i guess, i do that a lot.
soc exam on monday. then tues ugc essay due. wednesday tuition plus try to study. thursday com231 exam plus possible ugc quiz. friday fucked dead--prepare for next week exams. sat and sunday work.
i know reasons exist for everything that happens. so what is the reason for this?
waiting.....and patience is wearing thin.
maybe there is no reason after all. maybe it's just...hallucinations.
i have no right to think so highly.
who am i? what am i?
i should feel ashamed.
amidst everything, i just wish for solace.
a little wee bit of me-time.
with nothing but the things i love surrounding me.
no need to face up to social expectations or social order.
i wanna go backstage too.
taking up too many roles has made me feel nothing but fatigue.
role conflict?
happy children's day to all my kids.
i wonder how much impact have i made in their lives?
i'm aching all over still.
i'm trying to eat less.
geminis never like gray areas.
so they say.
maybe it is true afterall.
don't send me mixed messages, because it makes me so irritated.
i need signs.
johan slapped my left thigh, but now my right thigh is aching.
pain travels meh.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
sleeping pig.
slept like a pig today.
an effort made to rejuvenate my skin and body.
not very effective.
i woke up aching all over. very bad. =(
slacked and read some magazines.
watched tv.
then wenta bathe and prepare for tuition.
i'm trying my best to relax and not overload myself.
but seems like i won't be able to finish studying my soc101.
great, perfect, magnificent.
rotting at tuition now.
some juvenile poly guy just came to relief by's class.
like since a million years ok, i'm once again back in my tees and FBTs
really need to slim down.
i have cellulite. wtf.
i always come too hard down on myself.
but.....it's just me.
a gemini.
now two kids are shouting in front of me.
theory 1: kids don't speak. they yell.
theory 2: kids do bitch about their teachers. (even guys)
theory 3: kids can be extreme. either they talk like mice or like elephants.
they are p3 and they haven't read little miss _____ or little mr _______ before.
is it generation gap or is it just me?
an effort made to rejuvenate my skin and body.
not very effective.
i woke up aching all over. very bad. =(
slacked and read some magazines.
watched tv.
then wenta bathe and prepare for tuition.
i'm trying my best to relax and not overload myself.
but seems like i won't be able to finish studying my soc101.
great, perfect, magnificent.
rotting at tuition now.
some juvenile poly guy just came to relief by's class.
like since a million years ok, i'm once again back in my tees and FBTs
really need to slim down.
i have cellulite. wtf.
i always come too hard down on myself.
but.....it's just me.
a gemini.
now two kids are shouting in front of me.
theory 1: kids don't speak. they yell.
theory 2: kids do bitch about their teachers. (even guys)
theory 3: kids can be extreme. either they talk like mice or like elephants.
they are p3 and they haven't read little miss _____ or little mr _______ before.
is it generation gap or is it just me?
for my fans.

pf's shoe on the right. my trusty browns on the left.
i thought the effect was quite nice. taken during ugc lecture.

random pictures taken using my com's webcam.

HAHAHAHA. ok lah pf, i know you check my blog for updates. i seriously didn't realised i haven't updated for like 5 days. tskkk.
busy life.
shittymama. =(
ppt for ugc.....was...don't know. sobs.
shall not go into details.
my 2 other ugc chums should know.
so, this semester, as usual, not feeling to perkiness to strive for academic achievements.
i should be studying sociology right now.
or editing my stupid UGC response paper which looks crap.
work again.
i shall........
pekcek. nothing much i wanna elaborate on.
thanks to the usual buddies who manage to cheer me up.
marshy, are you reading this? sorry..i will try to find time.
white ass, you are missed and thanks for the postcard really.
monz, i miss you still.
i'm exhausted.
tuition should be ending soon. i hope.
i cannot take more.
freaking small space with freaking too many kids.
no oxygen.
i'm still fat.
and ugly.
something needs to be done.

