hahaha! see that cute little dale there? it's from monz(and edwin i think) for me!!! so sweet hor! apparently, you guys should know that i'm DALE, and edwin's CHIP(CHOCOLATE CHIP!!!) and monz's CHUNK(the housefly that won't budge). HAHAHAHAHA. it's funny. but the gesture was sweet lah. managed to...think somemore. and the jay's cd was good. and everything was so sweetly familiar i lavished in the moment. the car, the system blaring, the slacking at the back seat, watching monz and edwin in front, watching the surroundings whiz by me, just...being there.
sigh. anyway, ESL is becoming a subject i dread. the worst thing i hate about literary writing is that you get restricted by another style. i mean, different people have different ways of expression, and when you are told that you are WRONG, it kinda just hits back at your face like a tight slap. sigh. is there really right and wrong in writing?
UGC test next week. doom. doom.
wenta esplanade's max brenner's for CHOCOLATE LUNCH! YAYYYYYY. hahahah. damn high. chocolate is instant drug to euphoria. belgium chocolate waffles. AND I TIED A KNOT ON THE CHERRY STALK. teeheehee. *grins*
i'm starting to love the girls. i mean, at least it's cool we can hang out and stuff, and i actually have people same frequency with me. =) i guess we meet people for a reason eh?
friday's good. met monz and edwin at tbp for dinner! fast forward to settlers at katong. alfie and kok joined us too. hahaha. super fun.
but the moment i stepped into there, this waiter came forward and asked the group of us "are you guys from SIM?"
so i was like..."uhhh, yea, i am." (cos' the rest weren't and edwin was parking the car)
then he was like..."YA! i saw you in school before!"
so i was like..."ehhhh, okkkk." (seriously, i never saw him before and i don't think i am THAT attractive)
but anyway, it's irrelevant. hahaha. maybe he remembered me for doing something dumb or dressing terribly or something. tsk.
played PIT!(!!!!) and HOGWASHHHHHHH(i love pigs! i am ZHU WANG cos' i got FIVE pigs! they were so cute lah, i wanted to kidnap one home =() and lastly truth or dare jenga. tsktsk. the truth or dare was ruthless. HAHAHA. but it was damn funny. all the games were really crazy. spilt alot of water and stuff. hahahah. couldn't stop laughing. really enjoyable. freaking high from laughing. hahaha. i really miss them loads. RBG! =) great destress friday night.
truth or dare, videos, ruthless dares, porn stars.
alfie--proposing to unknown girl while kneeling on one of his knees.
kok liang--dancing with umbrella in the middle of the shop shaking his butt and saying "XIA YU LE!"
edwin--drinking water from a little girl's powerpuff waterbottle(the father looked like he wanted to bash him up initially. poor boy.)
me--crabwalking through the shop clapping my hands (in jumping jack manner) and cheering "WOOO WOOO" -_-'''
monz--BLOWING RASPBERRY ON ERHEM. damn porno. blow then blow lah, she kept up and down. hahahaha.
it's freaking hilarious.
then cinderella me chiong-ed home on edwin's car. thank god and i managed to beg my ma to give me 10min leeway. *cold sweat*
SIGH. so here i am back at home. tired but contented. =)
tml's hiong tuition day but i'm sure it'll be tolerable cos' it's manicure at bugis then shopping with monz! YAY. hahaha.
sighhh. study time too though. stresssssssss.
and i realised maybe it won't be so easy to ace english already. which is fucking depressing cos' i start to wonder WHAT AM AI GOOD AT THEN?
maybe i'm good at nothing much. i mean god is fair right? HA. contradicting.
penalty is the beginning of love. tSK.
i was told my new bag looks like a travelling bag. anything lor. hahaha, i like big bags. =)
ok, i'm damn tired. update soon. =)
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