Saturday, October 29, 2005
can't get my freaking ass out of bed. so irritated. my entire day is like slacked and wasted away.
so pissed. gonna stop updating for now. after this pointless entry. i know it's pointless. but i'm so bloody pissed at my progress i need to vent it out ok. besides, you can choose to click that "back" button on your window broswer or that red "X" at the top right hand corner of your screen.
just don't miss me lah! :P
and i feel so SNEAKED up on. you know who you are. and perhaps i should link you too. =p
and for your info, i have alot other blogs whom i know of but do not link on my blog. just cos' i like sneaking up on people too.
so yah lah, fine.
had a long chat with none other than louis lim yesterday online! i cannot believe how long we've chatted!!!!!!
and well, ok lah, got deep dark secrets. hahahahaha. but it's a promise to keep it between the two of us only. but it actually feels good to rant on and on, and he listening to my bullshit, and adding bullshit of his time and time along the conversation.
i still cannot believe how terrible he is. bad influence indeed. the only thing i should learn from him is his studying methods and his hardworking nature.
he bloody taught me how to commit suicide if i felt unhappy about my Alevels.
his "101 ways to commit suicide" version. i feel so dotdotdot sometimes. don't ever judge a book by it's cover--again, has re-established its meaning. HAHAHAHA.
and well, he taught me self defense techniques against perverts. -_-''' not that i needed it though, but he was kindly offering me the "many many ways to defend yourself". hahahaha. he's funny lah.
i feel so pms-y lately. and i realised my tolerance level for noise when i decide to settle down to get some work done is actually rather low. especially if you don't know me and come and irritate me, i think you better reconsider. and if you still decide to go ahead and annoy me, then you really should get ready your coffin.
so bloody random. so bloody irrelevant and lacking of substance, much less content. =(
i might not get my NANO afterall. don't know when my pa decides to get the new plan. by then maybe promotion also over. DARN. and i suddenly am eyeing PSP with much desire. DARN DARN!
i think, as people write in their blogs over time, the quality should have improved right? the language and the expression and stuff. i look back at my entries and i do see slight improvements in the way i construct my sentences. yet on the other hand, i seem to have improved only that slightly. and it's quite discouraging.
and well, perhaps expected. i've accelerated far too fast in my early childhood days, and well, perhaps this oil and fuel to learn has burnt low. i admit that. i prefer non-memorising stuff, prefering content that makes me reflect and rethink my positions and stands on certain topics. i like to be challenged. but not in a way such as i have to memorise and freaking use formulas(eg. MATHS..ROAR!!!) which i certainly know clearly in my mind, i would have no use of in MY future. except for counting my rich husband's money. heheheheh.
but that's not the point. see? if i am SO freaking rich, i would have a self-hired accountant to do all that shit for me.
sigh. my point here is, i wish to spend my life doing something i love. things like volunteering in charity, overseas projects, raising awareness for things i believe in. anything. i like to do things like exercising out in the sun, instead of having to plant my butt down on my chair for 3/4 of the day reading things that i HAVE to learn, cos' it freaking decides my future.
life is wierd. only when you can pass all these obstacles in your life, then you can do things you like. if not, then forget it about trying to make it big.
dude, the ENTIRE stupid world WANTS to make it big. so what makes YOU think YOU will?
i remember this quote: everyone wants to do huge things in life, but they often forget, life is made up of many small things.
//being someone is difficult, being someone great is even harder.
perhaps, i just need a rest from all these shit after this shit, to think about the shit i want to do in the rest of my shitty life.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
just for reads.
go click around to read a few of her classic entries. really made me laugh, a few of them. and of cos', her obsession with mayday! hahaha.
anyway, i went to MI with sis to try to study. heard that it's nt bad place to study. but i felt stupid(maybe i am, ya i know) because i had to don her volleyball jersey to go in without being found out. tsktsk.
but hell, it was worth it. i never felt so WOW before as i reviewed their compound.
their library IS a freaking TWO STOREY building ALL BY ITSELF. can you qie that SA? hahahah. damn.
and guess what? although their classrooms are not the air-conditioned kind we enjoy, BUT their freaking lockers are IN their homeroom. and oh, did i mention that they don't have to move their asses to go to lessons? their teachers pretty much go to them. WTF. i feel so......=( we were laregely undisturbed in the room for half the day.
ok lah fine. what for compare. might as well go study there right? hahaha, i'm just pretty much wow-ed by their system.
but their school does sucks in certain aspects. like not selling instant noodles.(their teachers are scared that their students will be malnutritioned--according to the sis.) hot water is meant for milo and cereal or whatever shit. but there is a shop nearby that sells cup noodles, so everything's fine. walking distance i heard.
and their school is invariably resounding of SCREAMS from girls. tsktsk. my sis said it's the year ones with nothing better to do and wanting to attract attention from people nearby. that's soooo junvenile. i wonder if they outgrew their secondary "play-catching" days already or not. then my sister clarified. they play catching in the assembly area--another tactic to attract attention(from guys presumbly). WTF. i didn't know such girls still existed. quite a disgrace if i must add. oh, maybe i was like that last time? i used to love catching. =(
HAH. anyway, i got away unfounded lah. see so pro right. maybe i look like a volleyball player!
i suddenly miss hockey PT trainings and pitch trainings. all that 30 rounds, STUPID burp-ups and situps and pushups and EVERYTHING else. including all the pain i endured. suddenly i really miss every hockey peep. =(
i miss my stick even. i think it is being eaten "alive" by termites by the door. =(
my sister was so amused when i told her last time specks of loose wood flew out of my stick when i hit/sweep at the hockey ball. tsktsk.
the weather just went bonkers. it rained suddenly!! omg. scary ok. before that got one huge super loud lighting plus thunder.
pa--"wahhhh, i thought got people take picture of me lehhh!"
anyway, me and my sis came back from her school and found the new car sitting comfortably in the parking lot. and sparkling shiny. SHINY. REALLY SHINY. wah biang, the side mirror, is TWO-SIDED ok!! NOT ONLY THE MIRROR SIDE CAN SEE YOURSELF, EVEN THE OPPOSITE SIDE ALSO CAN SEE YOURSELF.
amazing. me and sis wanted to leave our "imprint" on the car. but our fingerprints wouldn't appear dispite many attempts. must be too waxed liao.
tyres also damn chio. woah. the car is like entirely BLACK.
sis--"aiya, he want to be macho man what."
tsktsk. hahahah. no wonder he refused my proposal to get a pink car!
