overall, i think i did OKAY. better in some aspects than i expected. but disappointed in some aspects too.
i was happy that i remembered to SMILE/GRIN and look friendly.
i was happy that i remembered my lines pretty well. stumbled 2-3 times wtf. i hope that wouldn't be penalized much.
i was happy that i felt more relaxed when i got out there.
i was happy that i LOOKED confident and sounded so.
lastly, i was happy that people found my speech funny!!!!
i was so bloody worried that my speech would be boring and uninteresting and i would catch people yawning or something. zzzz. but it actually elicited bursts of laughter through the lecture room at various parts of my speech. (: i'm glad.
but i was unhappy that i spoke too fast AS USUAL. gahhhh. i kept reminding myself to slow down. but i'm a bullet train when i speak. grrr. i took about 2minutes plus in total only, i think, i hope. zzzz. if i took earlier than that, i'm in deep shit.
let's pray for all the best! my A+!!!! more speeches to comeeee. =S
my sis is being extremely nice recently. she just handed me a stack of her old clothes. hand-me-downs, yes. but because she got thinner over time, while i remained the same/gained a little more weight (wtf), i could fit into some of her looser stuff.
so i have new clothes without buying. omfg. and, and, although i am fat, i actually fit into some. excited shits. PLUS, they are all colored. meaning, NOT black lah. zzz. fatbear should be damn happy to hear this. HAHA.
sitting here at 2:15am tpying this. with 5 mozzie bites on my leg. i'm highly pissed and i cannot see where the offending insect is. grrrr. i hate mozzies man. knn. may they all vanquish and die and become extinct.
i'm so angry and i cannot stop scratching ARGHHH! EVIL!!!
met fatbear after i settled some of my UGC stuff for thursday. went to ikea. intention was to buy a cushion as a backing for my chair. couldn't find anything nice. so didn't buy. left with a new pet. and ate $1 hotdogs!!! HAHA.
meet baibai pang pang AKA bbpp. =D
bbpp and fatbear! fatbear likes to imitate my signature sign wtf.
me and bbpp!
because i had no pockets and no plastic bag (must pay for bag in ikea) to put bbpp in, i stuffed him into my shirt pocket. when i went to buy hotdogs from the counter, the cashier was laughing at him peeking out from the pocket.
see!! bbpp is cute ok! HAHA. ok fine, she was laughing at me. -.- damn cute.
ok last self-shot picture. there are still more pictures to be posted up. more bbpp and us. pictures taken after ikea. at rochor tau huay and shooting at the art school. DAMN LAZY to post.
see when i good mood ah. STAY TUNED!!!
good lucks to me for ugc presentation later!!! in less than 8 hours!!! nervous shit.
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