Saturday, September 22, 2007
can't help it.
much whizzed through my puny brain again today.
woke up later than usual to catch whatever sleep i can before i continue my fucking week. i really dread waking up now. nothing......
i'm exhausted. it gets worse semester after semester, working more and more, school work is tougher and tougher, and everything becomes...forced.
that grin you see on my face, at times it's real, at times it's squeezed. laboriously.
when insides don't translate to the outer region.
expansion brings about alienation.
when professionalism robs warmth.
maybe it's time i leave.
too much to cope, too little appreciation shown.
i hardly know anything now; hanging in the thin, still air.
i'm tired of appearing happy and relaxed, tired of having to mask my emotions, make my temper sift through the air calmly.
i just cannot lose my temper.
neither can i be truly happy.
so where does the outlet go?
when all i want is to scream, shout and yell.
make a fuss about the shit i'm made to handle.
where does genuine appreciation come from? com modules told us never to believe we can see beyond. we tend to overestimate ourselves, blinded by the nearness of certain things. am i missing something?
maybe everyone is tired and everything is kept to the minimal.
but maybe only when i'm gone, then people will start to know my worth.
when they'll start to miss.
money buys everything right?
from tangibles to non-tangibles.
like relationships.
you say money hasn't changed you, you say money will never change you.
i'll watch and see then.
human beings. are. selfish.
i want to be too.
i hardly ever get the chance to be.
i don't wanna be a gemini now.
feeling individualistic.
feeling exasperated.
feeling helpless.
i don't know how long more i can stay here.
before i lose my mind and every inch of myself.
before i lose faith, that teeny bit of courage i struggle to hold everyday.
i want to do something i like, at my own pace, at my own context.
my guardian angel.
tests me again and again.
fucking headache these few days.
realised i've successful abstained from alcohol for months!
my god.
congratualtions jielin.
your beer tummy is officially halfway gone.
belated cheapo-looking present. better late than never.
sigh. i really shld stop being so generous when it comes to presents.
shld just spend everything on myself.
selfishness rules.
i want to forget him.
when will the ugly duckling bloom into a swan.
was staring at my own picture.
without specs.
without braces.
will i really become pretty?
all i need is some....affirmation.
tons of work undone.
feeling fucked.
i need something to revitalise me.
only 1 year plus into my univerisity studies, and i feel as if i've aged a thousand years.
who truly understands?
the repressed and the liberated.
the tension of opposites.
i wish i weren't so nice.
woke up later than usual to catch whatever sleep i can before i continue my fucking week. i really dread waking up now. nothing......
i'm exhausted. it gets worse semester after semester, working more and more, school work is tougher and tougher, and everything becomes...forced.
that grin you see on my face, at times it's real, at times it's squeezed. laboriously.
when insides don't translate to the outer region.
expansion brings about alienation.
when professionalism robs warmth.
maybe it's time i leave.
too much to cope, too little appreciation shown.
i hardly know anything now; hanging in the thin, still air.
i'm tired of appearing happy and relaxed, tired of having to mask my emotions, make my temper sift through the air calmly.
i just cannot lose my temper.
neither can i be truly happy.
so where does the outlet go?
when all i want is to scream, shout and yell.
make a fuss about the shit i'm made to handle.
where does genuine appreciation come from? com modules told us never to believe we can see beyond. we tend to overestimate ourselves, blinded by the nearness of certain things. am i missing something?
maybe everyone is tired and everything is kept to the minimal.
but maybe only when i'm gone, then people will start to know my worth.
when they'll start to miss.
money buys everything right?
from tangibles to non-tangibles.
like relationships.
you say money hasn't changed you, you say money will never change you.
i'll watch and see then.
human beings. are. selfish.
i want to be too.
i hardly ever get the chance to be.
i don't wanna be a gemini now.
feeling individualistic.
feeling exasperated.
feeling helpless.
i don't know how long more i can stay here.
before i lose my mind and every inch of myself.
before i lose faith, that teeny bit of courage i struggle to hold everyday.
i want to do something i like, at my own pace, at my own context.
my guardian angel.
tests me again and again.
fucking headache these few days.
realised i've successful abstained from alcohol for months!
my god.
congratualtions jielin.
your beer tummy is officially halfway gone.
belated cheapo-looking present. better late than never.
sigh. i really shld stop being so generous when it comes to presents.
shld just spend everything on myself.
selfishness rules.
i want to forget him.
when will the ugly duckling bloom into a swan.
was staring at my own picture.
without specs.
without braces.
will i really become pretty?
all i need is some....affirmation.
tons of work undone.
feeling fucked.
i need something to revitalise me.
only 1 year plus into my univerisity studies, and i feel as if i've aged a thousand years.
who truly understands?
the repressed and the liberated.
the tension of opposites.
i wish i weren't so nice.
Friday, September 21, 2007
the state of whatever-
due to the lack of pictures and updates, much apologies to those who still actually frequent my blog to read about my much-whined about lousy life. heh. life's been really maddening recently. tons more work for the next few weeks. i really feel half-dead. and having to entertain oneself or keep onself smiling at all times is taxing my endurance.
i guess i will pull through as usual. losses and gains.
i'm just tired of everything. i don't need you to be my venting machine.
if of cos', you are not happy being one.
i miss zh, gene and bishi. really.
miss all our crazy times. i'm sorry for my lack of attendance.
i hate it, but....i cannot control it.
all i need is someone real.
thank you yiyan (if you actually read my blog (: )!
thanks for all the hugs and comforting words, the encouragements, the smiles, the pats on the back, the squeezes on my shoulder, and the heart! HAHAHAH.
but reserve your first kiss ok. =D

pf sleeping, sandra avoiding, then acting cute, pf acting cute also. tskkk. during lectures. rosemary i think.

mz wants to be the spokeswoman for eclipse, so we attempted taking "advertisement pictures". lame shit. random pics during breaks and lectures.

she is actually a set meal in pizza hut. and i ate her. unbelievable. she tests my limits to the maximum.

they are camwhores too ok! -_-

whose legs???!!!
none other than mr beng himself.
quote unquote:"please lah, heels so easy to wear. knn complain what pain here pain there. i teach before catwalk to models one you know.......(continues and i drift off)"
HANAR sexy. a little too hairy though.

behind every ugly girl, there is a pretty one(abeit a little mad; don't know what she's doing???!!).

i think i love fatty's phone. dammitttt. it makes my skin look....good.

met up with monz darling at vivo for a short meal and chat..then took pics at the pretty night line outside.
LOL. she does not know that her "phone of the year" has self-timer functions. zzz. we spent damn long fiddling with the settings in order to take some decent pictures.
i still love her. missed.

testing my height while she adjusts.

