Tuesday, January 24, 2006
wierd conversations.
me: cos' it's from anna sui.
customer: who is anna sui? i've never heard of her.
me: ........she is a designer amongst other things.
customer: YOU SURE OR NOT. surely not famous one right!!
me: ...................................
sometimes i don't even WANT to talk to these retarded people.
csi woman: hey speed. are you kidding me? 50 blood prints?
csi man: i'm sorry. next time i'll ask the victim to die there on the spot ok?
HAHAHAHAHAHAH. speed has such lame humour.
seriously, today's incident is the WIERDEST of all. damn freaking wierd ok! i was helping my mum carry some boxes from papa's car upstairs to her shop. my arms were aaching by the time i reached the escalator so i was desperate to put the box down on the steps on the escalator. i almost bumped into an indian man. so i smiled my apology and signalled for him to move in front of me first.
so he stood infront of me on the escalator and i gladly put down my box with a sigh. HE HAD TURNED AROUND AND WAS LOOKING AT ME. fine lah. maybe my highlights really are THAT bad. =( then he started speaking to me.
indian man(IM): wah! the box very heavy eh?
me: yar. quite.
IM: what is inside?
me: things lor. bags.
IM: for what?
me: for my mum's shop...
*smiled at him in polite way*
IM: where is your mum's shop?
me: ermm...around here? *gestured at the walkway the escalator was reaching*
IM: ohhhh.
me: *smiled politely and looked at my box. i was trying to figure out how to lift it up again. i was also DISTRACTED from the conver already.*
IM: you are very sweet leh.
me: HUH?
IM: you are very sweet leh. *continues smiling down at me*
me: uhhhhhh. no lah, i don't think so. *squirms uncomfortably*
thankfully i finally reached the end of the escalator and i scurried off down the walkway. =X i had almost reached my mum's shop when i almost bumped into this really small-sized middle-aged woman infront of me. HELLO, NOT MY FAULT OK! i could hardly see her beyond the box!
it's like finding bishi in a bookstore. =p
but anyway, that conver is darn wierd lah.
i told my mum about it and she said there's this indian man around this area that stalks young females. her friend used to kenna stalk before.
i should have known man.
i'm not even CLOSE to sweet. =D
Sunday, January 22, 2006
random pictures again.
this person living in that house sure reminded me.

we all know CNY is coming when we see red underwear being hung out to dry. (must preapre to wear mah. good luck leh.)

firstly, i must say something. marshy!! i hope u are not offended or whatsoever but the moment i saw this sign, i thought of you. *GRINS* i think zh the chikorbei still is etched deep in my mind. =p
i will try my best to erase that ok. on account that you told me about PUG JELLY aka sore losers. =X

their burgers are HUGE.

chocolates make me drool.
lindt chocos make me salivate AND drool.

i know they look like cockroaches here, but please note that even if they LOOK like cockroaches, they are GOLD cockroaches ok!
heavenly i'll say.
bishi would second that. =D
it's settled. that stupid tour agency screwed up and we have to leave o 3rd feb istead of 27th jan. so i'll be gone to aust, perth from 3rd feb to 11 feb. yups. *shrugs* they put us on Quantas instead of the SIA we ought to get. so irritating.
so i'm gonna state it now.
i need to clean up my space at home. before CNY comes. i seriously need to. rahhhhh!!!
god dammit. i think the hugest mistake i've done today is to highlight my hair. =(
sigh. forget it. it'll run off. but dammit, i just feel so annoyed thinking about the money i've spent. arghhhh!!!
and i cannot stop thinking about how "ah lian" i look now. i want my fringe to grow back so that i can stop looking at the world in the eye.
and bishi, i was quite mad at you. but suan le. what's done is done. cannot blame you also. nevermind.
i got a freaking dress for CNY. hahahaha. it's brown in colour. so don't worry. very boho. very..erm..not so feminine kinda dress.
hides my flaws too. =p
all i need is a bolero(is that how you spell it?) with a hood to complete my love with that dress. =D
now, i need to set a date for my spring cleaning.
and i'm super excited for the outing with the exclusives! =p
please don't laugh or say anything about my hair ok! =(
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
just wanna remmeber today is a day i'm feeling upset.
