at least i had the conscience to INFORM people i could not make it and that i TRIED.
at least this was the first and only outing i did not make it. i'm sorry's not like i wanted it. but i couldn't even think straight at that point in time. that's what one hour of sleep does to you.
i'm pissed easily when i'm tired ok.
why go over and piss people off and head for a outing i'll be too tired to even care who says what and who does what.
forget it.
i'm not used to being at home now. suddenly 4 days and 3 nights in chalet seems like heaven to me. away from everything but fun.
when things couldn't seem worse, YOU had to msg me to tell me all those shit things and then when i did not reply you, you called me and told me all those shit things again.
i'm PISSED ok. just leave me alone.
when i say i don't like you and will never like you, please get that fact into our thick skull and leave me alone.
everything was over between us years ago. so stop all that crap you are doing. the fact that you JUST called me again is making me pissed all over again. will you just leave me in peace???!!
enough outburst.
wahahahaha. i'm in love with this guy.

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