i'm kinda tired now. i have no idea why. so i'll make this short and sweet. i'll try.
headed to airport T3 with family to eat at Earle's Swensens. we had two vouchers and so the parents decided to go there. but the food was awful. GAHHH. or maybe i just had no appetite. but the 3 of them agreed that the food wasn't amazing or what. just edible. barely.
meant to be a celebration for sis who just turned 23 this 28th jan 09. wow. soon it's gonna be my turn. so old. shits.
i wanna go ride it one day! must be a memorable, sweet, romantic pleasant day!!! HINT HINT to fatbear.
nicest picture so far for the flyer. can do better. will try harder. (still on the car lor! i'm really zai right HAHAHAH)
the skies were really blue. and the clouds looked fluffy. like cotton candy.
my papa very cool ok. his shades so stylo milo HAHAHA.
hi hi fatface!
ermmm ya i wasn't buckled in (seatbelt). hush. but i liked the sunlight in this angle.
i looked stunned wtf. and bloated. sobs. like pufferfish.
-points to above-
i know people will think otherwise, but i'm very happy with this picture! i think it looks very nice. TO ME AT LEAST. that's all that matters. polaroid lookalike. i don't know how i managed this naturally, but i'm happy whenever i see it. partials can look pretty too.
top view of sneakers.
side view. i like this shot too. must be the pink. contrast. i did a macro shot for this too. shot this while sitting in the car.
new wallpaper. me and monz on her birthday!
people who see me in school and are relatively close to me should know who is this. mr grey! HAHAHA. i like this shot too.
at swensens.
the parents.
my mum took this picture for us. and she put her finger in the frame. but anything lah. can't be bothered to shoot again HAHA. ya ya ya, we two sisters look totally unrelated. (anyway i was grimacing in pain, if you observe, cos' of the terrible cramps)
toilet sign. the blue looks...spaceshippish.
salad bar buffet.
my poutry combo. shit(snail's) sausage. duck meat. chicken. and something else i forgot what. not very awesome at all. i'm not going swensen's again.
i forgot whose this is. but i think it's papa's. some seafood combo.
it doesn't even lok appetising..the pictures. FAILED.
sis's seafood grilled combo too. with salmon. looks like papa's too. only difference was she had salmon and he had beef.
ok mama ate the fish and chips. which weren't much to look at, or taste. bad food. or maybe i just have high expectations.
after popo got onto our car and fetching her home.
dusk falls. you can see how shaky the picture is. tsk.
chocolates popo got back from japan. still wrapped up.
japanese seaweed. mus tbe good stuff. yet to taste.
and she got us souvenirs from tokyo disney! woots. a mickeymouse pouch with candies inside. very nice handicraft for the pouch. although i'm no fan of disney. but i can survive with the pouch. they are useful.
went to USA's disney when i was still a kid. and i didn't even like it back then. everything was too fake and unreal and...i don't know...just lacking any personal touch. my parents forced me to take pictures with snow white and we had to chase after her down the street wtf. i sulked in the picture.
i think i'm crazy. -shrugs- home. visibly tired. and still in pain. zzz.
ok end of post. monday's pictures have been uploaded into my computer. took several shots today (monday). will blog when i feel less tired. boo.
i really dislike UGC. i need a major ass miracle. god dammit.
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