Monday, January 16, 2006
firstly, as usual, about tuitioning. hahahah! i'm starting to get the hang of this "thing" as a teacher. basically, it's very much like being a student. every teacher starts out as a student. it's wierd isn't it? but i have to earn their respect from scratch. especially primary five and six kids. they are at this age where rebelling is cooler than sticking to the rules. i remember i was like that too. so in a way, being all goody-two-shoes is not going to hlep at all. thank god i was a rebel to begin with.
it was very much between work and play. convincing them to work, so that we can play to our hearts content after that. rewards for being hardworking. rewards for winning the game. praises for being smart and initiative. AND of cos', being reprimanded for disobeying rules. because i simply cannot let them climb over my head. rules ARE rules. and they must remain as rules. it's as simple as that. once they get the idea, they will start to go with the flow.
parents..dealing with them is never easy. but it's quite the same thing too. getting to know them, being friendly and approachable. understanding their kids through them.
m primary 6 english class has grown in size today. 9 students now. primary 5 english 3 kids. primary 6 creative english 4 kids and primary 5 creative english 2 kids. woahs. i think primary 6 english class is overwhelming.
the first lesson was rather awkward because they all did not talk much. BUT, i tell you! it's just a disguise!!!! *RAHHHHHH* they are so LOUD now that even them TALKING in the room vibrates my eardrums so much it's going to kill me. and there's this guy which YELLS. he doesn't speak in normal volume ok!! terrible. and when he yells, the rest takes it as an indicator that THEY can yell too. omfg.
hahahah. i may sound like i'm complaining alot. but seriously, i am enjoying myself. people may think tuitioning is easy chicken stuff. but trust me, it is NOT. my brain cells die everytime i mark their scripts or talk to them in class. preparing the work itself is killing.
i love them working hard. i love them having so much fun when we play after all of them hand in their work. i love seeing smiles on their faces. i love seeing them laugh out loud. i don't mind that they yell and scream so loudly. i don't even mind that much that the-yell-alot-boy kept saying ladies as gentleladies cos' men were supposed to be gentlemen.
hahahah. kids. =)
okok, enough gushing. i have loads to do. their test next week. new vocab lists. and marking their stuff. =X 2 more scripts than last week. hahahah.
some clitch happened during p5's english lesson today. kinda got me flustered. but i managed to settle it. i'm like big sister, teacher, counsellor, and sweet-giver there. hahahah. sigh. i'm glad those two brats got over it. i'm glad they didn't hate the way i handled it. and i'm even more glad that they both broke into smiles within minutes of the fight. :)
i'm glad they as kids, finally opened up their minds to think more maturely after the talk i had with them. =) cannot let this stupid fight destroy a friendship right? these kinda things don't need to grow up to understand one..heh.
god. one brat went out of the room after doing his stuff. and i assumed he went to the toilet. when he didn't come back after a very long time, and i finally realised his absence after finishing my work, i panicked.
so i went upstairs where the toilet was to find him. when i realised the toilets were empty and the door to the centre was open, for THAT HEARTBEAT, i really almost got my very first heart attack. because i was so afraid he got kidnapped or some shit.
then i calmed myself down to search the base level AGAIN for his trace. to my relief, i saw him scampering from the admin table to hide behind a wall. wtf. that kid!!!! rahhhhhhh. hahahah. i was very very relieved. that kid starting laughing and laughing at my lost composure. hahahah. this was not the first hide-and-seek session already lah. to think i fell for it again. blahhhhhh.
but it was really a sight to see them smiling again. really. i thought that fight would leave them sulking till the end of the lesson. forgive and forget. this is the lesson i told and taught them today. he has learn well obviously. hahahah.
i got my first atm card today. god damn happy. =D this is for my "touchable" account lah. i have another one that is totally untouchable. lol. parents say only i 21 years old then can touch. blah. i don't need that money yet anyway. anything lor.
hehe. so exciting ok. must start saving properly. =)
got my first pay check. although it's not alot lah. =p but i'm still happy. hahahaha. feels like hard earned money. feel good.
did i mention grey's anatomy is freaking addictive?
