoooo. he was amazed that she could speak proper chinese after knowing we were singaporeans. i guess it's weird that singaporeans take pictures at fountain of wealth lah har. LOL.
i'm gonna wait for her to send those pictures.
yesterday night suffered from insomia. my sis and bf argued over phone again. like millionth and one time. zzzz. couldn't sleep. pestered E. but he zonked out. decided to pester yk, whom i must really thank for accompanying me till the whee hours. lol.
finally managed to sleep at 5am because i was too tired. woke up at 9am to get ready for tuition. zzz. shagged. now i'm trying to make myself damn tired so i won't have insomia tonight. i don't wanna pester yk every night. sigh, he might get irritated.
the fortune teller bottle seems to be pretty accurate so far.
gonna meet quite a number of peopl tml because of gene's house warming cum xmas eve ever party at his new nest. LOL. woodlands??!?!?!? wtff why move so far =((((
oh wells, let's hope everything would be fun.
i officially declare i don't have enough clothes to wear.
and i officially declare i'm fat and ugly yet again.
why start something when you know it's not gonna have a good ending?
i'll never understand myself.
Friday, December 21, 2007
nua-ed after waking up late. watched 3/4 of lust,caution then hurried to bathe to meet yk at clark quay. I WAS EARLY!!!! (everyone please clap)
anyhow, we dined at manhattan fish market because he insisted the food there is superb. lol. since he was treating, i was fine with anything. it's his payday anyway. zzz. i wonder how much i earned in october, really. if they want to cheat me money i also nothing to say already.
think the line was drawn quite long ago. that trust misplaced. that friendship lost. i've given up. soon, i will leave. i swear. that fatigue isn't worth it anymore.
besides, i need something new. something to challenge myself. something to conquer. something whereby i can meet people who are not juveniles.
so tired of life being empty. i cannot wait for january to come so i can go work in relc. at least i would be seeing people older than me. zzz.
just finished the last few minutes of the movie. quite ok only. tskkk. i wonder what the hype was all about. i think the curse of the golden flower had more impact in a sense it left me dumbstruck and astounded.
as i was saying, the dinner was extremely filling. both of us were like two bloated fishes after that. decided to walk around since it was still early for his work at safra club. lol. somehow, this meeting was somewhat awkward; which shouldn't be at all. i really wonder why. sigh.
now i owe him a xmas present. tsk.
tuition tml, then meeting monz for dinner and walk walk shop shop. long time no see indeed.
i wonder when that fire in me will reignite. i feel...soul-less.
goodnight lovelies.
anyhow, we dined at manhattan fish market because he insisted the food there is superb. lol. since he was treating, i was fine with anything. it's his payday anyway. zzz. i wonder how much i earned in october, really. if they want to cheat me money i also nothing to say already.
think the line was drawn quite long ago. that trust misplaced. that friendship lost. i've given up. soon, i will leave. i swear. that fatigue isn't worth it anymore.
besides, i need something new. something to challenge myself. something to conquer. something whereby i can meet people who are not juveniles.
so tired of life being empty. i cannot wait for january to come so i can go work in relc. at least i would be seeing people older than me. zzz.
just finished the last few minutes of the movie. quite ok only. tskkk. i wonder what the hype was all about. i think the curse of the golden flower had more impact in a sense it left me dumbstruck and astounded.
as i was saying, the dinner was extremely filling. both of us were like two bloated fishes after that. decided to walk around since it was still early for his work at safra club. lol. somehow, this meeting was somewhat awkward; which shouldn't be at all. i really wonder why. sigh.
now i owe him a xmas present. tsk.
tuition tml, then meeting monz for dinner and walk walk shop shop. long time no see indeed.
i wonder when that fire in me will reignite. i feel...soul-less.
goodnight lovelies.
thursday and public holiday.