now she's here!!
quite a lot of stuff happened. too tired to narrate. uploading pics took half my life.
one side note, i really want to end it all.
beyond words.
byebye. i need sleep. my face is fuck.
i guess i will pull through as usual. losses and gains.
i'm just tired of everything. i don't need you to be my venting machine.
if of cos', you are not happy being one.
i miss zh, gene and bishi. really.
miss all our crazy times. i'm sorry for my lack of attendance.
i hate it, but....i cannot control it.
all i need is someone real.
thank you yiyan (if you actually read my blog (: )!
thanks for all the hugs and comforting words, the encouragements, the smiles, the pats on the back, the squeezes on my shoulder, and the heart! HAHAHAH.
but reserve your first kiss ok. =D

pf sleeping, sandra avoiding, then acting cute, pf acting cute also. tskkk. during lectures. rosemary i think.

mz wants to be the spokeswoman for eclipse, so we attempted taking "advertisement pictures". lame shit. random pics during breaks and lectures.

she is actually a set meal in pizza hut. and i ate her. unbelievable. she tests my limits to the maximum.

they are camwhores too ok! -_-

whose legs???!!!
none other than mr beng himself.
quote unquote:"please lah, heels so easy to wear. knn complain what pain here pain there. i teach before catwalk to models one you know.......(continues and i drift off)"
HANAR sexy. a little too hairy though.

behind every ugly girl, there is a pretty one(abeit a little mad; don't know what she's doing???!!).

i think i love fatty's phone. dammitttt. it makes my skin look....good.

met up with monz darling at vivo for a short meal and chat..then took pics at the pretty night line outside.
LOL. she does not know that her "phone of the year" has self-timer functions. zzz. we spent damn long fiddling with the settings in order to take some decent pictures.
i still love her. missed.
testing my height while she adjusts.
now she's here!!
quite a lot of stuff happened. too tired to narrate. uploading pics took half my life.
one side note, i really want to end it all.
beyond words.
byebye. i need sleep. my face is fuck.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
golden bao.

by pf.
so i'm working now with my trusty acer brought along with me, AND that huge new bag. =(
today morning/afternoon, ate bao for breakfast. and my that one bao WAS GOLDEN. AHAHAHHA.
okkkk. it had like flakes of gold specks on it. cool right. i'm blessed by gods.
yy trend.
actually attracts too much attention.