"it's not a chase."
"you and me. it's not a chase. it's not a game."
"then what is it?"
"it's just...nothing.it's just...nothing."
"you do it."
"what? why?"
"cos' you do it better than me."
"does meridith think i'm gay?"
"i don't know."
"does she?"
"are you gay?"
hahahah. darn. very VERY hooked onto it.
the cast is good. the plot unwinds just right. the storyline pulls me into the entire thing. and there are always lessons learnt. hahahah.
addicted. till next time!
Friday, January 13, 2006
random musings.
basically, i just want Mr. Sun to bloody come out so i can tan myself. nothing is worse now than being paler than the vampire i am. (sounds crazy i know) please please please can!!!
stop raining. i really don't like this season. i HAVE to bring my sweater everywhere because i know i'll freeze if i don't. i have very bad "warming thermal system" in my body. first, my fingers and toes will freeze. after that is my entire body will start convulsing in shivers. really shit lah. overall will look like kenna spasm like that. (think bishi irritating me and you'll get the image =p)
now my cousin's mother, which is my gugu decides that she wants two sessions of TWO hours per week for her son, which is my cousin HL. meaning i'll have to give him tuition on wednesdays and fridays, then monday and saturdays being the tuition lessons in he centre. i really have no idea how to work like this. yet the money is still ok for me to survive. i don't have difficulty surviving, but if i need to buy any BRANDED stuff, i'll have some difficulty lah.
but anyways, remember i resolved to shop less right? hehe. yes, must save money for "future education". i'm quite set on trying out for air stewardess-ing as a temporary 2 year job till i save enough to study overseas or something. my Alevel results are going to be shitload of crap, and i expect that. trying to prepare myself mentally. sucks really. but i just have to pay the price of not working hard then.
really bu ting lao ren yan, chi kui zai yan qian.
not that i'll become an air steward. not say want then got mah.
hahahah. sigh.
it's just a dream lah. why not try at least. heh.
ok, i'm kinda tired. got tuition again tml.
i need to CUT and HIGHLIGHT my hair. soon. those weeds on my head are overgrown man.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
blah bleh.
forget it. so now i've decided to give them work to do, then i go home and mark, then i compile a list of words and the meanings and the usage of these words/phrases/expressions to print and give the kids. YES. i shall just do this. cos' the dictionaries in that place is SUPER DUPER ULTRA CANNOT EVEN DESCRIBE lousy. freaking thin lah. it's a wonder can find any words with reasonable good meanings. i shall rely on my freaking thick LONGMAN at home plus dictionary.com. hehe.
so here i am compiling this terrible list. cannot imagine me doing this after every lesson, for both p5 and 6 kids. yea, the price you have to pay to appear pro enough so the kids and the irritating parents won't interrogate you or talk behind your back/infront of you about how lousy you are.
must be good teacher. yes. even though i hate to teach. but i must. MUST.
anyway, i don't know why the kids there love hangman so much. i seriously DO NOT LIKE that game, but to humour them must bluff bluff act like i like lor. =( and i'm running out of words to give them. really bad.
sweets and bribery is limited too. which reminds me i owe the p6 class ferrero and mint choco sweets. stupid idea of mine to have a competition. *sigh* but what else can i do to make them PAY ATTENTION to me???
p5 kids are loud and active bunch, even sweets cannot keep them still. seems to make them hyperactive. and both guys and girls are erm...VERY biologically educated that they quite shocked me. shall not go into details there. hahahah.
kids. i just wish they love me lah.
it's either work or play to them. i had to play catching, hide and seek, hangman and talk non-stop to them to get their attention. i kinda pity my primary school teacher now. 7 kids so far in my class, and i cannot take it already. i'm in awe of all teachers now.
locking up alone was scary. i hate it. and SHE did not even offer to stay back to accompany me despite her not having any lessons. sigh. i guess i cannot ask for much too. who would do so? i would. but she had other things on her mind i think. so i had to lock up myself. terrible feeling. i hate being alone. in the dark. in the freaking bomb shelter.