=( pink nice what. go parking lot confirm can fidn your car.
WOAH. i was so bo liao and did this thing provided by mr brown in his website. i cannot believe my worthless blog is worth so much!!! ok lah, very little compared to his. but heyyyyyy..good start for me ok!
feels good that i'm worth more than one cent. HAH.
My blog is worth $2,822.70.
How much is your blog worth?
go try it out yourself! i'm sure your blog is worth more!! :)
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
but reading blogs kinda got me all fired up.
you see, my stand is:
sometimes i just don't understand why people want to go through the pain of reading, AND THEN criticise that poor blogger.
no one effing put a gun next to you and your pea brain and made you click whatever that link is right? you all say you don't read that blog.
oh come on, you don't read then how you know what she is talking about??! this is sheer crap.
i cannot even continue.
in case any of you are wondering, i was refering to Xiaxue and her entry about public toilets--DISABLED public toilets to be exact. and those readers that opposed her view obviously. i didn't WANT to read what they wrote, but well, i admit curiosity got the better of me, and i MUST see how those crazy people reacted to her comments.
and they are indeed crazy.
i do agree with some of her points though. quoting from xiaxue:
I always thought that the physically handicapped will have a sense of pride even stronger than the average person, and this is something I have always admired in them. Their will to live far exceeds those physically abled, and because they constantly get unwanted pity, they are even more bent to prove themselves; prove that they can also live their lives normally, like everyone else.But this man has proven me wrong.Instead of picking up his pride, he exploits his disability to the fullest extent, to get things working for him; and to harm others - who are not allowed to have a different opinion from him.
we are definitely in no position to judge the morality of anyone.
everyone has their own stand, so like it or not, we can only oppose it. we are certainly in no position to slam that person. everyone has opinions. and it was just HER opinion. like it or not, it IS the right of everyone to have their own opinion, provided they do not maliciously hurt anyone directly.
but all the comments i see in opposing blogs are comments slamming her. no one is eff-ing perfect you all. mind you. neither are you. neither am i. so stop all this bullshit.
i'm really starting to hate how humans have evolved. how extreme our kind are. there are those whom i admire and look up to, but yet there are some which make me rethink my position on whether this society we live in are up to our own expectations.
we think we are oh-so-good. we are not so. please wake up from your little lalaland and stop thinking you are the best. comments and opinions, you want to read then you read, you like then fine, don't like then don't say so much. it's a simple rule isn't it? it's not like she's implementing policies or whatever shit.
she is trying to support herself you know that too. it's HER blog, so let it be. stop criticising her, and start thinking about YOURSELF. you may claim to be morally upright or whatever else, but please do rethink. i'm sure you are not as "upright" as you think you are.
no one is in any position to judge anyone. so there.
ok fine, don't like my stand just tell me. i just feel slightly fried in the brain area. so fucking tired from everything. everything includes trying to study by the way. TRYING. trying never felt so TRYING before.
hah. anyway, read her blog if you want to know what i am talking about. read others if you want to know more. and NO, i DID NOT encourage you to slam her or anyone. let's just be peaceful ok.
where's all the supposed beauty peageants and their "i want world peace!" stand?
can't even live in peace among us Singaporeans. what more a world.
lighter note:
was talking to shih jie online, and we were discussing about studies and me not studying might be able to get a rich husband and all.
then i told him i have no career line and bs mentioned tt i might become a tai tai. and i cannot believe he said this.
tie a red ribbon round the old plastic pipe says:
confirm la... quite obvious
tie a red ribbon round the old plastic pipe says:
u haf the makings of a tai tai.. i can see..
ok lah, it's good and bad. HAH.
i wonder how to see from face. grr.
tag me with all your comments!
Monday, October 24, 2005
well, i'm always hungry.
anyway, i've rediscovered the blissfulness of these tarts again!
SUPER NICE. SUPER YUMMY. and i saw marshmellows! hahahaha!! but sorry marshy, i did not buy lah. too early to prepare for the bbq already! :D

yays! okok, i must watch my diet. plan to slim down man..if not die also cannot fit into my skirt properly. GRRR. and zw went swimming! i'm so jealous! i also want a tan!!! =( i'm so pale and ghastly looking now...
anyway, i finally took a picture of my new bag. hmmmm. and i realised that john lennon actually seems to be POPPING out of the picture when taken by cameras!! syaffy tried with her camera phone and it was quite freaky.
so there..

