ok, i'm like totally divine now. so bloody exhausted.
got more stuff to settle.
and ESL today was a superrrr heart attack. i DON'T WANT TO EXPERIENCE THAT EVER AGAIN. oh god. abby, remember our contract ok!!! god.
deva the god. HAHAHAHA.
but surprisingly we pulled through ESL again. tsk. somehow we are the smokers.
oh! my PSY test got 9/10 also. no biggie, considering everyone full marks also. sian sian sian. why they so smart!
hmmmm. then abbas called during ESL, and i was wondering why. then when i called back, he told me his date pangseh-ed him this morning for his ocs social night. damn suey. so he needed a date lah. then i thought maybe i could help him. =X
a friend in need mah.
but i had to pangseh ming. so sorry! owe you one!
but anyway, bottom line was i was damn under dressed. but cannot be bothered man. so tired. then had to smile and introduce myself to MILLIONS of people. i cannot even rmb their names! gosh.
but the games and activities were relatively entertaining. hahaha. caught up with abbas after a super long time too. =)
i enjoyed myself lah, don't worry. it's just the exhaustion. maybe i'm not so divine afterall.
ha. anyway, look was ming did!

nice right!!!
my name, i mean. =) stars.
and i'm still waiting for my cross stitch dear!
mutual trust. it means alot to me, cos' my heart is entirely with you already...you have to believe me..
please. that's all i ask for. your trust, respect and love. =)
ok, i'm outta here. another hectic tuitioning day tml. and i signed up for simfloorball. =)
school's good with my friends. =) hahaha. knowing new people everyday rocks. really. *grins*
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