BISHI I MISS YOU!!! (even if my hand twitches involuntarily) *GRINS*
helping out at mama's was ok. met some crazy females though. i'm seriously upset by the behvaiour of females at times. i mean i AM a female too, but i do treat shopkeepers and their goods with respect. what more can i ask from shenton way working class people but just a teeny weeny respect and understanding? seriously, some are just plain retarded. their actions and conversations are beyond research and redemption in a way or another. i'm not trying to say i'm way better than them. sigh. i shall reserve the evidence for another entry. feeling fed-up just thinking about some of those retards. not what i would expect from these supposedly "high-class" people.
and i have to smile and ignore their apparent retardedness and act like i really am interested and keen to help. i really am at times. 1% of the time i'm simply turned off and insincere.
to end it all, i have a conclusion. the s'pore gahment cannot keep saying our service standards are low, but PLEASE LOOK INTO CUSTOMERS ATTITUDES TOO! for god's sake, it's a two way traffic. gotta be mutual. not either one or the other. if both parties can ATTEMPT to be cordial to BEGIN with, i think the service sector will indefinitely develop standards wise.
respect others and you will earn the respect you deserve. it's a simple principle, even children can understand. so why not full-grown adults like you and me?
just take a moment to think about it. next time you shop, try to remember your basic manners that your parents ought to have taught you when you were young. everything starts from the basics. it really makes alot difference. serving, and receiving wise, i guarantee a enjoyable experience for all.
thank you-s and simple smiles can make someone's day.
sjab outing was good, abeit lack of people and many who pulled out last minute. *frowns*
but had good chats with peeps like wj and reg. really opened up my heart and soul to them. about my future plans. my options. heh. i guess i'm quite settled on my decisions already. i ahve to make them now, cos' my brain will never be able to fully function when i receive those much dreaded results. i may commit suicide, trust me. i almost did for my Os.
nydc-ed with them. couple of pics and many unglam shots by wj. mac cafe-ed after that. and train-ed then bus-ed home.
i hate rainy days. really. skirts are too short to assure you of warmth. my jeans sweep the floor and get dirty with mud, gravel and soil and what-nots. shorts are not decent enough for a teacher-in-act. i'm lost. and my shoes get soaked.
i don't own a mini umbrella. hahahaha.
and i cannot tan. wtf.
i'm exhausted beyond words. will continue my list when i wake up. i miss loads of people. i really do. i miss school, but i don't want go back.
but when i'm feeling this exhaustion, at least i do not think about you.
what a long entry.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
really. i wonder if you ever do reflect about yourself.
i'm in no position to lecture you or even correct you. at least i do THINK about my actions and it's consequences afterwards.
you always think you are right.
maybe i shouldn't have even tried to speak up for you.
my mood is totally ruined by you.
just wanna say something: the world REALLY does not revolve around you alone.
a nice one lah.
tuition with cousin hl went well. he's quite cute really. hahahah. and smart too. just lazy and easily distracted like little boys his age.
but a lollipop promise kept him in his seat long enough. :P
wah kau. and my little niece told my popo that "lin lin jie jie very cute leh".
i think SHE is the cute one. hahahha! super ok! but im not paedophile ok!
tml got tuition with class. i'm damn stressed. school just reopened, i'm very sure there will be alot new students. meaning alot students, equals alot parents, equals alot questions and pestering. meaning i'll need to go get some sweets to bribe these kids tml. HAHAHAHAH!!