i still need to work. poor mz too.
tiff&co signature earrings. pretty.
anyway if you guys noticed that gucci pair of sneakers on my blog......ain't it lovely??? omg. loves.
managed to drag my sleeping hours for a bit. then woke up nua-ed around feeling sick because of sore throat and stupid pimples on my face ruining my mood.
dad started playing his collection of dvds bought overseas. decided upon diehard4.0. which i eventually sat down to watch since i had nothing better to do and i didn't wanna switch on my laptop unnecessarily lest it fries itself because i overwork it, wtf.
pretty good show, although maggieq seemed more like a flower vase rather than any important role. BLEH.
bathed and got ready to leave for tuition at clementi.
GRRRR ROARRRRRRRR! the kids are seriously brats. WHY DO I HAVE TO TEACH BRATS EVERY FUCKING YEAR??? it's like i'm the brat-converter teacher. pissed.
almost lost my cool today because of an attitude girl and uber lazy don't want to do work boy. i tried the soft method, which obviously AS USUAL failed. took up the disciplining role YET AGAIN, which i detest, but have no choice to. sighs. hates. I WANT TO QUIT. GIVE ME A FUCKING BETTER JOB BEFORE I IMPLODE.
i think i might just go for that walk-in interview i saw at pasir panjang that stretch of restaurants. i've never been a waitress. i wonder what new challenges it'll bring me to. or what i can add onto my resume.
ok fine, so i met my student who have graduated this year and are promoting to the next level. they did decently well for their end of years. thank god. and they managed to rmb me despite my almost 1 month plus hiatus from the centre. lol.
yesterday me and nehneh took this while abs was in the fitting room.
one parent chatted to me about her daughter's progress and seemed disappointed that i wasn't teaching her daughter's class next year when i met her downstairs after my own class. and no, i'm never gonna take up p6 psle class because i don't want to die from my own academic stress plus THEIRS.
met that particular parent when i went home and walked past the jewellery store. zzz. one of the salegirls was the mother's sister. WTF. the trio were chatting there lah. had to politely stop to say hi and talk to daughter.
"wah! ni de lao shi na me mei ah!"
UBER ZZZZZZ. please lor, wanna pai ma pi also abit late hor. HAHAHAHA.
it's 2 more lessons on saturday, then i'm done for this week's lessons. GRRR.
it's dinner tml with mr fate at central i think. wheewhee. =)
his treat. -beams-
and oh yes, to pass me my leggings.
NOTE TO ALL: when i say "date" it doesn't mean literally a DATE aka with someone of romantic interest. thank you. DATES to me and as referred to in my blog are equivalent to meet ups with friends/buddies.
HAHA abs fried her computer.

join us, if you dare
travelling the world is such a romantic idea.
you are my romantic idea.
thank you ll for the blessings.
got really decent grades for the past sem. really way above my own expectations.
thank you. utter gratitude. =)
Thursday, December 20, 2007

i saw this on sim portal while i was checking all the long-due msges while i was gone from singapore. i came upon this notice, which i thought was really...idiotically...________<--fill in the blanks yourself.
i seriously have no idea who they were trying to target, but apparently someone in sim/ub is feeling victimized over internet flaming. wah lau why got so scandalous and jing bao things i have no idea about. lol. anyways, quite retarded lah, although i know they are trying to protect the victim. good try.
whee the cooling pad aka balcony for my computer is working fine.
met roy around 12 plus because he was slightly late. rotted at sans bookshop looking through lameshit self-help books which i am tempted to buy and read because i wanna know how they function. lol. which i didn't. he arrived, and we ate budget because of broke-ness at LJS.
then was nua-ing and chitchat. then went for a walk while chatting AGAIN. then nua at starbucks. him with his fruit juice. me with sinful hazelnut hot chocolate. nothing beats max brenners still.
remember that picture of the bubble tea i took in guang zhou RBT restaurant in my recent previous post? that tea was named lavender bubble tea. i tell you, the fact that i love lavender is one thing. the fact that i can SMELL and TASTE lavender is another thing. intoxicating. loves. and i can never find it anywhere else. minus like tealeaves lavender lah.
ok sidetracked. zzz.
roy went for his slingers game at indoor because he had free tickets from friends. i met abs around 6plus close to 7pm for her xmas shopping. nehneh and her nehs arrived later. and she wenta grab her meal at starbucks(again zzz) before walking rather aimlessly around gathering abs stuff. then to candy empire for mz.
HAHAHAH. gift exchanged. ehhh, i suddenly feel that mine is most practical. LOL LAH. ok fine, abs i think ur pen is cute. zzz. nipples seh. love it thanks! -ULTRA BIG HUG- rise from your "bottom" soon ok!!!
mz and her voodoo. zzz. later karma then u know.
nehneh and the fortune bottle. OK LAH. i will use it. BUT LATE THAT TIME I WUN. hahahaha.
love all of it. whee!!!
home by bus. had to take bus-ful of prcs, i think. because they alighted at nus hostel bus stop. and they were carrying pillows, hugeass pails, hangers and detergent packets in "giant" plastic bags. and singaporeans students usually are more "glam" and don't carry these bags like their prized possessions. i had around 10 of them surrounding my seat. damn.
dozed abit. damn tired. gonna try stay away from vivo for a while. grrr.
managed to read a few pages of my book which i bought like..........2 semesters ago. ULTRA ZZZ. fuck lah. i shall stay home to complete it before tuition tml. boohoo. new class; let's hope it's tolerable and good to teach. EARN MONEY JIELIN!!!!