hmmmm. pretty much screwed. sigh. trying to take things in stride. i don't think i can do so for long. =( feeling very pent up.
oh well, perhaps all this cheery-ness i hide behind on my blog is just another mask. to deceive myself that i am happy. oh well, what else can i be right? i point sulking my day away..heh.
and i totally love this collage i made from super old pictures before i cut my hair. did the black and white version with the grayscale version..not sure which one looks better though..but i love it because it looks all so was taken in separate shots while having dinner at the TAO'S. and i guess because as the days go by, i AM feeling more attached and connected to my sis. haven't felt this feeling for a very long time..heh, guess i dearly wish those she-slap-me-i-kick-her days were over..
we had drifted apart. we had cold wars. but i guess this year, things turned for the better..=) yea, i think i do love her afterall.
i blog alot don't i? and i think i'm the only one reading my own entries. memories man. how my blog has evolved from the beginning to the present.
heh. i think my blog is "huge" (in size) by certain standards. tsktsk. must stop. i'm not some popular blogger. must stop blogging so much. getting quite tedious to wait for my blog to load. sucking alot bandwidth.
ps: i'm very sad cos' jieru says NANO very easy to break/scratch i don't know what else. =( but hell, i haven't got it yet!!!
aww sucks. my blog refuses to accept the pictures of me and my sis. shall post another day! =)
anyway, my shuffle is a new changed shuffle! HAHAH!
i made my sis buy the skin for me and handmade(as in the cutting and everything lah) for my shuffle! WOO. ok fine, the skin looks really corny. i wanted green stars, but sis insisted on the blue fishes. tsktsk. so anyways, this is the NEW LOOK for now! :)

it's probably safe from falls and scratches FOR NOW. *shakes head* i cannot believe the amount of scars there are on the body. it's really pretty knocked-up.
BUT, i have another good news!
see, my internet broadband connection servce with starhub is expiring(or expired i don't know) and my father plans to sign up for new plan with singtel. and knowing that singtel is giving away FREE ipod NANO, i convinced my father to sign for that that plan.
ok, fine, so i haven't got my ipod NANO on hand yet, but the thought of it lying on my palm sends shivers of happiness down my spine already. FREE LEH! wah biang. means i can again convince my dad to get me a new phone at the end of november when my plan expires. *GRINS*
save alot money! and if i earn enough, i shall get my VERY OWN digicam. but of cos', i need a job first. and being such a terrible parasite to this society, i must admit this: i have never worked before in my entire life.
*sad face* yar, i know i'm really terrible. but hey! i'm no pampered or spoilt brat ok!!! i just play too much and forgot to find jobs. and besides, to sacrifice that one month or so of hols i had before to work my guts off is totally not worth it. but since things have changed now, and i'm probably gonna get LONGGGGG holidays after Alevels, and even longer if i don't get into university, it's time for me to start looking for a job. =(
any lobang anyone??? i really really really need to finance my shopping trips and insatiable desires. =D plus, i'm probably not gonna get a rich boyfriend anytime soon. ok lah, joking. about that part of getting rich boyfriends. you know how women always free of being tai-tais and enjoy life? i actually desire to be a career-orientated woman. hmmmm. my palm's fortune says otherwise. no career line. god dammit. i'm pretty upset.
BUT! MY LIFE IS IN MY OWN HANDS!!! I CONTROL MY LIFE. so there, i gonna make all the fortune tellers INACCURATE.
so please, got lobang tell me ok?? PRETTY PLEASEEEE.
CRAP ALERT. do not proceed unless you are VERY bored.
on a side note(copy from zihao one =D), my father has decided to fall victim of the GAHMENT'S policies and BOUGHT A FREAKING NEW CAR! tsktsk. i am in no right to lecture my dad about how economics work in this case and the consequences that are pretty much nonchalant to the normal citizens who did not study economics back then. please lah, cheap COE don't mean that buying cars is worth it. prices will go up in some other places. take for example entry fees into city areas? besides, oil/petrol prices are soaring even faster than the fastest eagles and they are so unpredictable today. the GAHMENT won't so stupid lower COE prices to make us think that buying cars are so cheap then they never gain anything from this lowering of COE price. wouldn't this enhance congestion problem? they surely would have thought about it.
then again, the demand for cars is most probably price elastic? well well, it could be price inelastic also i guess. depends on the range of income groups we are talking about. cars are a luxury good? and considering that 1/2 of Singapore's population is well-off by international standards, i guess the demand is PED more than one. if so, then the lowering of COE prices, which is a complement good(the need of one requiring the use of the other) would indefinitely raise the quantity demanded of cars by more than proportionate! in this case, revenue would increase?
ah well, its subjective i guess. depends on the stupidity of Singaporeans? i don't know lah.
HAHAHAHA! what is this man? i'm crapping!
ok, sorry to all who have read till here. if you have studied econs, and spotted any mistake, please tell me. tag my board or something.
wtf. i'm so dead.
and those people are drilling again. i'm going crazy.
someone help meeeeeee!
note from writer: i'm sorry if you read through the entire entry. it was pretty much rubbish as usual. my apologies. :)
Saturday, October 22, 2005
nothing much.
I can’t figure out the reason why lately
you’ve been acting so cold (didn’t you say)
if there’s a problem we should work it out
so why you giving me the cold shoulder now
like you don’t want to talk to me girl (tell me)
okay I know I was late again
I made you mad and dinners thrown in (the bin)
but why you making this thing drag on so long (I wanna know)
I’m sick and tired of this silly game
don’t think that I’m the only one here to blame
it’s not me who’s been going round slamming doors
That’s when you turned and said to me
I don’t care babe who’s right or wrong
I just don’t love you no more
Rain outside my window pouring down
what now, you’re gone, my fault, I’m sorry
feeling like a fool cos I let you down
now it’s too late to turn it around
I’m sorry for the tears I’ve made you cry
I guess this time it really is goodbye
you made it clear when you said
I just don’t love you no more
I know that I’ve made a few mistakes
but never thought things would turn out this way
doesn’t make sense to me now that you’re gone (I see it all so clearly)
me at the door with you in a state
giving my reasons but as you look away
I can see a tear roll down your face
That’s when you turned and said to me
I don’t care babe who’s right or wrong
I just don’t love you no more
Rain outside my window pouring down
what now, you’re gone, my fault, I’m sorry
feeling like a fool cos I let you down
now it’s too late to turn it around
I’m sorry for the tears I’ve made you cry
I guess this time it really is goodbye
you made it clear when you said
I just don’t love you no more
Those simple words hit so hard
they turned my whole world upside down
girl you caught me completely off guard
on that night you said to me
I just don’t love you no more
Rain outside my window pouring down
what now, you’re gone, my fault, I’m sorry
feeling like a fool cos I let you down
now it’s too late to turn it around
I’m sorry for the tears I’ve made you cry
I guess this time it really is goodbye
You made it clear when you said
I just don’t love you no more
Craig David, Don't Love you no more(i'm sorry)
i just realised. this has got to be one of the nicer english songs i've heard recently.
