Monday, August 25, 2008

first day of school.

was pretty bad and pretty okay.

i am sick. down with flu and sorethroat.

abs best friend is in my class.

lecturer is bob.
neither good nor bad.

the syllabus is scaring me.

cannot choose groups and i see landmines.
tmd bad.

today i threw together odd pieces and it turned out decent.
the jumpsuit/jumper from topshop which i've thrown aside.
coupled with the white top that i never knew how to wear.
too bad i was feeling too sick to take any pictures.
by the time i reached home, i had to drag my feet and i almost stumbled into the middle of the road where a taxi was heading towards me. zzz.

escape death.

subway for lunch. healthy ah.
neither hungry nor full now. dinner in a few hours time.

wasn't late for 9am class today. 9am again tomorrow. i heard that our lecturer is McNeal. is it spelt like this? shall see for myself tomorrow.

praying for the best.

shall go for a jog after class tomorrow provided it does not rain.
gonna find my body back. zzz. liposuction is always a faster and better alternative.
give me money. or rich bf. HAHAAHHA.
aye joking lah. byebye.

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