hahaha, so i shall blog for thee! =)
though i haven't checked my blog counter for quite long. stagnant place this is. sorry guys!
been rather busy tuitioning and marking the stupid papers and teaching and travelling and helping my mum and msging and calling and going out till super late and getting scolded by my parents.
but i'm happy so far. leading a quite hectic life. at least it's not too mundane. hmmm. spending FAR too much though.
monz and i just set up a SAVERS COMMITTEE. hahaha. who wants to join man! =D
i think we both shall be president. hahaha. the most cannot make it and break all the rules in the committee presidents.
hahaha. i really appreciate friends alot. like ALOT. i realise that one single, simple msg from them can eally make my day. of cos', provided the msg contains decently and non-vulgar or *insert bad stuff* lah. hmm you guys get the point right. hahaha. happy happy girl. especially when you know your friends are in army and they make the effort to reply to your messages or message you first after a tired day. it really touches me. the effort.
i hope you guys are doing fine in there! do take care of yourselves!
hahaha. zh and his monday, tuesday, wednesday shalalala.
white ass with his very hiong company cougar but still holding on strong.
abbas though sick but fighting on too.
and him. =)
amongst a few to mention. hehe.
ok. i was thinking if there was a need to update on the past weeks events. i think i better not. it's getting late and i'm distracted online, multi-tasking as usual. i may never complete this entry. hahaha.
i'm trying my best to remain happy. and yea well..try to forget unpleasant things and people along the way. just so you guys know, no unis have contacted me or whatsoever. i'm starting to plan for my future AGAIN. sigh. this is getting depressing. but i'm not going down without a fight. never.
hmmm. alex the long lost forgotten pig has msged me out of the blue. and i suddenly realised i missed him lah! hahaha. he misses me too. LOL. damn..super long never meet up. gotta meet up one day! REALLY. i still rmb you hp number ok! and birthday. hehe.

in case you all miss me so much and forgot how i look. this is a recent picture of me. never changed much. see the silver ring and the black coco rings? sisterhood! hahaha. the jacket's new. military style. makes me feel like a pro teacher when i wear it. cannot stand it man. hahaha.
and i need to highlight and trim my hair again. =X
okok! i know the picture is retarded.
i miss you all! take care!
ps: exclusives outing!!! arghhh. i really hope we can coordinate a time!!!