this teeny tinge of regret hit me everytime i see you online.
would things have been different if i had chosen that path you presented to me? would things have been better? would i have been happier?
but it's all too late to regret. the day i realised that you are with another girl, my world crashed. not so much because i was jealous or whatever, but because we had lost contact for so long..and you never bothered to msg never bothered to care what was happening in my life. and i learnt about this only through a mutual friend.
i recall sending a few msges to you, asking about you and your life. you never replied. never. i thought our friendship meant something. you were one of my closer guy friends back then. i told you why i had to refuse your proposal. was i stupid? i don't know.
i cannot regret right now. perhaps i regret just..simply that we are no longer friends..that we no longer care about each other at all.
from close friends, to barely even strangers.
i just don't understand why some platonic friendships never work out.
maybe it's meant to be so. well, since you hardly even bother, i guess i might as well let things go.
you don't know how much you mean to me.
i am craving bbq marshmellows
Friday, October 21, 2005
read if you like.
i don't know. anyway, it's such a wrong choice to come home from school. cos' there is this stupid construction/renovation work in the apartment next to mine. and it's so freaking loud and noisy i cant even hear myself talk. dammit.
stupid. i hate renovation. WHY ARE THEY CONSTANTLY RENOVATING??!?!?!!!!
fuck. i cannot stand such noice. just as much i cannot stand techno music. what? is techno cool? look at my lips: I DON'T CARE.
it's just dumb people following dumb trends. show me real people who really know how to appreciate techno. then perhaps i'll change my mindset.
i was just browsing blogs as usual. and i realised why are some people so retarded?? i mean, there are blogs we HATE and bloggers we DESPISE, and yet we continue to visit their blogs and read what they write daily? it all just doesn't make sense does it? i don't think it does. why would you want to read something by someone you hate positively, thinking that it is nothing but utter rubbish.
i think i know why. so that we can whine and complain about it to our friends about how lousy that blog/blogger is.
"wah lau! did you read XXX's blog?? SO STUPID RIGHT?"
"yar! why is she so bimbotic? so brainless one!"
yada yada yada.
tsktsk. senseless bitching.
this is what i call the nemesis blogs.
i'm sure everyone has their own nemesis blog(s). blogs we hate to the core and cannot stand reading, but yet visit religiously just to check out what that brainless idiot has written, and then complain and whine about how incompetent that person is.
of course, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. it's human psychology. really.
what i think is hilariously ironic, is perhaps, WE ourselves are the nemesis blog of OTHERS. people hate our blogs and yet they continue reading it. this contributes to the high readership i guess. not because people love you to read what you wrote, but more likely because they hate you, and just want to read about your you-think-its-so-good ranting online.
hmmm. that being said. i must add in that there are of course people who are blatantly neutral. reading for the sake of reading. reading to kill boredom. to understand more about someone's life. reading..simply to well..TRY to pry our way into their thinking..i don't know.
there are probably many kinds of people out there reading blogs. it's the "in" thing now isn't it?
i've blogged for like what? 4 years or so..and this shit just became hot this year or perhaps the year before. the controversy. the perceptions. there can never be one stand. just ONE. it's us humans. finding nothing better to do lah.
i can't be bothered. i blog for myself. i blog to remember things i don't wanna forget in the future. i blog, simply because i feel i need to vent. i blog because i love to read and write.
i am not perfect. i will never be. but at least i try my best to improve. better than people who think they are the best. i think that is ridiculous.
another ridiculous thing. i was looking through my stats for my blog, and i realised how STUPID some of the top keyword searches for my blog was:
mr mannan
freaking vampire
pretty vampire pictures
i'm sorry. mr mannan is not in my list of entries so far YET.
and yes, i AM a freaking vampire. hello!
no, there are no pretty vampire pictures here.
ok, i cannot stand the noise already.
i'm really pissed and hurt now.
i don't know what i fucking did to deserve this. and maybe now i don't fucking care anymore.
so what? i mean you are not a good friend of mine in the first place. what was our little "friendship" based on? i don't know. you and your superficial-ness? you and your i-am-so-sweet-and-good-to-everyone attitude? perhaps so. perhaps this is why i trusted you.
you know what? trust is earned. and you fucking did not because i used to tink that friends need not EARN trust. i trusted my gut feeling. and this time, i am so wrong. so wrong. i regret my decision. that decision i made to befriend and accept the frienship of this two-faced monster.
i am being harsh. i don't care. i am just hurt.
maybe you don't trust me either.
all i can say is that i used to trust you totally. i used to tell you all my troubles. i hid behind NOTHING. i wore NO mask. i was sincere in my words and actions. and you fucking broke it all.
i hate you. for now? for ever? i don't know.
i'm just so fucking hurt and pissed.
pissed that i didn't see that monster through you.
pissed that once again, i am victim to another of my trust-people-too-easily personality.
i think i hate myself too.
and you made me hate myself.
i wish i never knew you.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
-managed to bathe super fast.
-couldn't find my house keys.
-reached ABIT late at clementi.
-took the bus to ngee ann poly with the bimbo and marshy.
-had many good laughs on the way because someone was hiccuping REALLY badly.
-hold breath also no use.
-alot methods also no use.
-he ended up hiccuiping the entire ride.
-reached the canteen then stop hiccuping.
-he ate, we watched.
-went to the library.
-instead of studying, we TALKED, LAUGHED, SLACKED, SPASM-ED.
-slacked our way to lunch again.
-saw a miniature frog on our way there.
-bs asked zh to pick it up. but she walked fastest away from him after he picked it up.