can't wait for travelling.
too much.
spent too much.
big big hole. must work hard to earn back that amount!
planning to go overseas right after my finals.
wheee! whinning does help a bit! HAHAHAH.
most probably travelling to HK then GZ. wheeee! LOVES.
been superrrr long since i travelled to new countries.
cannot wait. uber excited.
i hope everything goes smoothly mans!
bought big brown bag. splurge mans. =(
awaiting my nice nice leather bag from spree.
2 dresses. yups.
more tops from spree.
easy wear.
i'm awaiting my super long spree clothes. pekcek. don't know how many zillion years they need. i'm not buying anymore.
saw boots that are decently priced. but still think my legs look stout in that particular pair.
shall find pipe-design. think that will flatter my legs.
ate too much.
tried food in that bugis restaurant.
cheap lah. not bad. maybe cos' i was hungry too.
talked shit. nehneh says im high today. wy said i am damn high also.
more work tomorrow. should be bringing stuff to study. i HOPE. =(
haven't touched a single shit. working since morning 9am on saturday. i need a breakkkkk.
discussed quite a lot with nehneh.
sighs. no conclusion.
anyway, the kids were ok lah. smaller numbers were tolerable.
can't really be bothered.
LOL. talked shit with the p5s as usual. they are hilarious.
maybe i should save for a decent hot little slim camera instead of my psp. hmmmms.
of cos', if i get sponser for either one, i CONFIRM fly away into heaven.
then you guys can see that PIGS DO FLY.
grow money 5cent coin.
terrible nails. lazy to do them up.
i just remembered that i have a date on monday. zzzz.
they say i'm the snow girl. LOLOL.
last night was fucked up.
i wish they'll fight away from home.
made me almost late today cos' i cldn't sleep properly for 2 hours. =(
go away please.
late again this month.
thanks gene for the postcard. loves. (:
fret not about the recuse team thingy. things happen for a reason. maybe you are meant to help the greater mankind some way.
everything is odd.
big big hole. must work hard to earn back that amount!
planning to go overseas right after my finals.
wheee! whinning does help a bit! HAHAHAH.
most probably travelling to HK then GZ. wheeee! LOVES.
been superrrr long since i travelled to new countries.
cannot wait. uber excited.
i hope everything goes smoothly mans!
bought big brown bag. splurge mans. =(
awaiting my nice nice leather bag from spree.
2 dresses. yups.
more tops from spree.
easy wear.
i'm awaiting my super long spree clothes. pekcek. don't know how many zillion years they need. i'm not buying anymore.
saw boots that are decently priced. but still think my legs look stout in that particular pair.
shall find pipe-design. think that will flatter my legs.
ate too much.
tried food in that bugis restaurant.
cheap lah. not bad. maybe cos' i was hungry too.
talked shit. nehneh says im high today. wy said i am damn high also.
more work tomorrow. should be bringing stuff to study. i HOPE. =(
haven't touched a single shit. working since morning 9am on saturday. i need a breakkkkk.
discussed quite a lot with nehneh.
sighs. no conclusion.
anyway, the kids were ok lah. smaller numbers were tolerable.
can't really be bothered.
LOL. talked shit with the p5s as usual. they are hilarious.
maybe i should save for a decent hot little slim camera instead of my psp. hmmmms.
of cos', if i get sponser for either one, i CONFIRM fly away into heaven.
then you guys can see that PIGS DO FLY.
grow money 5cent coin.
terrible nails. lazy to do them up.
i just remembered that i have a date on monday. zzzz.
they say i'm the snow girl. LOLOL.
last night was fucked up.
i wish they'll fight away from home.
made me almost late today cos' i cldn't sleep properly for 2 hours. =(
go away please.
late again this month.
thanks gene for the postcard. loves. (:
fret not about the recuse team thingy. things happen for a reason. maybe you are meant to help the greater mankind some way.
everything is odd.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
4 digit.
loves. cannot wait.
and i think i'm gonna work out a insurance plan.
she's nice anyway. gives me alot of tips on slimming leh.
she's gonna bring alot of stuff FOC for me to try. zzzz.
good life of the rich.
plan ahead for future sia.
that sum of money will do me good.
but i need consistent income lor.
anyway, life's been crazy.
today went clementi wanted to sit down to slack and read up on the chapters which i'm lagging behind in.
then got to relief some p1 maths class. grrr.
and then T called at the most inappropriate time.
i was shuffling to and fro classes with attendances in one arm, materials in another arm, and talking to teachers while i put him on hold.
dodgeball. -_-
so i made him call back after my lesson.
and bettina is DAMN CUTE.
her eyes are huge with long lashes. -envy-
taught her maths.
and she loves drawing..noticed before i went into the room, she had a drawing book with her..and she was drawing this portrait picture.
so after completing two sets of work, i told her to draw a picture FOR me while i went down to photocopy more work.
when i came back up, which was only 2 minutes or so, SHE HAD A FREAKING DRAWING ALL DONE UP.
and the girl in the drawing was like.....CARTOON COMIC KIND. NO STICKMAN OK.
makes me wilt in shame.
anyway, so i asked her:
"the girl is so pretty! who is she? a princess?"
"no!! the girl is you!"
"HAR??? are you sure? this is a princess you know! don't look like me at all!"
"NO NO!! IT IS YOU. The princess is you!" -and she smiles at me-
can you believe it?
i don't even look CLOSE to that.
still, children.
and she waved bye to me when her mum came to fetch her.
lol, i'm building credibility.
and i threatened to tickle all the p3s if they did not get up from the ground. monkeys!
pity L mans.
he IS cute, on a sidenote.
and he helped me kill a huge ka zua.
LOVESSS. and he was like "got any more?" HAHAHAHHA.
i could only reply meekly "no more".
think too much.
anyway, i think my heart is lpp.
think too much.
and....i gave a huge portion to him.
that piano.
blew me away.
T called after class.
and had a pretty nice chat.
LOL. sometimes i think he is too nice already mans.
the whole package.
the image?
the confidence?
he has a point.
what do i use to validate myself?
just that. beholders are none.
i don't think i have what most guys are looking for. just the minority.
and minorities are always overlooked.
parents are home.
no patent boots.
think i will really go search for it one day. ONE DAY.
got scarf!
wheewhee. PS.
now now, geminis and libras?
think too much.
loves. cannot wait.
and i think i'm gonna work out a insurance plan.
she's nice anyway. gives me alot of tips on slimming leh.
she's gonna bring alot of stuff FOC for me to try. zzzz.
good life of the rich.
plan ahead for future sia.
that sum of money will do me good.
but i need consistent income lor.
anyway, life's been crazy.
today went clementi wanted to sit down to slack and read up on the chapters which i'm lagging behind in.
then got to relief some p1 maths class. grrr.
and then T called at the most inappropriate time.
i was shuffling to and fro classes with attendances in one arm, materials in another arm, and talking to teachers while i put him on hold.
dodgeball. -_-
so i made him call back after my lesson.
and bettina is DAMN CUTE.
her eyes are huge with long lashes. -envy-
taught her maths.
and she loves drawing..noticed before i went into the room, she had a drawing book with her..and she was drawing this portrait picture.
so after completing two sets of work, i told her to draw a picture FOR me while i went down to photocopy more work.
when i came back up, which was only 2 minutes or so, SHE HAD A FREAKING DRAWING ALL DONE UP.
and the girl in the drawing was like.....CARTOON COMIC KIND. NO STICKMAN OK.
makes me wilt in shame.
anyway, so i asked her:
"the girl is so pretty! who is she? a princess?"
"no!! the girl is you!"
"HAR??? are you sure? this is a princess you know! don't look like me at all!"
"NO NO!! IT IS YOU. The princess is you!" -and she smiles at me-
can you believe it?
i don't even look CLOSE to that.
still, children.
and she waved bye to me when her mum came to fetch her.
lol, i'm building credibility.
and i threatened to tickle all the p3s if they did not get up from the ground. monkeys!
pity L mans.
he IS cute, on a sidenote.
and he helped me kill a huge ka zua.
LOVESSS. and he was like "got any more?" HAHAHAHHA.
i could only reply meekly "no more".
think too much.
anyway, i think my heart is lpp.
think too much.
and....i gave a huge portion to him.
that piano.
blew me away.
T called after class.
and had a pretty nice chat.
LOL. sometimes i think he is too nice already mans.
the whole package.
the image?
the confidence?
he has a point.
what do i use to validate myself?
just that. beholders are none.
i don't think i have what most guys are looking for. just the minority.
and minorities are always overlooked.
parents are home.
no patent boots.
think i will really go search for it one day. ONE DAY.
got scarf!
wheewhee. PS.
now now, geminis and libras?
think too much.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
i don't like this new semester.
it's barely 2 weeks, and i'm tired beyond words.
i cannot complain or whine about how unfair life is and how i have to earn my own keep, because i know people out there who also work like a mad bull.
i'm keeping it all inside.
there is so much i need to scream outloud,
but i shall not, because it concerns too many people, too many issues.
silence can protect.
another long day tomorrow after ugc(last lesson), it's gonna be work AGAIN.
i seriously cannot wait for my big fat paycheck.
there is so much i need to save and plan for.
sometimes, i get so fatigue-ridden i just want to ignore everyone and everything in this world.
shut myself at home and SLEEP.
when can i get a decent 12 hours sleep???
as i am ranting here, time ticks away. i should be running through fucking ugc now.
fuck every module i am taking.
fuck for a reason.
things are changing subtley.
just don't wish to divulge.
words mean nothing.
i miss a getaway.
i miss my at least travelling once a year.
what has happened to me?
i'm living...a life, that is not really a life.
i'm a puppet of money, of capitalism, of consumerism.
snip snip snip.
break those strings one day.
tyra banks show on tv when my sis was watching.
appearance MEANS a whole lot.
which is sad.
and it's real.
my heart flutters too much.
you made my heart flutter today.
will you tml?
it's barely 2 weeks, and i'm tired beyond words.
i cannot complain or whine about how unfair life is and how i have to earn my own keep, because i know people out there who also work like a mad bull.
i'm keeping it all inside.
there is so much i need to scream outloud,
but i shall not, because it concerns too many people, too many issues.
silence can protect.
another long day tomorrow after ugc(last lesson), it's gonna be work AGAIN.
i seriously cannot wait for my big fat paycheck.
there is so much i need to save and plan for.
sometimes, i get so fatigue-ridden i just want to ignore everyone and everything in this world.
shut myself at home and SLEEP.
when can i get a decent 12 hours sleep???
as i am ranting here, time ticks away. i should be running through fucking ugc now.
fuck every module i am taking.
fuck for a reason.
things are changing subtley.
just don't wish to divulge.
words mean nothing.
i miss a getaway.
i miss my at least travelling once a year.
what has happened to me?
i'm living...a life, that is not really a life.
i'm a puppet of money, of capitalism, of consumerism.
snip snip snip.
break those strings one day.
tyra banks show on tv when my sis was watching.
appearance MEANS a whole lot.
which is sad.
and it's real.
my heart flutters too much.
you made my heart flutter today.
will you tml?
Monday, September 10, 2007