dear santa, i've been good this year and did decently well for my exams. please drop this snowflake diamond studs from the sky FOR ME. tiff & co. thank you. love, jielin.
why did you mention me in your conversation?
there was no reason to.
and you had it all wrong.
i wonder why you said that.
but it's all in the past. who cares?
the answers will return to me one day.
abbas is dating me for xmas! HAHAHA. okkkk, because both of us are free. and you know our dates aren't DATES. damn i love my buddies.
and ocip actually had a dinner today. grrr. but APPARENTLY MSG WASN'T PASSED TO ME. if it's lx then nvm, not her fault. but if it's YOU, then YOU die.
grrrrrr. so pissed. nvm, will have our new yr's eve and countdown at zw's house with ocip peeps! so eggciting!!!! omgg.
ok, that's the update for now! tataaa.
note to self: you're back. but i'm sure you aren't what i want now.
note to self again: my silent cries for _____ have been answered. thankful.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
xmas shopping for presents.
firstly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MONICAAAAAAAAA. my 80 year old bond darling. sigh, time really flies. before i know it, you won't be spending it with me anymore. lol. i kinda miss the old days, but we all hafta grow up, don't we?
i hope you stay pretty, smart, happy and smiley everyday. may you and edwin be xinfu together. hahahah. and of cos, for our bond to remain strong! =)
ok, so early morning met nehneh at JEC for lunch at this korean place because she had cravings. then was looking for shorts at this fashion, which failed because i couldn't find any i liked.
then to popular to get my cooling pad for the laptop darling. zzz. now it's nice and cool. machiam some balcony for my lousy acer; its life damn high-class can. grrr. better don't fry itself again, please.
then was to town for presents search. damn i hate looking for presents. especially when i'm sooo broke. arghs! i better get a decent pay mans, or not i'll be real pissed. got all the stuff i needed for gift exchange.
bought myself a translucent (zzz yes yin yue trend wtf) beige colored dress which is ultra cute and sweet and a faintly-checked shorts since my trusty black one is fading colour like no one's business. the dress is really simple design; which made me realize that i'm actually reverting to simple classic pieces slowly. hmmm. well, i still have my boots to accessorize anyway. and i kinda thought breaking away from my beloved blacks would be a nice change on sunny days. =) yes, despite its translucence. gee.
went to bugis for a short walk too. my feet is seriously dead. so tired. ate kfc finally, although nehneh and i threw away more pieces of the chicken than ate it. HAHAHAH. wtf seriously.
yea, trekked around couldn't find any unique pieces. gave up, went home separately. then...i saw him.
muahahaha. he was standing against a pillar smoking his ciggy. and i happened to walk in his direction while replying via sms to mr fate to settle a date to meet up for dinner. when i looked up, there he was, looking straight at me too. i think i gave a "EH??" look, which he reciprocated with a "ah?" face, then a wide smile. errrm, yes i returned that smile.
damn i don't know how to describe that feeling. but i kinda like intelligent thinking people who are humble and yet get their points across without sounding defensive or aggressive.
such a pity though--and you know why.
ok, it's meet up with roy finally tml at vivo for lunch. then it's with abs, mz and nehneh for gift exchange. then home. tiredddd. cannot believe i'm gonna reach vivo by 12pm. gee, it's really early. yawns.