hope i'll be a wonderful tuition teacher, really.
i wanna do this right.
sunday got outing with sjab peeps! :) so long since we met up!! all so pretty, only i never change. hahahaha!! can't wait to see them again!
till then. :)
i miss school.
i miss alot people.
i just don't dare to say it out.
hehs. you all will never know.
i miss my thumbdrive too.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
fine, i'll probably be sued, but i'm feeling VERY VERY annoyed now. i cannot believe how bloody much i spent on transport TODAY alone. the first day i went out AFTER the last day of 2005, which means 2006, marking a supposed step towards ADULTHOOD. yes. adulthood=paying more to get from one place to another.
i started the day with $11 plus in my exlink card, after topping it up at the station. i ended the day with a freaking $8 and less in my ex link. ALL I DID WAS TAKE 3 BUSES AND TWO TRAINS. just kill me can. and i spent a fucking $5 to get home from clementi station by cabbing because i missed my last bus at 2317. feeling damn pissed now.
TMD. feeling violent now.
i'm not even financially ABLE to say the least, and i must pay so much just to get from one place to another. i'm ONLY 18 ok!!! dammit. and today i only travelled short distances from clementi to boon lay. if i travel to orchard and town area, it's $1.60 at least PER RIDE. TRAIN ONLY OK. what about my bus fares? counting by the number of bus stops, then the number of buses i have to take......
i really don't feel happy at all.
i used to be able to take public transport feeling happy because each ride costs 45 cents only and regardless of the length of journey. NOW I TRAVEL ALSO MUST THINK AND CALCULATE WHICH WAY IS MORE WORTH IT. BUS, TRAIN or CAB.
the WORST THING IS I GET A HEART ATTACK EVERYTIME I FORGET TO TAP MY CARD BEFORE ALIGHTING FROM THE BLOODY BUS. HEART ATTACK literally. imagining the transport system charging me all the way till THE END OF THE JOURNEY is not funny at all. AT ALL.
i was so used to tapping when ig et on the bus and HOPPING OFF IT HAPPILY at the end of my ride without caring to tap or not. but now..things are so different. i really don't know how things can get better. how i can get used to all these.
how much money i'll spend travelling.
like abbas said, i'm really "feeling the pinch".
really. i cannot stop whining about this topic to my friends. and neither can they stop whining to me too. sigh. ok, let's call this complaining.
i think i'll consider buying adult concession. must go calculate worth it or not first. haix.
sigh. enough of this "complaining". ocip farewell dinner for the guys before they enter army was a blast. at least to me. not very BLAST but an ok :) blast kind. hahahha. EH I GOT HELP COOK LEH. i'm so proud of myself. the food turned out great man!! i loved that honey hotdogs, the cheese and butter mushrooms, the curry chicken, and alot things lahhhh. plus the ice creams and cookies we had after that. WAH BIANG, super fat now. hahahahah. really stuffing our faces with food while tv-ing. :D VERY bad. hahahah. but damn good feeling. :) really love them to bits. laughed alot with my sit-in-front-of-tv-job mates. :P
got to see ALL the ocip guys finally!! :) sigh. don't know when we'll get to see them again. botak next time! hehs. will miss them truly. sighhh. the fun times we had. really will miss it.
i don't know when the girls will meet up again too. all busy with thier lives..with no reason to meet up..? sigh. really scared things will change soon. somehow i don't like changes, but it always happens. some changes are good though. some are just unwanted.
ok. got some pictures.

bridging will some watched emily rose;
the super duper huge cards;
zw's "take cab from here to clementi $10 should be enough lah";
yl concentrating on her cards.