cant seem to stop dying.
again and again.
webcam-ing for a bit made me crazy again.
slowly progressing in ugc.
kinda giving up already.
i'm stupid.
i am.
i hope.
another new day monday.
gotta get my pay soon.
i heard that it's a big fat one.
so much have happened.
can't be bothered to update.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
dead a million times.
can't sleep. can't study. pekcek.
i can't seem to concentrate.
hating it.
work again tml.
when will i ever get my ass down to serious studying and memorising all that shit. =(
and i saw stuff i like again.
firstly, i desperately need to jian fei. fatso mans.
i'm feeling very........fuzzy.
need a break.
but never know when to stop.
i can't seem to concentrate.
hating it.
work again tml.
when will i ever get my ass down to serious studying and memorising all that shit. =(
and i saw stuff i like again.
firstly, i desperately need to jian fei. fatso mans.
i'm feeling very........fuzzy.
need a break.
but never know when to stop.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
another day.
another friday passed.
with ugc yet touched. test next week. grrrr.
slowly getting used to the laptop. little mr acer. LOL.
aiya, nehneh and her problems.
i also have mine. but i guess i'm damn zai at evading. HAHAHA.
damn xia dao when i heard wj say that. seriously.
i thought i'll act blur and change topic.
let's hope he's not referring to me.
grrr. and then there's W.
i don't know what he wants either.
and wj is convinced i'm attracting too much unwanted attention.
seems like everywhere i go, i attract stares. errrr. ok.
i didn't even realise it.
oh wells.
random pictures.
from long long ago. before my toothair was cut.