ok, my pimples are popping out again. grrr. ROARRRRR. time to down water like it's my beauty regime. sobs.
dammit, my clothes are all wet because of the consistent rain. at this rate i have nothing else to wear already. gee.
oh wayne called early morning to confirm work schedule for jan 2-12 at relc. went back to sleep, then elaina(is it spelt like that??) called to confirm again plus check mz and nehneh's number to call them. zzz. ruined my precious sleep. but oh wells, at least i have a job for 10 days. lol.
when will you be back?
i hope you stay pretty, smart, happy and smiley everyday. may you and edwin be xinfu together. hahahah. and of cos, for our bond to remain strong! =)
ok, so early morning met nehneh at JEC for lunch at this korean place because she had cravings. then was looking for shorts at this fashion, which failed because i couldn't find any i liked.
then to popular to get my cooling pad for the laptop darling. zzz. now it's nice and cool. machiam some balcony for my lousy acer; its life damn high-class can. grrr. better don't fry itself again, please.
then was to town for presents search. damn i hate looking for presents. especially when i'm sooo broke. arghs! i better get a decent pay mans, or not i'll be real pissed. got all the stuff i needed for gift exchange.
bought myself a translucent (zzz yes yin yue trend wtf) beige colored dress which is ultra cute and sweet and a faintly-checked shorts since my trusty black one is fading colour like no one's business. the dress is really simple design; which made me realize that i'm actually reverting to simple classic pieces slowly. hmmm. well, i still have my boots to accessorize anyway. and i kinda thought breaking away from my beloved blacks would be a nice change on sunny days. =) yes, despite its translucence. gee.
went to bugis for a short walk too. my feet is seriously dead. so tired. ate kfc finally, although nehneh and i threw away more pieces of the chicken than ate it. HAHAHAH. wtf seriously.
yea, trekked around couldn't find any unique pieces. gave up, went home separately. then...i saw him.
muahahaha. he was standing against a pillar smoking his ciggy. and i happened to walk in his direction while replying via sms to mr fate to settle a date to meet up for dinner. when i looked up, there he was, looking straight at me too. i think i gave a "EH??" look, which he reciprocated with a "ah?" face, then a wide smile. errrm, yes i returned that smile.
damn i don't know how to describe that feeling. but i kinda like intelligent thinking people who are humble and yet get their points across without sounding defensive or aggressive.
such a pity though--and you know why.
ok, it's meet up with roy finally tml at vivo for lunch. then it's with abs, mz and nehneh for gift exchange. then home. tiredddd. cannot believe i'm gonna reach vivo by 12pm. gee, it's really early. yawns.
ok, my pimples are popping out again. grrr. ROARRRRR. time to down water like it's my beauty regime. sobs.
dammit, my clothes are all wet because of the consistent rain. at this rate i have nothing else to wear already. gee.
oh wayne called early morning to confirm work schedule for jan 2-12 at relc. went back to sleep, then elaina(is it spelt like that??) called to confirm again plus check mz and nehneh's number to call them. zzz. ruined my precious sleep. but oh wells, at least i have a job for 10 days. lol.
when will you be back?
Monday, December 17, 2007
pics from hk and guang zhou
went to the airport after a night of no sleep, since i had to get ready by 3am, and that was the usual time i SLEEP. lol. took christmassy pictures at the airport. wheeee. dead city with little travellers at that unearthly hour.