-zh almost slipped on his way to the canteen.
-ate. yumyum :)
-lousy djs.
-songs played were all cut halfway. lousy.
-saw a cyndi wang wannabe.
-learnt some steps from her music video.
-laughed our way back to the library.
-went back to study.
-oh well, not REALLY study.
-talked more.
-laughed more.
-me and bs tried to scare zh.
-but it was a failed attempt.
-he saw our HEADS while we were crawling outside.
-he saw BS's eyes when she tried to peep at him.
-and he saw our reflected image in the other room where we were banging on the walls of that room next to it to scare him.
-he wasn't scared.
-he kept laughing though.
-we thought you didn't hear or what lah! until we saw your shoulders shaking with laughter=D.
-admit it! we AMUSED you. at least we did something constructive.
-then it was the case of the POUTING LIPS on lim zihao.
-that want-to-lwarn-drum-but-no-money boy don't know why drum that time will POUT his lips.
-super unglam.
-super hilarious.
-but there was more to come.
-zihao and his STORING WATER LIPS.
-dude, you should look in the mirror when you do stupid things ok! *GRINS*
-oh, there was the incident of the curious man.
-he walked past our room several times looking hard at us everytime.
-the first time zh was spasming while drumming with his POUTING lips.
-the second time zh and his smelly foot was on the table.
-and there were many more.
-bs was so worried he is some psychology lecturer that wanted to investigate human-animals in a cage(the room), and bring more students to observe us.
-but he didn't lah.
-bs was also very scared that the librarians would chase us out of the room.
-jumped everytime someone walked by.
-oh yes! the "ghost" story telling.
-which wasn't VERY scary lah. but quite erm..scary. irony.
-left early.
-the outing to bugis/clementi central/move was not meant to be.
-all of us returned home.
-i got home.
-here i am.
-off i go to eat dinner.
//what a SUPER unconstructive and UNPRODUCTIVE DAY=(
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
just some blabber.
i admire people who can laugh at themselves. and i enjoy their company. because somehow life doesn't seem so severe when around them. maybe that's why i love my sister. we laugh at everything. same frequency, same wavelength lah.
i'm revising physics so slowly i think it's terrible. DIE LAH. i really die already. stressed stressed. better start speding up soon. and i better start other subjects!!!
tml going to ngee ann poly to study with bimbo and marshy! woah! pardon me for my ulu-ness but i'm excited!!! hahahaha. never been there. gonna check out the library man!
and i just realised even MI has TWO-STOREY LIBRARY. oh man, and SA jas only ONE STOREY. wth.
so sian man.
sometimes i think i hate you. and perhaps that feeling is mutual. but of cos', hating you is too tiring. so i prefer to think you do not exist. and it works most of the time.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
pink skies.
i still feel confused.
i am freaking stressed up and upset.
i try not to show it all.
i try to be composed and cheeful.
i can't stop thinking about the wrong things cos' it's just the wrong time now.
i freaking hate my puny brain,
i know i cannot give up.
i'm tired.
yet i sleep 3/4 of my day away.
just kill me.
incoherence is good.
Monday, October 17, 2005
new belt(AGAIN)-->check!
YESSSSSS!!! IM ONE HAPPY GIRL I TELL YOU. buy until orgasm. i don't care how crude that sounds, but im HAPPY!
ok, back to earth..need to study already =(
but im still HAPPY!!!
BUT, i must work hard to jian fei during this period.
and pray hard that what the shopkeeper say is true: the skirt will expand a bit after washing.
and pray that i will settle down and CONCENTRATE on my studies. dammit.
anyway, i saw some ELEPHANT at bugis today while debating over whether to buy my bag or not. why elephant?
i SWEAR i heard like THUMPING footsteps that ALMOST rocked bugis street before looking up and seeing a er...ugly(?) elephant.
ok lahhh. i forgive that elepahant. BAG TOO HEAVY LAH HOR.
HAHAHAHA. serves you right. should have cleared your elephant sty long ago! last time i saw got elephant-y BRIEFS/SHORTS/UNDERWEAR i don't know what inside. GROSS LAH U.
so anyway. i saw that elephant. HEE.
elephant in bugis street. :)
so much more to buy...=(
i NEED a rich boyfriend. HAHAHAHA!!!
she is like the BEST!!!! OMG I LOVE HERRRR. it helps that she has good taste in stuff and knows what i like! :)
the BEST shopping kahki ever. she like knows all the CHEAP and TERRIFIC buys! oh man!!! =)))))
alot inside jokes also. but OEI! don't kick me under the table while eating!! *grins* i almost choked on my food ok! and sniggering discreetly does not help!! :PPPP
love you lah. and i know you love me too! :)
Friday, October 14, 2005
farewell pictures.

//re-living(literally??) childhood memories.
there are so freaking many pictures and it's almost impossible to comment on all of them..i guess people who know me well enough will know what i wanna tell everyone from deep inside my heart. *sighs* yea..i really feel terrible and lost..i don't know what i would do without my friends..i won't know where and what we will end up as. i don't know whether all of us will meet up again in gatherings and outings and have as much fun as we are having now.
so many people whom i did not manage to find and take pictures with. so many...i feel regretful..but i'm sure there will come another chance! :)
and yes, speaking of regret, i AM regretful that i did not muster enough courage to take pictures with my eye candies. this is terrible. and everyone is boasting of how happy and lucky they are able to take pictures with their eye candies. OMG. this is too much lah!!
i'm in love with every single one of them. every single one.
so deeply in love. i love u guys! missing you guys already! hahaha!!
this is my pics which i have uploaded in shutterfly! it's extremely efficient, even on my laopokpok lappy!! RECCOMENDED GUYS!! :P
anyway, i'm lazy to put down the other links from friends all over..=p so well, go find out yourself..tataaa!