she looks like she is cutting her nehneh.
looks like the coming monday cannot go movie-ing with les neh already. sighs.
i wonder how i will last through this semester. trying so damn hard. really.
free prata and milo dinosaur. the place was freaking flooded with people. zzz.
free ride home.
hoping for a big fat paycheck soon.
parents going guangzhou in a few hrs. papa just woke up to make their breakfast. hmmms.
eyecandies will always be eyecandies.
i hate myself sometimes. for being so.......average.
but i'll get over it sooner or later.
let's just hope that not everything is so superficial.
at least mr snail wouldn't be.
would he?
where is mr snail? =(
i have such an active imagination i can dream of so much.
yet i cannot create.
it's time to work on it.
with ugc yet touched. test next week. grrrr.
slowly getting used to the laptop. little mr acer. LOL.
aiya, nehneh and her problems.
i also have mine. but i guess i'm damn zai at evading. HAHAHA.
damn xia dao when i heard wj say that. seriously.
i thought i'll act blur and change topic.
let's hope he's not referring to me.
grrr. and then there's W.
i don't know what he wants either.
and wj is convinced i'm attracting too much unwanted attention.
seems like everywhere i go, i attract stares. errrr. ok.
i didn't even realise it.
oh wells.
random pictures.
from long long ago. before my toothair was cut.
she looks like she is cutting her nehneh.
looks like the coming monday cannot go movie-ing with les neh already. sighs.
i wonder how i will last through this semester. trying so damn hard. really.
free prata and milo dinosaur. the place was freaking flooded with people. zzz.
free ride home.
hoping for a big fat paycheck soon.
parents going guangzhou in a few hrs. papa just woke up to make their breakfast. hmmms.
eyecandies will always be eyecandies.
i hate myself sometimes. for being so.......average.
but i'll get over it sooner or later.
let's just hope that not everything is so superficial.
at least mr snail wouldn't be.
would he?
where is mr snail? =(
i have such an active imagination i can dream of so much.
yet i cannot create.
it's time to work on it.
Friday, September 07, 2007
new little acer.
my father decided to drop me a surprise when i got home from work today.
mans, appearing very shagged and hungry from the day, i asked him how did my laptop repair went.
since the speakers died a few days ago and i asked papa to help me send to check what was wrong.
apparently some stupid virus infested my motherboard. WIN LOR. SERIOUSLY.
so the sound card is dead. and i think the computer has a high chance of dying soon after.
nice papa bought a new laptop for me!
acer nonetheless.
clueless and totally unexpected. but in love. (:
it's more compact, lighter(a little only =(). and has many more functions than ancient dell.
really sleek nice greyish keyboard, black cover and blinking lights. zzz.
the touchpad is stiff. arghs.
using the mouse.
i still miss my old dell. really. =(
but i gotta start getting used to mr acer.
AHAHHAHA. lotsa stuff to work on this sem. grrr.
spent shitload of time transferring files and songs, scanning for viruses...
installing programs..finally done. hmmms. around 2 hours plus of hard work without chatting. HAHAHAH.
tired max.
today's school was ok.
sian long thursday.
lessons, stupid melguimali is pissing me off more and more.
then was wonderful glenda, loves.
and was ugc with selina. ok, thought-provoking lesson. (:
and of cos, who can miss out on HIM.
was damn disappointed cos' he was late for lesson and i thought my eye-candy for the day was gone.
phewwww. he came.
tuition at clementi.
bosses told me some stuff. i'm amazed that they actually trust me so much.
kids as noisy. but that 1.5hrs has got to be the FASTEST lesson ever. i swear!
i didn't even realise that time was up until i looked at my hp.
this is what happens when teaching becomes enjoyable. lol.
work tml again.
should be getting my paycheck soon. loves <3.
saveeee. planssss.
"oh man. you make me feel like i'm talking to a guy."
what are brothers for, dumbo.
kinda starving at this moment.
let me shit leh, before work tml.
i don't want my heart to skip a beat whenever i see you from the corner of my eye.
it's all wrong, isn't it?
you were the wrong one to begin with.
mans, appearing very shagged and hungry from the day, i asked him how did my laptop repair went.
since the speakers died a few days ago and i asked papa to help me send to check what was wrong.
apparently some stupid virus infested my motherboard. WIN LOR. SERIOUSLY.
so the sound card is dead. and i think the computer has a high chance of dying soon after.
nice papa bought a new laptop for me!
acer nonetheless.
clueless and totally unexpected. but in love. (:
it's more compact, lighter(a little only =(). and has many more functions than ancient dell.
really sleek nice greyish keyboard, black cover and blinking lights. zzz.
the touchpad is stiff. arghs.
using the mouse.
i still miss my old dell. really. =(
but i gotta start getting used to mr acer.
AHAHHAHA. lotsa stuff to work on this sem. grrr.
spent shitload of time transferring files and songs, scanning for viruses...
installing programs..finally done. hmmms. around 2 hours plus of hard work without chatting. HAHAHAH.
tired max.
today's school was ok.
sian long thursday.
lessons, stupid melguimali is pissing me off more and more.
then was wonderful glenda, loves.
and was ugc with selina. ok, thought-provoking lesson. (:
and of cos, who can miss out on HIM.
was damn disappointed cos' he was late for lesson and i thought my eye-candy for the day was gone.
phewwww. he came.
tuition at clementi.
bosses told me some stuff. i'm amazed that they actually trust me so much.
kids as noisy. but that 1.5hrs has got to be the FASTEST lesson ever. i swear!
i didn't even realise that time was up until i looked at my hp.
this is what happens when teaching becomes enjoyable. lol.
work tml again.
should be getting my paycheck soon. loves <3.
saveeee. planssss.
"oh man. you make me feel like i'm talking to a guy."
what are brothers for, dumbo.
kinda starving at this moment.
let me shit leh, before work tml.
i don't want my heart to skip a beat whenever i see you from the corner of my eye.
it's all wrong, isn't it?