clockwise from top left:
look at how huge the cards are!;
yh bro;
lx and shih jie in the backgrd;
weiqiang and joel.
clockwise from top left:
wei zheng;
joel and zw;
joel and sj.
hahahah. no pics of me at all. phew. no one can say i zi lian again. :P hmmmm. zw just told me online dingo, yh and wq still at her house! hahahaha. sigh.
anyway, these pics were taken with my phone. too lazy to whip out the cam to take proper pictures lah. camera phone more convenient. hahaha. :)
ok i'm exhausted. think i going help out mama in shop tml. night! DARN THE TRAVELLING FARES.
note to self: stop whining jielin!!! *sulks* *pouts*
Sunday, January 01, 2006
pictures of past outings and some ramblings.
at the chalet. did not take much pics sadly, was busy having fun. :D ps: zw, i made your pics DAMN small already. i know it's very unglam mah. :D
ocip outing(dinner) at nydc then a few went to esplanade at night.

4d outing on NYE to holland v and stayovers in wt and pika's house.

there, i've finally managed to get my lazy bum down to compile the pictures i had taken for the various outings. not alot, and not very well done indeed, but at least i tried. rahhhh. sorry for the lack of captions too. i understand can already. don't think alot people read this blog also. heh.
i may not have all the pictures here because some were taken by other people's cams and so i do not have them yet. yups. :)
i'm feeling abit off now and i don't know why exactly. maybe it's the fact that everyone assumes i'm heading for university straight after getting the Alevels results that is pising me off. hey there, i know my limits and i know what i did to screw it all up. so i do not need your reminder so often to tell me that i'm not gonna make it and you are. thanks alot.
but there's NO "when we go uni ah.." anymore. cos' i'm heading for somewhere else but university. no point whining now already. don't want to waste energy whining also. hell with it. not like anything can change now.
was thinking of the outing with 4d a moment ago. realised maybe the reason why we can laugh so easily with each other is because we know each other well enough. i was recalling that moment stupid ck couldn't stop shrieking at me in laughter because i made a fool out of myself infront of him on the road. RAHHHHH. i shall not mention it here. the point here is, even the silence is comfortable.
how many friends like these can i truly find in life?
it's 2006, and i wish to get a grasp of my life once again. somehow, i simply cannot seem to be able to grip it firmly and confidently. i'm still uncertain that's all.
maybe i should start with my resolutions.
i'm bankrupt.
ok, wrong way to start the new year...happy new year 2006 to everyone!!! :)
i hope everyone had a great time, because i can say i enjoyed my "countdown moments" quite alot. :D had a shopping trip with nainai in the afternoon after she airflown the pig from china to my house. BOUGHT EVEN MORE STUFF. seriously, this is way too much. i went out planning to get TOPS for myself, and i ended up getting NO TOPS at all. wtf lah. btu i got other things. yx is a super super super bad person to go shopping with. you don't buy anything when you go out with her is IMPOSSIBLE. =(
i just tallied the amount i spent these TWO days, and i think i'm gonna have a heart attack. really. for someone who is NOT working yet still spending so much.
ehhh, don't you come saying it's so little why so shocked. it's the fact that i'm not working and these money are like everything i have from saving the tuition money and working my butt off at mama's shop. sigh. high expenditure to me. which is why i seriously NEED a fucking job and one of my resolution is to SAVE
anyway, back to the topic. i went shopping in orchard with her, then when bishi finally came after super long, we continued shopping. but the both of us were so tired from two days of continuous shopping and already got most things we wanted that we kinda nua diao. *grins*
BUT, we went off the holland v earlier since we had nothing to do and town was bursting with people. guess what? we shopped more there. I shopped more there. TMD!!!! spend more money again!!! RAHHHHHHH!!!!
i'm feeling violent. but i guess it was a good buy there. i love bs's skirt!!! but she's right, no girl loves to wear the same thing as another girl. =X
so, I GOT ANOTHER SKIRT. my first LONG skirt can. in white some more. i should thank god if it doesn't make me look fat. dammit. but it's so freaking pretty when i wre it int he shop with the things i had then, so i decided i HAD to buy it. to hell with it being long, but it's so niceeeeee!!! and they thought that "tall girls should make use of their height". hmmmmmmm.
