well, i'm always hungry.
anyway, i've rediscovered the blissfulness of these tarts again!
SUPER NICE. SUPER YUMMY. and i saw marshmellows! hahahaha!! but sorry marshy, i did not buy lah. too early to prepare for the bbq already! :D

yays! okok, i must watch my diet. plan to slim down man..if not die also cannot fit into my skirt properly. GRRR. and zw went swimming! i'm so jealous! i also want a tan!!! =( i'm so pale and ghastly looking now...
anyway, i finally took a picture of my new bag. hmmmm. and i realised that john lennon actually seems to be POPPING out of the picture when taken by cameras!! syaffy tried with her camera phone and it was quite freaky.
so there..

hmmmm. pretty much screwed. sigh. trying to take things in stride. i don't think i can do so for long. =( feeling very pent up.
oh well, perhaps all this cheery-ness i hide behind on my blog is just another mask. to deceive myself that i am happy. oh well, what else can i be right? i mean..no point sulking my day away..heh.
and i totally love this collage i made from super old pictures before i cut my hair. did the black and white version with the grayscale version..not sure which one looks better though..but i love it because it looks all so natural..it was taken in separate shots while having dinner at the TAO'S. and i guess because as the days go by, i AM feeling more attached and connected to my sis. haven't felt this feeling for a very long time..heh, guess i dearly wish those she-slap-me-i-kick-her days were over..
we had drifted apart. we had cold wars. but i guess this year, things turned for the better..=) yea, i think i do love her afterall.
i blog alot don't i? and i think i'm the only one reading my own entries. memories man. how my blog has evolved from the beginning to the present.
heh. i think my blog is "huge" (in size) by certain standards. tsktsk. must stop. i'm not some popular blogger. must stop blogging so much. getting quite tedious to wait for my blog to load. sucking alot bandwidth.
ps: i'm very sad cos' jieru says NANO very easy to break/scratch i don't know what else. =( but hell, i haven't got it yet!!!
aww sucks. my blog refuses to accept the pictures of me and my sis. shall post another day! =)
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