WARNING: long entry ahead. i didn't ask you to read ah! YAY! now i can blog as much as i wishhhhhhhhhh!!! :D
i've survived the last paper pretty well. i was GRINNING while the scripts were collected. don't care that i never finished my paper. don't care that i merely studied ONE FREAKING DAY for geog only. don't care lah.
papers on their way out of Singapore liao. what to do? cry over the loss meh? *shrugs* forget it man. zihao is right, there are many paths in life. everyone is destined to take a chosen path. we may not take the path most do, but as long as we get there in the end, what else matters?
really must thank him alot. and many other people, who endured my whinings and complainings, and pushed me on when i was deflated, comforted me when i broke down, encouraged me when i was at a loss, gave me advices when i was down.
now i truly know who are my REAL friends, and those who are merely people who crossed my path and don't give a damn about me and my little life. oh well. had a small discussion about friends with bs and yx today during our outing! hahaha, some cheem stuff, but it's true. definition of a "friend" varies from person to person. hi-bye friends, acquaintance, cca friends, class friends, school friends, friends you tell your troubles with, friends you can have fun with, friends you can grow old with.
anyway, to digress. our post Alvl celebration was a pathetic event with only FOUR girls going out. we dined at pizza hut, shared 4 different dishes, and drank cokes that made me burp non-stop. i don't drink cokes. but what to do, no other drinks what. anyway, it was a eat and go thing cos' syaf had to fetch her little cousin from school and winnie had somewhere to go. hahahah. no cookies for guessing!
well. so it ended up with me and alas(!!) yun ma. *GRINS*
so the two poor souls haunted plaza sing from top to bottom. i tell you, window shopping with yun ma is terrorising and traumatising. I MEAN IT. you will go from...
that is how bad it was. hahahah! but ok lah, i enjoyed her company! thank you yunny for accompanying me for 2 plus hours! walk from ps to tangs some more! WAHHHH! where to find such a FIT and HEALTHY partner! hahahaha!! darn, i was quite tired from all that walking though. =( anyways, MUACKMUACKMUACK!!!!!
jiayou for your S paper ok! :)
met up with bimbo and nainai. oh man. so longgggg! i mean so long since i last saw them and went out. sheesh! i had fun today though! :)
laughed alot. DOTS alot. hahahah! and what else! nainai so kind treated us to FREE DRINKS from nydc! woah! hahahaha.
but i still think her nunnery will be highly unsuccessful.
i might just start my own. HAHAHAH.
zh joined us after that and almost became yx's slave. only that she decided that it was "very bad" to treat him like one. hahaha. then we went OG and saw some stupid undergarments for guys. the band there got days of the week one ok!
just imagine asking a guy friend:
"hey...today is what day har?"
i wonder if really got people buy or not.
it'll be funny to know that one of my guy friends are wearing it! *grins*
and i do know what BERD wears. tsktsk. shit, that image of the undergarment on the box very hard to erase from my mind ah! =X all that zihao's fault for telling us. now i see berd will think: ERHEM ERHEM!
rest assure. i have no fantasies about that xiaomao. hahah.
anyway, me and bs started this snorting thing which sounded like a pig and a snore. zh got really irritated. hahaah! but it was so fun! *childish i know*
another digression.
i got pretty upset lately when people commented that i look OLDER than my ELDER sister. god dammit. i don't know complement or insult. but i think it's an INSULT. *sigh* forget it man. i AM old lah ok. I NOT PRETTY LAH OK. I NOT AS HOT AS SHE LAH. I DON'T HAVE GOOD BODY LAH. I DON'T HAVE BOYFRIEND LAH. I REALLY NOTHING BESIDE MY SISTER LAH.
i do hope so. cos' you successfully ruined my day.
anyway, pre-paper times were pretty nerve wreacking for every paper. the post-paper times were quite bad too. but ziwan has the ability to make everything normal with one remark:
"ehhhh! guess what? just now i walked past him then he looked at me!!"
she would proclaim this with much gusto to me. and i would be jokingly annoyed. i mean who wouldn't?? HAHAHAHA! i'm so jealous can! he look at YOU never look at ME! oh wait, i don't even dare to look at him in the eye. HAHAHAH!
sad lah. but nevermind. hahahah. it's like something impossible anyway. yun ma was so tickled that i only spoke to him twice. sigh.
found this advertisement on the pillar beside the lift. found it slightly amusing. i don't know if my english is bad or what, but "electron shelves" were unknown to me till now. electron got shelves on ah?

you know, sometimes i really get quite irritated. i know that i'm not UGLY, but i'm not that good-looking either. but when people i know AND don't know comment how different me and my sister look, how she's prettily made up with a nice body proportion, and then STOP SHORT of describing me, i do get all hot and bothered. i'm tired of this comparison, and i cannot make it stop. i try to act like i don't care, but it doesn't fucking work this way.
imagine someone telling you that you are ugly on the average once EVERYDAY.
it doesn't do wonders to anyone's self-esteem.
it's not that i hate my sister. i love her. but i think she knows she IS pretty and she flaunts it happily. she KNOWS we are constantly being compared..looks wise. i admit defeat hands-down. i'm just effing tired of this shit lah.
spare me some slack ok?
i need a break from all these you-are-not-as-pretty-as-your-sister-shit.
i wish i have an elder brother instead.
at least they won't compare me with a gender of the opposite sex.
at least that's what i WISH humans are. less comparative. less judgemental. less condemning.
everything has been blown out of proportions.
the toilet issue.
the dawn yang and her plastic surgery debate.
anything linked to BLOG, that's it!
you're goners!
crazy people.
crazy world.
nothing else better to do.
i mean, she do surgery before anyone's problem meh? everyone wants to look good. you want to look like some cannot-make-it-don't-look-like-human-don't-look-like-anything freak?
just leave her alone lah.
sometimes, things can really be so adverse, like it or not.
media--makes or breaks you.
all in the hands of those who abuse their power, knowing that they have the power to write anything they want, and you canot freaking do anything to stop it.
crazy, power-devouring people.
i'm not against journalists.
i'm not against gossips.
i'm just against the fact that they trample people down like buffalos and stamp them out like diseases. no respect, no protection of rights at all.
absolute rubbish or absolute truth.
it's all up to us, readers. and many of us chose the latter.
how bizzare and nonsensical this world and its inhabitants can be.
ok, enough ramblings. i need sleep. will post underwear pictures another day. bimbo died or something.
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