anyway, my shuffle is a new changed shuffle! HAHAH!
i made my sis buy the skin for me and handmade(as in the cutting and everything lah) for my shuffle! WOO. ok fine, the skin looks really corny. i wanted green stars, but sis insisted on the blue fishes. tsktsk. so anyways, this is the NEW LOOK for now! :)

it's probably safe from falls and scratches FOR NOW. *shakes head* i cannot believe the amount of scars there are on the body. it's really pretty knocked-up.
BUT, i have another good news!
see, my internet broadband connection servce with starhub is expiring(or expired i don't know) and my father plans to sign up for new plan with singtel. and knowing that singtel is giving away FREE ipod NANO, i convinced my father to sign for that that plan.
ok, fine, so i haven't got my ipod NANO on hand yet, but the thought of it lying on my palm sends shivers of happiness down my spine already. FREE LEH! wah biang. means i can again convince my dad to get me a new phone at the end of november when my plan expires. *GRINS*
save alot money! and if i earn enough, i shall get my VERY OWN digicam. but of cos', i need a job first. and being such a terrible parasite to this society, i must admit this: i have never worked before in my entire life.
*sad face* yar, i know i'm really terrible. but hey! i'm no pampered or spoilt brat ok!!! i just play too much and forgot to find jobs. and besides, to sacrifice that one month or so of hols i had before to work my guts off is totally not worth it. but since things have changed now, and i'm probably gonna get LONGGGGG holidays after Alevels, and even longer if i don't get into university, it's time for me to start looking for a job. =(
any lobang anyone??? i really really really need to finance my shopping trips and insatiable desires. =D plus, i'm probably not gonna get a rich boyfriend anytime soon. ok lah, joking. about that part of getting rich boyfriends. you know how women always free of being tai-tais and enjoy life? i actually desire to be a career-orientated woman. hmmmm. my palm's fortune says otherwise. no career line. god dammit. i'm pretty upset.
BUT! MY LIFE IS IN MY OWN HANDS!!! I CONTROL MY LIFE. so there, i gonna make all the fortune tellers INACCURATE.
so please, got lobang tell me ok?? PRETTY PLEASEEEE.
CRAP ALERT. do not proceed unless you are VERY bored.
on a side note(copy from zihao one =D), my father has decided to fall victim of the GAHMENT'S policies and BOUGHT A FREAKING NEW CAR! tsktsk. i am in no right to lecture my dad about how economics work in this case and the consequences that are pretty much nonchalant to the normal citizens who did not study economics back then. please lah, cheap COE don't mean that buying cars is worth it. prices will go up in some other places. take for example entry fees into city areas? besides, oil/petrol prices are soaring even faster than the fastest eagles and they are so unpredictable today. the GAHMENT won't so stupid lower COE prices to make us think that buying cars are so cheap then they never gain anything from this lowering of COE price. wouldn't this enhance congestion problem? they surely would have thought about it.
then again, the demand for cars is most probably price elastic? well well, it could be price inelastic also i guess. depends on the range of income groups we are talking about. cars are a luxury good? and considering that 1/2 of Singapore's population is well-off by international standards, i guess the demand is PED more than one. if so, then the lowering of COE prices, which is a complement good(the need of one requiring the use of the other) would indefinitely raise the quantity demanded of cars by more than proportionate! in this case, revenue would increase?
ah well, its subjective i guess. depends on the stupidity of Singaporeans? i don't know lah.
HAHAHAHA! what is this man? i'm crapping!
ok, sorry to all who have read till here. if you have studied econs, and spotted any mistake, please tell me. tag my board or something.
wtf. i'm so dead.
and those people are drilling again. i'm going crazy.
someone help meeeeeee!
note from writer: i'm sorry if you read through the entire entry. it was pretty much rubbish as usual. my apologies. :)
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