life has been a bitch recently. but things are made so much smoother and easier with these girls around.
but life's still a bitch. and today i did a FIRST.
yea, hel you should know. it's a secret between the two of us ok? sigh. but i'm still worried and perplexed over what actually is happening inside me. hahaha.
my heart beat like mad while waiting.
something i don't want to experience again definitely.
mid-terms are next week already. so dead, so dead.
everyday i go to school and think i am ready to face the lectures and tutorials.
i do try my best, i swear.
i stay up late into the night just to finish assignments and pray hard i don't fall asleep during class.
i try to give quality work.
and i think i know what i am doing and writing. yet sometimes, i feel so jaded i start to question whether i do really know. it's so complex, yet so simple.
am i complicating things?
i must study harder. catch up on things i have no idea on. because the rest are. and i cannot lag behind. sigh.
life of a student they say, is truly much more desirable than that of a working adult.
so i better treasure these shitty times, for if the saying is true, life can only get bitchier.
ah, according to ab, "we are roped into the double A". HAHAHA. seriously, and alex just now asked me to go sing ktv along. "ask aby come along also"--he says. *grins* but then again, asides from this minor distraction, i've come only to realise yet again how i've misjudged.
maybe the double A is not so double A. for their presence seems less bright now. maybe it's the getting used to.
maybe, it's simply us over-reacting.
cannot judge people by their appearances. alex doesn't turn out to be as bad as he looks. friendly, camp instructor and a singer and performer! who can tell! *grins*
so, abby. moral of story is: maybe i am not as kiap-pa inside as i look on the outside. HAHAHAH. maybe i'm those cannot-ah-bu-shuang-ah-*PIAK*-kinda-look BUT as gentle and sweet as an angel on the inside.. LOL.
okok, digression.
oh, tml is book out day aka my last day of school for the week! double yay-ity. =)
sometimes i think whether my happiness is based on imaginary emotions.
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