you were the wrong one to begin with.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
exploding brain.
and lack of sleep.
been reading and reading and reading.
i love reading, but i lost myself amongst the words.
and i have to write papers.
WTF. dead.
not sleeping until thursday night i think. =(
today relief was just slack and rot. i didn't want to do anything. don't care mans.
then i saw my p4 kids. LOL. cutes.
i think they are cute when i don't have to teach them. i merely peeked into the classroom from the little window at the top.
they saw me, and they came running towards the door, shrieking my name.
so paiseh.
lucky the teacher went out to photocopy stuff. she might think i wanna start a popularity contest.
ehhh, but ya lah. i guess sometimes the reason why i stay is because such scenes on lousy days like today are heart-warming.
i actually feel love radiating from them. weird, but true.
their shrieks of joy, my asking of whether they had learnt my spelling for tml, them rushing towards me, faces all raised up to gaze at me with their huge eyes.
GOD. how to resist.
ARGHHHHSSSS. devils, all!
glad to know that they improved, abeit a few marks only.
ugc as usual. the paper i must conquer. =(
better get my A+ for these modules. stress mans.
no time. overworked, under paid.
exposure girl. exposure.
eyecandies indeed.
couldn't resist sneaking a few peeks at him, him and him.
i'm hopeless. HAHAHAH.
how cool is that. i never felt so ecstatic receiving an sms in the morning ok!!!
HAAHHAHAHA. wheee. long time no see. fate has it that we both are on the same level.
ok fine, so i defied fate and went scampering out to find him when i heard nehneh saw him on the way to class.
i had to see that marshy buddy. mans, i miss all of them! =(
work towards our own graduation ok!!!
whee. loves!!!
ok, back to earth.
my subconscious mind never stops working.
been reading and reading and reading.
i love reading, but i lost myself amongst the words.
and i have to write papers.
WTF. dead.
not sleeping until thursday night i think. =(
today relief was just slack and rot. i didn't want to do anything. don't care mans.
then i saw my p4 kids. LOL. cutes.
i think they are cute when i don't have to teach them. i merely peeked into the classroom from the little window at the top.
they saw me, and they came running towards the door, shrieking my name.
so paiseh.
lucky the teacher went out to photocopy stuff. she might think i wanna start a popularity contest.
ehhh, but ya lah. i guess sometimes the reason why i stay is because such scenes on lousy days like today are heart-warming.
i actually feel love radiating from them. weird, but true.
their shrieks of joy, my asking of whether they had learnt my spelling for tml, them rushing towards me, faces all raised up to gaze at me with their huge eyes.
GOD. how to resist.
ARGHHHHSSSS. devils, all!
glad to know that they improved, abeit a few marks only.
ugc as usual. the paper i must conquer. =(
better get my A+ for these modules. stress mans.
no time. overworked, under paid.
exposure girl. exposure.
eyecandies indeed.
couldn't resist sneaking a few peeks at him, him and him.
i'm hopeless. HAHAHAH.
how cool is that. i never felt so ecstatic receiving an sms in the morning ok!!!
HAAHHAHAHA. wheee. long time no see. fate has it that we both are on the same level.
ok fine, so i defied fate and went scampering out to find him when i heard nehneh saw him on the way to class.
i had to see that marshy buddy. mans, i miss all of them! =(
work towards our own graduation ok!!!
whee. loves!!!
ok, back to earth.
my subconscious mind never stops working.
classic picture-
i have an extremely classic picture in my phone, but i'm lazy to upload, thus another entry void of pictures.
i guess i don't really care who reads, but i just need an outlet to rant my random thoughts about the day.
damn suay day made fine.
kaoz. i cannot believe it. EVERYTIME.
managed to go through the two classes today. relatively ok.
gonan slog through another 3 tml before relief-ing for boss's class.
haiz. and i better start on my ugc response paper because i feel damn screwed and i'm tired beyond words.
i actually feel so exhausted i feel like vomiting right now.
watched ta-ter-too-ee today with nehs.
it's funny lah. extremely cute in cartoon form. but in real life, i doubt rats are that adorable.
i think the cinema's audience loved it. choruses of laughter could be heard.
walked around and didn't feel the urge to shop.
saw a nice blue dress though. and since i don't really have this shade of blue yet, shall attempt a new colour to brighten up my life.
await my patent boots to make it perfect. (:
hopes my mama can find the perfect boots and woolly scarf!
at least i won't have to pay a bomb in singapore to get it.
er. support yin yue trend.
ok i'm really tired.
i don't know how i'm gonna make through the sem, but i'll fight.
with a big smile.
shall go conquer my stack of readings.
hope i don't:
1) die halfway
2) sleep halfway
3) cry halfway
4) go mad halfway
5) get lost halfway
i think i'm giving off the wrong vibe.
i guess i don't really care who reads, but i just need an outlet to rant my random thoughts about the day.
damn suay day made fine.
kaoz. i cannot believe it. EVERYTIME.
managed to go through the two classes today. relatively ok.
gonan slog through another 3 tml before relief-ing for boss's class.
haiz. and i better start on my ugc response paper because i feel damn screwed and i'm tired beyond words.
i actually feel so exhausted i feel like vomiting right now.
watched ta-ter-too-ee today with nehs.
it's funny lah. extremely cute in cartoon form. but in real life, i doubt rats are that adorable.
i think the cinema's audience loved it. choruses of laughter could be heard.
walked around and didn't feel the urge to shop.
saw a nice blue dress though. and since i don't really have this shade of blue yet, shall attempt a new colour to brighten up my life.
await my patent boots to make it perfect. (:
hopes my mama can find the perfect boots and woolly scarf!
at least i won't have to pay a bomb in singapore to get it.
er. support yin yue trend.
ok i'm really tired.
i don't know how i'm gonna make through the sem, but i'll fight.
with a big smile.
shall go conquer my stack of readings.
hope i don't:
1) die halfway
