it's been long since i had a good, real entry. been busy with school, tuition and fatbear. and saturdays are so burnt i can hardly move at the end of the day. i think 24 hours a day is not enough. SIGH.
i'm gonna upload a couple of pictures taken EONS ago, it seems. so just...see lah huh. proof that i'm still alive. if anyone still reads this blog and CARES.

i think i had better find my brain back. wherever it is. felt like i've slept too little or nua-ed too much. either way, i feel lost. need to find my competitive edge back, my intelligence and survival instincts.
my ugc112 needs PLENTY of brains. not mcnuggets kind of brain matter. more of MEGASUPERburger kinda brain. zzz. CT needs to love me pleaseeee. and give me my A out of 5As he will give in the entire batch.
psy333 needs brains too. to pull through granny's lectures and tricks. granny doesn't need to love me, but i still need an A. zzzz.
com326 needs major brains to go through all those speeches and mcneil and make her love me and give me my A.
ok ya ya, i sound super obsessed with my grades. but i just hate it when i don't perform up to my own expectations and standards. not being anal or whatever you may be thinking right now. but i believe it's possible. it's been proven before. so i just need to continue it.
been making effort between the two of us, me and fatbear, to COMMUNICATE. wtf, i am a communications student ok!!! but yea...relationships are tiring, much less having to keep the faith going. it gets tough, and distressing, depressing, upsetting, disappointing and yet it can be all emotions in the opposite side of the spectrum too.
confusing, isn't it? we simply have to keep working on it, i guess. ok, fatbear? (:
thank you for all the love, understanding and space you have given me. no secrets, right? it's a promise. YOU BETTER KEEP YOUR PROMISE AH. HAHA.
have been looking through old pictures, dating all the way back from my secondary school days, to JC days, to university life in the first two years. i've changed so much, i feel...weird looking at myself in those pictures. granted, people around me have changed too.
but to watch your vampire teeth become straight, short spikey hair become long, (big eyes become smaller from lack of sleep etc etc wtf), and even changes in the style clothes worn! it's amazing.
pictures, taken any time, any where, any event, with any person, all documents memories.
humans never remember EVERY aspect of their lives. however, with pictures, i refresh lost "data" and recall "archived" ones. it's probably one of the most magical and mystical processes as you go through this "Rebirth" of the mind.
haven't been documenting my life recently. even time spent with fatbear, i hardly ever take pictures anymore. either i'm too burnt, or stoned. this shouldn't be the way! and what about pictures with friends in school???
i feel like i've lost a chunk of my memories already. it feels weird saying that--i wonder if anyone knows what i mean.
i've got to work on so many things this week. speech due on tuesday. psy report to draft. ugc ppt on thursday. ugc essay to plan and write. gahhh. tuition. work. and i think valentine's day gonna be shit (spending first half of day tutoring anyway).
good lucks to me! i will pull through unscathed and very much victorious. ((((:
come back, brain. it's time to come home.
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