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
but it seems like i've only started to treasure the people and stuff around me only these last few days of school. huifang is right i guess. guess what? i went to school everyday ok! although i spent 3/4 of my day in the reading room rotting instead of going to lectures lah. hahahaha!
well, reading room suddenly became a really nice place to hang out in. *shrugs* it's wierd really, i feel at home in the reading room..hahaha! like those classrooms we used to have during secondary school days..our homeroom like that. only that my homeroom in SAJC is virtually useless lah, i don't even know what is my homeroom. mans.
i looked at the gallery today, and i realised how much i miss that place. TRAININGS!!! BSA!!! *grimace* hahahha, it sure was tiring and tough, but it was hell of a fun! :) i miss hockey girls man. i miss everyone like hell.
i wonder if we are ever going to meet up after our Alevels..what will happen after this? will we still keep in contact? or will these people just remain part of our memories? nothing more?
i'm terrified of the prospect of losing everything i have(which is not alot), missing all my friends in my life..i would be at a lost. i really would be. tomorrow is probably my last day as an official student wearing a school uniform, singing national anthem on the track every morning, being in a class..having teachers and not only's...well..scary? i don't know..
i certainly wouldn't want to re-do my As just to go through all these again, as much as i would miss it. but hell, i would definitely miss school life.
everything would be much simpler than it would be in the future.
there's so much i want to say. but i'm at a loss of words for now. too much thoughts going through my mind...
and i wonder, would people miss me as much as i would miss them?
some people are just not worth it man.
and i would definitely miss seeing you. haha! well well, my infatuation apparently has not worn off. but..*sigh* nevermind lah, never see you means won't think so much already! :)
gotta grow up. 18 years and counting.
it's funny really, how people desire to be young again when they are old, and how the young children wish they would grow up quickly.
i'm stuck in between. desiring nothing, yet wanting both. irony.
and i think mrs dumpling loves me.(according to yunny!) damn, freaky ok! hahahaha..hush yunny! don't tell the entire world! and i am NOT going to take a picture with her!!! GRRRRR.
Monday, October 10, 2005
syaf: "you know, off-shoulder tops make you look slimmer, maybe can try for prom dress."
me:"yah..especially when you show off your collar bones, very nice.."
ziwan:"huh...*feels for her collarbone* but i think i don't have..*thinks while feeling for it*..i think i don't have cleavage leh...OH MAN! I MEAN COLLAR BONE!!!"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! oops. ok sorry ziwan. but i really laughed until i teared. you are hilarious man. cleavage not at collarbone there lah. *grins*
don't know why today ziwan's tongue like gone crazy, can't say what she wants properly.
anyway, today was so fucking fun and awesome i thought Alevels were over. dammit. i should rid of this "relax" mode. so freaking disturbing. i should lock myself in a room with nothign but study materials. for once, i am actually yearning to be a CHAO MUGGER. well, a smart chao mugger at that.
*heaves a huge sigh*
anyway, things got better with roy lending me his MAYDAY CD!!! omg.
and i heard junyang's guardian angel on the radio!!
ok lah, i'm joking. i did not have an REAL orgasm you idiots. but it was pretty much orgasmic listening to them! :)
so fucking screwed.
and oh, thanks bimbo for the postcard. was super touched lah!!! did not expect it at all. and thanks to all who gave me advices on skirts. and CHEE CHENG for teaching me how to exercise properly! *grins*
gonna lose those inches! kanasai, so don't tempt me with all that sinful food.
i'm serious about this harrrrr.
go study already. =(
Saturday, October 08, 2005
fine, so what if i'm not a "true woman"?
i shall evaluate my reasons of not being able to find a perfect skirt till now, for me at least. do not read if you are not interested.
i'm just fairly pissed right now.
number one reason for me not being able to find a decent skirt has got to be the fact that i am fucking FAT. so there, i've said it. I AM FAT CAN??!!
arghhhs!! ya lah, those skirts i fell in love with all i cannot fit into with my large butt and hips lah. happy not?
it's frustrating not be able to wear the skirts i like ok? you think i like to remain skirt-less issit?
it's so fucking hard not to be able to find a skirt i like and fits me well. by the way, i realised i have not been cursing for some time, and i apologise for the on-coming flow of expletives.
i have a huge butt that makes skirts tighter.
i think my legs are too freaking long and fleshy, which gives the appearance of skirts becoming TOO SHORT when they are not when worn by more petite individuals. for once, i am actually quite jealous of petite and small-sized people.
i was out with bs today at far east trying on a couple of skirts and NONE OF THEM FIT nicely without me looking like i was wearing nothing but undies until i got so pissed off i stopped trying.
curse my long and fat body.
i think this world really works against fat people. you can hardly find any decent-looking clothes for plus size people. not alot sympathy for big-szed peopel i can see. no wonder so many of fat people like me have to resort to wearing potato sacks to mask our fats.
well, i do admit dressing is indeed very important to making one's fats seem less offensive. *sigh* and the appropriate dressing is important, which probably makes my point in the above paragraph invalid, but to hell with it. i think shops catering to fat people(like me) are still lacking.
ARGHS! i am pissed with my body indeed. i have ballooned since secondary school and i am super disgusted with myself. bishi says do 300 situps everyday.
WTF!!! do 300 everyday i think my spine/wasit/stomach/abbs or whatever will just break and crack and die or something. sigh. they say hard work is everything to achieving a good body right? the pains women go through just for beauty. sigh.
yea. summary? i have too-long and fleshy legs, huge hips, humongous butt and well, everything bad to fit into skirts that i love.
dammit. i hate being fat. i am so going for lipo or taking slimming pills once i earn enough money to buy one set of Xandol or whatever shit they offer to make myself become slim enough to fit into skirts.
so fucking depressing ok.
stop asking me why i don't have skirts and why don't i wear skirts. you know my dirty little secret now.
i'm tired. and i'm tired of people asking me why i don't let my hair grow and become long like my sister.
i hate people to compare, and i know i cannot stop them from doing so. but hell, i'm jsut tired of being compared to someone who is way prettier than me, has a body that i can never achieve, and seems perfect in almost every sense. someone i will never ever be.
i don't wanna be a replica of my sister either. we are different from head to toe, inside and outside. and we love each other. so stop comparing and i might just stop hating myself.
fuck this world and their prejudice against fat people.
no wonder i get so pissed off when i hear people snigger at fat people. because i do fit into that description in a wee bit more time. i am ballooning like no one's shit.
there is nothing wrong being fat ok. the next time i hear someone laughing in contempt at a plus size person, i shall whack that person upside down with my 3310 handphone, which by the way is so freaking heavy it can double up as an anti-pervert weapon.