dammit. i love the boho combination SUPER MUCH NOW!!! i just gotta add some funky look to it so that i won't turn out dressing like my sister. later she say i copy her how!! but it just looked very nice lah!!! oh man.
anyway, i just remembered alice and jieling incident. WAHAHAHAHAHA. ok, shall not comment on it right alice? :D
hmmm, anyway, after hyperventilating at this really WONDERFUL store in holland v, and bought many things after our hyperventilation attack, most of the 4d people had arrived and watched us hyperventilate. (basically that's the three of us lah). ahahahha. super funny. but i was feeling damn high in that shop. the things were really affordable and PRETTY!!! you just gotta know how to DIGGGGGGG. (refer to yx for this skill)
and they even provide free tailoring if you purchase that clothing. ok, i hope i'll wear the stuff i bought like nicely and appropriately cos' i spent a bomb. never spent so much in one go since last year ok!!!
dinner at holland v was free after we(the girls) managed to convince ck to treat us girls. HAHAHAHAHAHA. and he did!!! omg, i tell you i love ck to bits. hahahaha. somehow i think spending time with 4d peeps always manages to make me laugh easily. really miss them loads..very long never see them already..
dined at crystal jade. ate la mian. never finished as usual. with xiao long bao. woo hoo!! caught up with alot people. laughed. teared. sniffed(cos' the la mian very hot and spicy).
then was slacking at holland v trying to digest cos' we were all so full from the food!!! rahhhh. walked back and forth, saw paula rushing home to go out again. talked about where to go. wanted to booze but minority wanted to, so forget it lah. start the new year being a guai kia and drinking sparkling juice *rolls eyes*.
hahahha. crashed at wt's house after much deliberation. slacked. daideed. was assholed. they mahjonged. watched tv. talked. saw wt's new bf!!!! hahahaha. girl talked. yays! :)
pear was too tired to come after her date i think, and pangsehed us. hahaha. so we headed to pika's house ON FOOT. super tired i tell you. lucky best friend jc very nice helped me carry my heavy bag of shopping loot. hahahaha. love uuuu!! :) so off from huma park 1 to cashew heights we went. and crashed there till daybreak. slacked and channelled surfed on cable, watched this countdown overseas that had alot singing and adverts and i was so bored i fell aslp. so yea, the day went pass like that. drifting in and out of slp.
was brain dead when we all decided to go home. cabbed home with ck. did not dare to trust myself to TAP that damn card before alighting. was almost home before realising the music i had been listening to all the while on the cab was tamil songs. hmmmmm. i think i was really brain dead.
managed to get home in one piece. papa locked me out. had to ding dong to get him unlock the door. then i bathed and he got breakfast for me. the paus hardened like no one's business and i ended up eating biscuits and NOT paus. =(
but thanks for the breakie! :) unpacked my loot. threw into washing machine. sat down to focus and tabulated my expenditure(to shock myself into awakening). resolutions. then i was too tired and fell dead on my bed from 10plus to 3 plus.
when i awoke, i had lunch waiting for me. hahahaha. so here i am. feeling quite awake after all. nice sleep. :)
had fun. took pictures with wt's cam. very funny!!! hahahaha. actually i took some with my phone, but i am very lazy to upload. so we'll see how. :P
memories man. i wonder when will we all meet again. just the usual group of us. :)
rahhhhh. transport so expensive now can. super bushang. *pouts*
tml going ah wan's house for ocip outing!!!! omg going to have fun again!!! woooooo! :P
ok. job job job job. money money money.
it's nice to flip through those pictures taken, and smile with warmth radiating throughout your body. because looking at friends you care for, the times we had together, is just more than i can ask for.
not taking things for granted, that's one of my new year's resolution. :)
i love you all. it's a new year, new paths ahead for each and everyone. but some things will not be new. i believe our friendships will still last, because we all try in our little ways. :)