slept on the stupid plane which had great leg space because we were sitting next to the emergency exit. HAHAHAHA. the sacrifice eh? =D beside me was a bear-sized man who appeared as a comfy pillow in my sleep-deprived state. dozed off a couple of times which resulted in twisted neck. grrr.
arrived at hk! look at the busy streets! geeee. the air is dusty. and it wasn't cold at all. disappointed.

in case you were wondering, we were checking the map to navigate. zzz. i hate this part mans. luckily mtr made things so much easier. BUT their train subways are damn freaking bloody long. it never seems to end cannnnn. walk until i peng. hahaha.

lazy to pose lah.

gonna take the mtr!

arrived at nu ren jie aka women's market. another huge disappointment. nothing exciting. gee.

aren't the streets cluttered and messy? my sis was in a extreme culture shock. i was coping WELL, but still masking my disgust. i guess i miss singapore's streets in a way. and i expected it to be chilly--which was another false hope. =(

walked to temple street. yes first day we walked EVERYWHERE from mtr station to another. never take train at all. i tell you, my toes went numb.

now i've taken pics at the REAL paris effiel and the FAKE one. HAHAHAH. ohwells.

i'm so rich i have this car. and it's parked in a shopping center =(

avenue of stars! man the wind was very strong. look at my messy hair! =(

fringe-less me looks terrible. so i had to cover my stupid high forehead.

it's cecilia cheung! her palms are so fleshy and small! lol. good life mans.

aiii, monz's favourite aaron kwok. lol.

avenue of stars.

trying to be bruce lee, but uber paiseh because a bunch of people were crowding around the statue. zzz. my pose is half-hearted. HAHAHA.

i hiked the entire walkway to look for him! my love. wheeee. such lovely electrifying eyes. please if you break up with carina lau come find me. HAHAHAH.

i'm a director!

listen hard.

whee my little toy car!

hahah retarded and my idea. =D

ain't the scenery breath-taking? sighhh...

i think i'm in love with the night lights. reminds me of vegas.

outside our hotel at knowloon.

right outside the backdoor of the hotel. tired faces and legs.

view from hotel.

in hong kong island. near the building built and owned by the richest man in hk. zzzz.

i wanna marry him.

walking to the peak to take the tram!

see! flying fringe again. zzz.

reached!!! yayyy. conquered the slopes.

buying tickets.

the tram!

going to hogwarts? lol.

yes my big fat face and the track!

our tram coming down for us!

the lowest station. as we head upwards, the buildings become PERPENDICULAR to our tram. zzzz. bizzare.

still going up...

reached the top. sky terrace.

it's the disney train to disneyland next!

cute handles eh? we didn't enter since we went to the one in U.S already. and the appearance of the hk one didn't look very appealing anyway. magic worn off after studying sociology. HAHAHA.

to the famous temple early in the morning. it was already crammed with people!

abs! i saw u in hk!

coached to guang zhou where i dozed abit again. taxi-ed to the hotel. omggg THEIR TAXI IS DAMN CHEAP OKKKK. met with mama and went to yumcha yums.

at the hairdresser. sis and i opted for trim, so ours were very efficiently completed. rotted around waiting for mama and papa to get their dyeing done, then wash then haircut. lol. so i paced about taking pictures. and then i went to sit around. restless went out for a breather. and ermm, yea my hairdresser and washer came out to chat to me. =D details private to myself. hehe.

love my bomber. first thing i own with leopard print though. HAHAHAH.

the angels!

at rbt restaurant. great food, great ambience, and it's almost 24hrs!

pics don't do the food justice, but i was delirious from the spread(our table was always the fullest everywhere we went) and didn't take much pics. lol.