Friday, October 07, 2005
correct me if i'm wrong, but we DO learn about specific heat capacity in secondary school physics right? well, at least my school does teaches that. i don't believe a smart-ass like him actually doesn't know that teeny weeny bit of science knowledge, assuming he IS considered one of the "smartest" kids in school. so yup.
/at geog lecture.
"so does water have higher or lower specific heat capacity?"
that one-liner really caught me off-guard. coming from HIM. yea, totally don't think he is that smart afterall. i may be wrong, and i am sure i AM wrong, but heck, for once he actually made me feel smarter than him. HAH. living in self-deceit eh?
not very productive of late. discouraging indeed. and freaking worried.
HOW TO GET MY ABB!!!!!! (oops, no pun intended) but seriously, i'm screwed unless i do something quick, and when i mean quick, i mean NOW.
on a side note, i went for a swim with monz. not that we were swimming that much cos' that idiot CANNOT SWIM!!! omg. and she still has the cheek to tell me that.
"aiya, i FORGOT how to swim lor."
*chokes on own vomit* i don't think she EVER knew how to swim! hahahaha! *grins* i shall stop talking bad behind her already la, she doesn't know of this blog at all! TEEHEEHEE.
ahhh, syaffy giggles. man, i HATE people who giggle. thank god my love for her surpasses everything that should matter. so what, i'm bias can? you not my friend and you giggle, then you die.
super random. but can't be bothered to think straight. my mind is so full of stuff i cannot place by priority. gotta set my targets and dreams right once and for all.
anyway the "swim" with monz proved to have a sorta calming effect on me. we were like spilling our guts out about our troubles and worries and stuff. and well, a bit gossip here and there.
shocking, but i have NEVER swam with her before. considering a freaking 6 years and going strong friendship with her. NEVER. bathe or sleep, camp, slug it out, endure all the shitty times we've all done it together. (got people used to think we LIS-bian can! omg lah.) well, today marks the first day. hahaha. it's terrible to think that there are more days to come, for her company, despite being infectiously heart-warming, can be quite traumatic for the weak hearted. those details, i shall not divulge. hush. :)
dammit. and i so cannot get you out of my mind. thank god i have two days of not seeing you--anywhere.
besides, it's a pretty much stupid case lah. gotta get over this stupid school girl infatuation thing. wasting my time. HAHAHA.
i think my hair is becoming nicer!! *grins* im so happy can!!! hahahaha. well, it's like depending on my mood lah, so we'll see how. lalalaaaa~
by the way, i think PJC LOVES ME!! whoOo!! *super big grin* i don't know if he'll be reading this or not, but i just wanna irritate him. AT LEAST i never put our conversation here ok! i'm so nice! *INNOCENT halo atop my head*
speaking of innocence, syaffy and i are talking online right now. and she told me this(amidst a heated conversation about me being lesbian over America's next top models and the oh-gawd-so-gorgeous-models inside)
-Syaf- the sweetest thing. says:
dun do u explain all those footsies u always give me?
DIE. DIE i tell you. my reputation is gone!! SYAFFY I NEVER GIVE YOU FOOTSIES!!!! omg. my legs too long lah, REALLY! *sad look*
really, my legs are so freaking long and in the way everytime i do simple things like sitting on the bus seats. god dammit, i hate it when my knee keeps knocking into the seat in front and i have to like sit in such a way my legs are slanted towards the aisle and not "zou guang" while doing so. very irritating i tell you. especially when my legs are fleshy and pudgy. *grimaces*
don't know why i'm so freaking tired now.
shall not post pictures afterall. *YAWN*
Thursday, October 06, 2005
no title.
you see, people used to tell me that when someone burps or farts, they are emitting methane, which is a gas which causes global warming/greenhouse effect. yes, i'm a lousy geog student taking geog right now, so correct me if i'm wrong stating the above facts.
but anyway, the first thought that came onto my mind was LIM ZIHAO.
that idiot is extremely well-known for his come-at-the-wrong-time-and-super-disgusting burps. and he burps without covering his mouth politely with his palm!! (not that it matters, cos' the burps were so powerful they would have easily trans-passed his pudgy fingers) and i was thinking, the world is suffering from gloabl warming isn't it? we are experiencing melting glaciers and ice caps, flooding in coastal cities and rising temperatures accounting for all these shit.
zihao, is undoubtedly one of the main producers of these gases that causes global warming. no doubt at all. guarantee plus chop i tell you. his burp can like make you so disgusted at the beginning, then become immune in the end--UNLESS HE BURPS FACING YOU WHILE YOU ARE HAVING YOUR MEAL. super gross. but that's my marshy for you people! so beware of his powerful and yucky burps. can smell what he has eaten for the ENTIRE day kind. blech.
there is pretty not much to blog about lately. or maybe i just can't be bothered to type in proper english and all. plus, there is hardly anyone reading.
hmmmm. speaking of which, i was listening to perfect 10's morning show with Vernon A and Justin Ang(i don't know if i spelt their names correctly) and they were interviewing on radio the SPG. i found it pretty interesting--their conversation and all. heh, and it kinda "satisfies" me listening to the SPG in person. she talks with a sort of a slang though. or maybe an accent. can't tell. hmmmmm.
and she happened to say something which i guess is pretty much true to a certain extent.