2) sleep halfway
3) cry halfway
4) go mad halfway
5) get lost halfway
i think i'm giving off the wrong vibe.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
i don't really know how to begin this entry.
work as usual.
hates chinawoman. seriously. i was sitting there trying not to explode.
tolerance level UP!
wanted to slap her mans. she thinks lessons are free lah. try here try there. dulans.
today no lower sec eng cos' i told boss i needed a break and he was nice enough to give me one. loves two bosses and mel. HAHAHAH. they are damn nice lah.
the kids know me already anyways. which is good. i like them. smiley bunch. =)
admin-ed. attendance finally done.
slow army guy still very slow. nv got to talk to him much.
was more of insurancing =(
need money.
to support myself.
er. mr fate smsed me to go watch movie.
but coincidentally both of us cldn't make the timing.
so it was changed to a dinner date.
LOL. i kinda pity him.
kenna bullied by me and teased non-stop.
anyway ate pizza hut. hmmms. his treat leh. =D
wanted to take a walk home, but it was drizzling.
so he walked me to my bus stop and waited for my bus, which came in a few minutes.
dropped a nice sms.
and he returned a nice sms.
oh wells. secretttt.
oh, xin fu and i might be going kl at end of yr. hmmmms. but school just started only. =(
working for my DL this sem. it's like a challenge. sighs.
byebye. tired.
my soc quiz tml is dead.
work as usual.
hates chinawoman. seriously. i was sitting there trying not to explode.
tolerance level UP!
wanted to slap her mans. she thinks lessons are free lah. try here try there. dulans.
today no lower sec eng cos' i told boss i needed a break and he was nice enough to give me one. loves two bosses and mel. HAHAHAH. they are damn nice lah.
the kids know me already anyways. which is good. i like them. smiley bunch. =)
admin-ed. attendance finally done.
slow army guy still very slow. nv got to talk to him much.
was more of insurancing =(
need money.
to support myself.
er. mr fate smsed me to go watch movie.
but coincidentally both of us cldn't make the timing.
so it was changed to a dinner date.
LOL. i kinda pity him.
kenna bullied by me and teased non-stop.
anyway ate pizza hut. hmmms. his treat leh. =D
wanted to take a walk home, but it was drizzling.
so he walked me to my bus stop and waited for my bus, which came in a few minutes.
dropped a nice sms.
and he returned a nice sms.
oh wells. secretttt.
oh, xin fu and i might be going kl at end of yr. hmmmms. but school just started only. =(
working for my DL this sem. it's like a challenge. sighs.
byebye. tired.
my soc quiz tml is dead.
easy way out-
so today passed pretty fast.
asides from the fact that i was almost fucking late because i waited for 20 minutes or so for a bus that wouldn't come.
so tempted to take a cab. CANNOT. i'm like repeating the same routine every saturday.
and i got another teachers' day present. from this mum of one of my p4 kids. GASP.
fineee. it was kinda sweet gesture. grrr.
but it's some ginseng korean sweet. in some ikea transparent mini bottle. tied with a gold and red ribbon, and decorated with fabric paint. hahaha.
the only reason why i am describing is because i'm lazy to take a picture.
the day sped by rather quickly. sigh. to help the helpless.
you end up feeling helpless too. =(
dropping praises and encouragements here and there when it's worthy.
jokes here and there when work's done.
i'm tired.
i'll begin my new private chinagirl tuition. shall teach her to converse in english. tskkk.
i haven't started studying or doing any concrete work.
and my sms bill is exploding. thanks to abs.
fats are back.
i need tons of sleep, and a new life.
asides from the fact that i was almost fucking late because i waited for 20 minutes or so for a bus that wouldn't come.
so tempted to take a cab. CANNOT. i'm like repeating the same routine every saturday.
and i got another teachers' day present. from this mum of one of my p4 kids. GASP.
fineee. it was kinda sweet gesture. grrr.
but it's some ginseng korean sweet. in some ikea transparent mini bottle. tied with a gold and red ribbon, and decorated with fabric paint. hahaha.
the only reason why i am describing is because i'm lazy to take a picture.
the day sped by rather quickly. sigh. to help the helpless.
you end up feeling helpless too. =(
dropping praises and encouragements here and there when it's worthy.
jokes here and there when work's done.
i'm tired.
i'll begin my new private chinagirl tuition. shall teach her to converse in english. tskkk.
i haven't started studying or doing any concrete work.
and my sms bill is exploding. thanks to abs.
fats are back.
i need tons of sleep, and a new life.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
got this from one of my private tutee at clementi today. LOL. sweet lahs.
my first teacher's day present so far.
zzzz. i'm a tutor......
i guess i get used to being hollered by the name of "miss teo" or "teacher" with extra huge exclaimation marks. LOL.
got a snickers bar from boss jh.
today was hectic. rushed to tiong bahru to find my stupid cousin late. waited one hour for him, then ended off later cos' i had to explain the dumb heuristic solutions to him and he couldn't catch any ball. don't know his psle how mans.
got to clementi. rushed to prepare attendance stuff, then for private maths.
then rushing to and fro to lock and unlock doors.
and collecting payment from -gasp- the cute father who came on tuesday. -grins-
and then was relief for the p1 kids. cutes.
LOL. relaxing i'll say.
not taking pictures recently.
lousy fringe not long enough and i still look damn cok.
evidence. =(
sighs. no time no time.
how to movie with W.
but i was thinking ugc is totally like...answers everywhere.
did i really unconsciously wished for it?
oh wells. think too much already.
haven't settled down to study yet.
grrr. tuition tml.
a day to tame the monkeys.
cannot wait for my new bag to arrive.
the bronze one is dying fast.
heavy load.
so many wants, so little money. =(
oh ya, i found news of mz's mikey and a speculated gf.
it's in the link lahs.
mz go see sia. don't be too jealous ok!
mikey news.
where are you?
will you sweep me off my feet when you appear?
the invisible shadow.
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