ok enough.
spent my morning sleeping. precious sleep. then was noon at acer service center repairing my computer. the queue was damn long. acer sucks i think. lousy pok keep spoiling. =((( had to wait 2 hours after getting queue number to get your turn at the counter. sighhh.
my powerboard fried itself. sibei zai. nothing to say.
i'm gonna grab a cooling pad at popular tml. shopping for xmas presents with nehneh. gee. died. gonna go off. blogging is tiring plus all that pictures.
and i dreamt of ____. wtf. of all people. dulan. WHY????
intrusion i say.
slept on the stupid plane which had great leg space because we were sitting next to the emergency exit. HAHAHAHA. the sacrifice eh? =D beside me was a bear-sized man who appeared as a comfy pillow in my sleep-deprived state. dozed off a couple of times which resulted in twisted neck. grrr.
arrived at hk! look at the busy streets! geeee. the air is dusty. and it wasn't cold at all. disappointed.
in case you were wondering, we were checking the map to navigate. zzz. i hate this part mans. luckily mtr made things so much easier. BUT their train subways are damn freaking bloody long. it never seems to end cannnnn. walk until i peng. hahaha.
lazy to pose lah.
gonna take the mtr!
arrived at nu ren jie aka women's market. another huge disappointment. nothing exciting. gee.
aren't the streets cluttered and messy? my sis was in a extreme culture shock. i was coping WELL, but still masking my disgust. i guess i miss singapore's streets in a way. and i expected it to be chilly--which was another false hope. =(
walked to temple street. yes first day we walked EVERYWHERE from mtr station to another. never take train at all. i tell you, my toes went numb.
now i've taken pics at the REAL paris effiel and the FAKE one. HAHAHAH. ohwells.
i'm so rich i have this car. and it's parked in a shopping center =(
avenue of stars! man the wind was very strong. look at my messy hair! =(
fringe-less me looks terrible. so i had to cover my stupid high forehead.
it's cecilia cheung! her palms are so fleshy and small! lol. good life mans.
aiii, monz's favourite aaron kwok. lol.
avenue of stars.
trying to be bruce lee, but uber paiseh because a bunch of people were crowding around the statue. zzz. my pose is half-hearted. HAHAHA.
i hiked the entire walkway to look for him! my love. wheeee. such lovely electrifying eyes. please if you break up with carina lau come find me. HAHAHAH.
i'm a director!
listen hard.
whee my little toy car!
hahah retarded and my idea. =D
ain't the scenery breath-taking? sighhh...
i think i'm in love with the night lights. reminds me of vegas.
outside our hotel at knowloon.
right outside the backdoor of the hotel. tired faces and legs.
view from hotel.
in hong kong island. near the building built and owned by the richest man in hk. zzzz.
i wanna marry him.
walking to the peak to take the tram!
see! flying fringe again. zzz.
reached!!! yayyy. conquered the slopes.
buying tickets.
the tram!
going to hogwarts? lol.
yes my big fat face and the track!
our tram coming down for us!
the lowest station. as we head upwards, the buildings become PERPENDICULAR to our tram. zzzz. bizzare.
still going up...
reached the top. sky terrace.
it's the disney train to disneyland next!
cute handles eh? we didn't enter since we went to the one in U.S already. and the appearance of the hk one didn't look very appealing anyway. magic worn off after studying sociology. HAHAHA.
to the famous temple early in the morning. it was already crammed with people!
abs! i saw u in hk!
coached to guang zhou where i dozed abit again. taxi-ed to the hotel. omggg THEIR TAXI IS DAMN CHEAP OKKKK. met with mama and went to yumcha yums.
at the hairdresser. sis and i opted for trim, so ours were very efficiently completed. rotted around waiting for mama and papa to get their dyeing done, then wash then haircut. lol. so i paced about taking pictures. and then i went to sit around. restless went out for a breather. and ermm, yea my hairdresser and washer came out to chat to me. =D details private to myself. hehe.
love my bomber. first thing i own with leopard print though. HAHAHAH.
the angels!
at rbt restaurant. great food, great ambience, and it's almost 24hrs!
pics don't do the food justice, but i was delirious from the spread(our table was always the fullest everywhere we went) and didn't take much pics. lol.
ok enough.
spent my morning sleeping. precious sleep. then was noon at acer service center repairing my computer. the queue was damn long. acer sucks i think. lousy pok keep spoiling. =((( had to wait 2 hours after getting queue number to get your turn at the counter. sighhh.
my powerboard fried itself. sibei zai. nothing to say.
i'm gonna grab a cooling pad at popular tml. shopping for xmas presents with nehneh. gee. died. gonna go off. blogging is tiring plus all that pictures.
and i dreamt of ____. wtf. of all people. dulan. WHY????
intrusion i say.
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