"people create online diaries and journals and write in them, wishing that people will read them. most people write for people to read. we put in effort in our writings and hope that people will read them."
perhaps this is true to a certain extent. even if the blog was set up and limited to readers of your own group of friends, it somehow makes one feel satisfied that a certain number of people are actually reading what you wrote. so does this means we are narcisstic by nature, in our own little ways?
school today was interesting, because of the much higher than usual attendance in class! =D
many blog worthy quotes. but all of which i forgot. i reall have lousy memory. should get recorder or tape to record all my conversations. then i'll never forget those moments that really cracked me up.
/talking about america's next top model in the cafe with a couple of our class peeps.
me:wah lau, that naima is damn chio la!"
syaf:yar!! but i think kahlen is prettier!"
zhaoyuan(out of nowhere):"no lehhh! i think that girl with the thing on her lips is prettiest!"
we were ALL wondering where got model with "that thing on her lips" one???! very very puzzling lah. then i looked at ziwan, and then i got it!!! OMG. i think i laughed until i almost puked out my potato wedges from my nostrils!!!!
by the way, it's an inside joke, so you don't understand nevermind. hahahah. tsktsk. don't kill me zw, but it was hilarious!! *grins*
ahhh, yun ma is becoming more and more bimbotic. hahaha, can't stand it already. :D
she so high lately, must be found her pilot boyfriend. and i didn't know she likes old men! *raises eyebrows at yun ma*
you know its terrible. i should be concentrating on studying right now, but i'm not. and it sucks to the core. i CARE about my grades, and i desperately need at least an ABB for my remaining three subs minus maths. and i don't know how to convert EEO to ABB. *sigh*
in so deep shit, it stinks, literally of cos'.
and i so don't need you to distract me. the sight of you makes my heart thump so much faster than it usually does. it skips a beat when i turn a corner and spot you walking in my direction.
it's stupid really, but i cannot help it.
i must stop this nonsense. but i just can't stop thinking about you. dammit.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
more more pictures.
plus new picutres recently.
at the TAO'S restuarant--just some pictures.
from top left going clockwise:
signboard outside the restaurant;
family portrait;
the white disgusting thing dating couples should never eat to remain glam;
the tissue provided and sis's nail.
from top left going clockwise:
me and sis;
me and sis again;
and again;
shopping outing with roy, zh, and bishi.
from top left going clockwise:
3 of us without flash;
3 of us with flash;
narcissist in action.
from top left going clockwise:
background info--all these are taken by the trigger-happy ZIHAO and not me.
roy me and bishi;
and yet again;
me and zh;
bishi being "shy";
me zh and roy;
me and roy;
me and my fats;
zh's infatuation with the Zara shopping bag.
from top left going clockwise:
everything taken by zihao.
from top left going clockwise:
zihao and himself yet again.
from top left going clockwise:
me and bishi on the train;
me and the sleeping roy.
from this influx of pictures, i was absolutely aghast at the vast amounts of self-portraits of the even-worse-than-me-photowhore--LIM ZIHAO. hahahaha! terrible.
some pictures taken by zw's camera.
from top left going cloackwise:
a very bushuang looking dingo, yun ma and me;
another one with the ever-bimbotic yun ma;
me and yun ma;
and another one;
me, winnie and syaffy.
from top left going clockwise:
me winnie and syaffy;
me winnie and syaffy;
white ass;
me and yun ma;
me and yun ma again;
zw, me, yun ma.
that should be all for now! :) hahaha. alot pictures so i decided to be lazy and compile all of them together. sigh. having flu. so dead. haven't started studying yet. SHITTO!
someone yell at me everytime i online leh. then like that maybe i can don't online.
anyway, boss was pretty nice and bought the hockey girls(only) some erm..pouches? hahahaha. really nice la. =D
lazy to blog, so off i go! tataaaa!
Sunday, October 02, 2005
/at grandma's house.
"ehhh! now got powerpuff girls movie! quick tune in to watch!!"-me
"what?? what puffy girls???"-mum
by the way, for background information, THREE people wished me HAPPY CHILDRENS' DAY TODAY!!!
-early morning-
terrell wished me happy childrens' day, abeit a irritating fashion. ROARRRR! only he can come up with such dumb things to do.
-late at night-
BROTHER dave wished me "happy childrens' day kiddo!"
he said KIDDO! oh god. i wanted to die. i'm a young adult you ass! hahaha! but anyways, we are even, cos' i called him a little boy. BAH!
best friend jc wished me happy childrens' day.
=( i think some people still think i am a kid. hahahaha! but seriously, it feels good to feel young! POWERPUFF GIRLS ROCKS!!!
they should come help save the world.
sigh. imagine, on childrens' day, Bali was bombed BY THE FUCKING TERRORISTS. tell me, what the hell is their problem. either they have too much time on their hands, or they hate childrens' day.
sigh. i seriously cannot tolerate their actions, yet i cannot do anything to stop all this shit. it's really infuriating.
i shall stop harping about how unfair this world is, cos' i know alot people who do not like to hear me talk about all the cheem stuff which i think how everything should be but isn't. i'm no president or whatsoever, and i am powerless.
on an irrelevant note, i do wish powerpuff girls exist. like that they can stop allt eh bombs from exploding. eliminate this world of terrorists and anything bad and harmful. it's childish really, to think so, but i think sometimes, a little simplicity in thought, and a little imagination can make this world more beautiful. and hopeful.
cos' it doesn't seem that hopeful now. *shrugs*
when i grow up, i wish i can help make this world a better place.
its all dreams la.
hahaha, by the way, i'm having such a good time talking to turkey online. SUPER FUNNY CAN! omg. :D
by the way haoz, you look very....erm....photogenic! really! :D *patspats* it's not that bad, and i don't think alot people read my blog la, you're over-reacting! =)