just wish you would listen to my explanations instead of just accusing people like that.
there ARE private and public videos.
don't believe can check it up yourself.
bad mood now.

and then monz tried to lock yarn out of the room (at kbox) by pushing the door close with her weight.
yarn looks like she's thinking how to get in.

but i cannot believe that it's actually so easy to get past monz. yarn simply rammed herself against the door, and came in liao. monz must be quite weak lah. tsk tsk.
but the sight was amusing. hahahah. the irrational vs the rational. quite the polar opposites.

ahhhhh. time crisis. quek was quite the pro...and turks? erm....not that bad lah. =D only those present will know...

"ehhh!! shoot the barrel!!! SHOOT!!!"
"ahhhhhhh!" *release pedal and hide*
"just shoot the barrels can already!"
*release pedal and tried to shoot*
-bang! one life lost-
even monz and i kan chiong for her when she play.
at long john's silver for budget dinner. slacked. talked. slacked.

evidence of monz's retardedness again. tsk.

toys 'r' us!

guess who???
i like niceeee eyebrows! hahahah. don't be jealous hf! =D

our steak. yum yum.

apple, pizza, unidentified object( up to your own imagination).
hahahah. well, it's monica's "algae growing on erhem".

lastly, sharon's work out after playing drums with only ONE beat. hahahah. poor thing. she looked super exhausted after the game. =D
not much birthday pictures for you. hahaha. but i'm thankful for many friends who had wished me happy birthday. =) you should know who you are..hahaha. shall not go into all the thank-yous all over again.
my ah gong's birthday party. just some pictures..lazy to upload all! GOT ALOT CAN. my father kept taking and taking and taking. tsk.

happy family..=)

ok. i'm tired. tml is going to be a long day for me. hope i don't collapse or something..better brace myself for the novena people.
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